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RPC(Remote Procedure Call Protocol)——远程过程调用协议,它是一种通过网络从远程计算机程序上请求服务,而不需要了解底层网络技术的协议。
1. 我无聊,没有更好的事情去做。
2. 我自命不凡,坐在家里,深知即使我侮辱了你编程最喜欢用的语言,你也拿我没折。除非你能发明出这样的东西:
3. 我忘了第三个理由 ...
haskell - zipper - use examples: file system and watch the steps
we have seen the zipper in the previous post, now we will see some application and examples of Zippers.
firt, we will examine a simple file system implemented with Zipper.
type Name = Strin ...
haskell - zipper - taking a tree
referential transparency,, one value is as good as another in Haskell if it represents the same thing.
we have to have some way of knowing exactly which five in our tree we want to ch ...
haskell - few more monad - Making Monads
now, we will see how we make monads,.
the guideline of making hte monad is not to make a monad for the purpose of monad. normally, we usually make a type that whose purpose is to model an aspect ...
haskell - few more monad - solving problem with Monads
We have seen the RPN can be solved with haskell in previous examples, now we will see how we can do use monad to solve it.
With monad, you might not gain more in terms of just solving hte problem, b ...
haskell - few more monad - Useful monadic functions
Because the Monad are so lynch point of the haskell language, we will examine more of the monadic functions, the functions that we are going to examine include:
operate on monadic values
retur ...
haskell - few more monad - Error on the wall
in the module called "Control.Monad.Error" , it has defined a type called Error, adn that type hass been made an instance of the Monad (Either e), and the definition of that is
instance ...
haskell - few more monad - stateful computation
Haskell is a pure - in another word, a stateless computation, where a program makde of cuntions that can't change any global any global state or variabble, they can only do some computations and retu ...
haskell - few more monad - Reader Monad
we have seen before the (->) r is an instance of functor, and we can do things like this :
this basically allow us to do the fmap function mapping.
ghci> let f = (*5)
ghci> let g = (+ ...
haskell - Monads - difference lists
as We seen in previous example, where it is very low effecient to construct the list by appending, while if hte list is constructed in the wrong order, the performance can be worse, So if there is som ...
haskell - few more monad - Writer Monad
We will going to examine more monad, which will makes us more easily with a more variety of problems. exploring a few monads more will also solidify our intuition for monads.
to install the Mona ...
haskell - Monads - problem solving : A knight's quest
let's use the monad to solve some problems. here is a famous question,
Say you have a chess board and only one knight piece on it. We want to find out if the knight can reach a certain position i ...
haskell - Monads - the list monad
in this post, we will going to examine the list a monad, first let's see what is the definition of the list monad, here is the definition of the
instance Monad [] where
return x = [x]
haskell - Monads - the list monad
in this post, we will going to examine the list a monad, first let's see what is the definition of the list monad, here is the definition of the
instance Monad [] where
return x = [x]