
DCMTK: DcmSCP, error:QueryRetrieveLevel larger remaining bytes

最近在DcmSCU发送一个findRequest后,DcmSCP总是报一个错误:   hi, all.when i send a findRequest in DcmSCU, it will be successful to receive response.but then the DcmServer will take place an error, as follows.Quote: ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3057人浏览 2012-11-06 09:48

DCMTK:wwwapp instalation

  问题   最近按照wwwapp.txt安装worklist中www application server。总有一步看不透。   3. INSTALL FILES b) Then copy all executables from dcmtk/dcmwlm/wwwapps to the same directory: preplock, readoviw, readwlst ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3347人浏览 2012-10-18 15:55

workList in DCMTK问题总结

最近正在配置DCMTK中的worklist,因为需要响应C-Find请求。 出现了很多问题,先总结问题,慢慢解决。以后再来叙述如何配置worklist   1、为啥看不到AETitle下面的文件呢???? --------------------   解决方法:我估计原因在我还没配置wlmscpfs.exe,这样无法访问数据源。官方帮助文档说:     If you h ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3608人浏览 2012-10-17 19:37

web Server支持 perl

最近使用DCMTK 安装worklist 需要用到webserver支持perl。   DCMTK官方建议用NCSA Httpd1.5来安装webserver,但是这个软件一般用在Unix/Linux上,而且现在很多用这种web服务的软件商都改用了Apache.所以我打算换其他的webServer,应该不影响。比如Apache http server、 iis。   1、Apache htt ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有3416人浏览 2012-10-17 10:06


  【前言】         最近,因为需要开发DICOM网管模块,必须使用DCMTK的DcmNet模块。但是DCMTK3.6.0在DcmNet模块中只提供两个实验阶段的网络类DcmSCU和DcmSCP。而且他们并没有完全实现DICOM的C-Echo、C-Find、C-Get、C-Move和C-store操作。只实现了C-Echo和C-Find操作。       调研了一番,发现DCMTK ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有7481人浏览 2012-09-25 16:16


就像DCMTK官方论坛说的那个问题一样:问题:自定义Appender输出DCMTK的oflog   DCMTK日志输出类 大家都知道:DCMTK只提供下面四个日志输出类。 FileAppender: ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有5297人浏览 2012-09-24 10:30


在我调试DCMTK的DcmNet过程中,发现在Oflog中,DCMTK的日志只能输出到控制台应用程序的console窗口,或者输出到文件中,无法单独获取日志信息。 如果想输出Gui项目中,需要自己继承log4cpus,自定义Appender实现输出log。 如果我实现了,再过来更新我的代码。 已解决该问题:【原创】自定义Appender类,输出DCMTK日志     Subscri ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有2885人浏览 2012-09-24 10:09

DCMTK Create a Mammography CAD SR Document

  Howto: Create a Mammography CAD SR Document Here's an example that shows how to start from scratch: Source Code   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" #include "dcmtk/dcmsr/dsr ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有2805人浏览 2012-09-18 09:17

DCMTK Howto: User Identity Negotiation

  Howto: User Identity Negotiation Since April 2008 DCMTK allows for handling a feature called User Identity Negotiation, which is an optional mechanism to send/receive user credentials, a Kerberos ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6192人浏览 2012-09-18 09:16

DCMTK: Set output directory to DcmSCP

  Author Message
qimo601 评论(0) 有4573人浏览 2012-09-18 09:16


PACS connection Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有14809人浏览 2012-09-15 14:04

DCMTK:Receiving Images from PACS using DCMSCU

  通过DCMTK的DCMSCU,从PACS获取图像,看看人家咋回答的。 Receiving Images from PACS using DCMSCU Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有5214人浏览 2012-09-15 14:03

DCMTK:DCMSCU get series

Author Message manoindia2020  Post subject: DCMSCU get series
qimo601 评论(0) 有2806人浏览 2012-09-15 14:02


转载:http://forum.dcmtk.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2812&hilit=DCMNET connect to PACS system biginner question Moderator: Moderator Team  
qimo601 评论(0) 有5871人浏览 2012-09-15 14:01

DCMTK:howto:dcmscu-example 网络客户端

  DcmSCU example program This is example code how to program an actual DICOM client with the DcmSCU class. In particular, it demonstrates how to send an ECHO to the server (usually a PACS), ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有4367人浏览 2012-09-15 14:00

DCMTK提取Overlay Data

  Howto: Extract Overlay Data Here's an example that shows how it works in principle: Source Code   #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h" #include "dcmtk/dcmimgle/dcmimage.h" ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有4278人浏览 2012-09-14 14:07

DCMTK获取压缩后的pixel data

  Howto: Accessing Compressed Data If compressed DICOM images are loaded, DCMTK most of the time does the job of decompressing the image data itself, e.g. when the user feeds it into the DicomImage ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有6489人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Howto: Access multi-frame images without loading complete pixel data Here's an example that shows how to access the individual frames of a large multi-frame image (for visualization purposes) wit ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有5684人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Howto: Generate Unique Identifier (UID) Here's an example that shows how the generation of three new UIDs works (e.g. to be used for a new SOP Instance created by dump2dcm) :
qimo601 评论(0) 有2995人浏览 2012-09-14 14:06


  Examples The following example shows how to load a DICOM file and output the patient's name:   DcmFileFormat fileformat; OFCondition status = fileformat.loadFile("test.dcm"); if (st ...
qimo601 评论(0) 有7958人浏览 2012-09-14 14:05


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