
使用 PowerShell 自动化 CloudServices 发布

在软件的开发过程中,自动化的编译和部署能够带来很多的优势。如果可以通过一个脚本实现软件的自动化部署,那么就可以节省大量的时间去做其它 ...
powertoolsteam 评论(0) 有338人浏览 2016-06-21 12:19

Errors running builder Deployment on project‘’:java.lang.NullPointerException

重装myeclipse后,载入原来的工作空间,遇到的问题。 直接做clean,但是弹出错误提示,说有builder java.lang.NullPointerException导致无法编译,于是寻找问题所在。结果发现myeclipse中deploy按钮以及manage deployments按钮无效。于是明白项目自动部署出现问题,跟原先的环境起冲突,于是网上搜资料,十几分钟的各种问题百度之后,终于找 ...
eye_jiang 评论(0) 有699人浏览 2014-09-01 16:04

Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.context.

如果Eclipse的BuildPath里面不缺jar包并且在 ProjectProperties>>DeploymentAssembly里面定义的lib都包含齐全,那么有可能jar包没有被deploy到tomcat里面路径可能是:\WorkSpace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp1\wtpwebapps\Projec ...
依然任逍遥 评论(0) 有38186人浏览 2013-12-07 18:54


1. 解压:apache-jmeter-{version}_src.zip    2. src的lib内不提供工程依赖的jar包,所以需要手工下载 a. 确认系统已经安装并配置Antb. 如果是代理上网的机器需要为Ant配置代理信息: Windows用户请修改$ANT_HONE\bin\ant.bat, Linux用户修改$ANT_HOME\bin\ant.sh 在文件内增加一条命令:se ...
joshuasabrina 评论(1) 有4620人浏览 2013-03-04 14:38

基于git 的网站发布脚本,非常成熟

下面共享以下我目前正在使用的,基于git实现的网站发布脚本       Deployment GIT Installation https://github.com/netkiller/deployment.git $ git clone https://github.com/netkiller/deployment.git $ chmod 755 -R deplo ...
netkiller.github.com 评论(4) 有6657人浏览 2012-12-06 20:28


Deployment Installation https://github.com/netkiller/deployment.git $ git clone https://github.com/netkiller/deployment.git $ chmod 755 -R deployment $ export DEPLOY_HOME=~/deploy ...
netkiller.github.com 评论(0) 有1523人浏览 2012-08-22 18:53


今天发布一个工程到tomcat中,不能发布成功,问题描述如下: Deployment failure on Tomcat  6.x. Could not copy all resources to D:\...\webapps\office. If a file is locked, you can wait until the lock times out to redeploy, or sto ...
fanfanlovey 评论(1) 有1967人浏览 2012-03-13 17:43


一、问题 部署项目到tomcat中出现一个“黄叹号!”。报错如下:      (1) Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents. You'll need to manually 'Redeploy' the project to update the deployed archive.   ...
VincentBoy 评论(0) 有2171人浏览 2012-02-16 15:33

Development 和 Deployment Mode

摘自:Pro Wicket Modify the label User Name to User Name1 in Login.html and refresh the page; you will notice the template now displays User Name1. Essentially, any change to the template is reflected in ...
greybeard 评论(0) 有1441人浏览 2011-08-23 00:51

Rails Deployment(1)modrails

Rails Deployment(1)modrails 1. Install Passenger >sudo gem install passenger >sudo passenger-install-apache2-module This is the console output of the command: checking for required software... ...
sillycat 评论(0) 有1233人浏览 2011-08-17 13:44


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