
ERROR: Couldn't open transport for host.impala:26000(connect() failed: Connectio

 今天impala集群在执行:invalidate metadata;时,报ERROR: Couldn't open transport for host.impala:26000(connect() failed: Connection refused)  经过分析后,发现主节点的catalog服务已经停了,没启动, service impala-catalog status Impala C ...
daizj 评论(0) 有2141人浏览 2017-05-01 20:32

ssh connect to host port : Connection refused

 问题:ssh请求被拒绝 pruce@~$ ssh pruce@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused  解决一: #查看ssh是否正常安装 pruce1@~$ ps -ef|grep ssh pruce1 3826 3743 0 11:56 pts/1 ...
java--hhf 评论(1) 有2146人浏览 2016-03-15 12:01

Connection Refused

There could be many reasons, but the most common are: The port is not open on the destination machine. The port is open on the destination machine, but its backlog of pending connections is full. A f ...
sunjing 评论(0) 有1889人浏览 2016-01-21 10:26

用Hibernate+Proxool连Oracle RAC时报“Could not obtain connection metadata”的解决办法

    项目中一个应用持久层配置为Hibernate+Proxool,在本地连单Oracle数据库没有问题,部署到现网Oracle RAC环境时总是报错 [WARN ] Could not obtain connection metadata java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(ERR=1153)(VSN ...
epy 评论(0) 有4308人浏览 2013-01-29 21:21


解决更换Linux服务器IP后,ssh登录报“ssh: connect to host xxx port 22: Connection refused”错误   由于之前服务器的sshd服务一直正常,但更换IP后通过putty进行登录,报“连接被拒绝”异常   一、重启sshd服务,查看登录是否正常,如果还有异常进行下面步骤       netstat sshd   二、将.ssh/ ...
wujingenli 评论(0) 有3430人浏览 2012-08-28 10:23


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