
Android SDK Emulator: Compile CyanogenMod

How to compile CyanogenMod for the Android Emulator. This how-to was written for Ubuntu 10.04 & Ubuntu 10.10, Android Emulator r08, CyanogenMod 7.x (Gingerbread), on 2 February 2011. Prepare the B ...
maricoliu 评论(0) 有2448人浏览 2012-02-17 15:08

Samsung Galaxy S: Compile CyanogenMod (Linux)

  How to compile CyanogenMod for GalaxySMTD (Samsung Galaxy S I9000/I9000M/I9000T). This how-to was written for Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.10, and Ubuntu 11.04, GalaxySMTD, CyanogenMod 7.x (Gingerbread) ...
pop1030123 评论(0) 有1179人浏览 2012-02-11 10:17

cyanogenMod source code download

Install CyanogenMod on the deviceFirst, you will need to get a working install on the device: Installing CyanogenMod on the device.Install development support packagesInstall the following packages usi ...
leonDK 评论(0) 有1413人浏览 2012-02-07 11:07


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