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Item 13: Minimize the accessibility of classes and members
1. A well-designed module hides all of its implementation details, cleanly separating its API from its implementation. Modules then communicate only through their APIs and are oblivious to each othe ...
已前的学习笔记java lesson 9
Java lesson 9
1. 面向对象程序设计的三大基本特征:继承(Inheritence)、封装(Encapsulation)、多态(Polymorphism)
2. 封装:类包含了数据与方法,将数据与方 ...
Chapter 6. Access Control -- Thinking in Java
1) Java provides access specifiers to allow the library creator to say what is available to the client programmer and what is not. The levels of access control from “most access” to “least access” ar ...