
JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript

1. JavaScript:     1) It is developed by Netscape company.     2) It is based on Browser installed on client.     3) It is Object Oriented Programming Language and not Based On Object.     4) It ...
DavyJones2010 评论(0) 有869人浏览 2013-06-05 00:22

JDBC: Introduction to JDBC (Part I)

1. JDBC(Java Data Base Connectivity)         1) Composed with interfaces and classes. Mostly with interfaces as core function and minorly with classes.         2) It is a part of JavaSE and are bas ...
DavyJones2010 评论(0) 有1309人浏览 2013-04-21 22:01

MySQL: Union

1. Union     1) Function: Combine the result sets from two query into one single result set. # Single result set 1 select * from stu where stu_score > 40; # Single result set 2 select * fro ...
DavyJones2010 评论(0) 有963人浏览 2013-04-18 00:44

HTML 5 introduction PPT, DEMO

在公司做的一个share session,附件包含HTML 5 ppt+ Demo, 分享给大家。 ppt内容已基本包含HTML 5的新特性, 是《HTML 5 与 CSS 3 权威指南》的读书总结。
kooii 评论(0) 有1146人浏览 2012-12-06 15:53


数论概论(英文版.第4版)基本信息原书名:A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory Fourth Edition 作者: (美)西尔弗曼(Silverman, J. H.) [作译者介绍] 丛书名: 华章数学 ...
china-pub2010 评论(0) 有832人浏览 2012-06-14 14:55


数理统计学导论(英文版第7版)基本信息原书名:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Seventh Edition 作者: (美)霍格(Hogg, R. V.) [作译者介绍] 丛书名: 华章统计学 ...
china-pub2010 评论(0) 有1344人浏览 2012-06-14 14:08


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