
AioTrade Investigation (Section E: The logic of TickerServer)

AioTrade Investigation (Section E: The logic of TickerServer) guibin.beijing@gmail.com AioTrade source code: https://github.com/dcaoyuan/aiotrade The TickerServer(org.aiotrade.lib.securities.dataserv ...
guibin 评论(0) 有1422人浏览 2011-07-16 20:32

AioTrade Investigation (Section C: Basic Data Type in AioTrade)

AioTrade Investigation (Section C: Basic Data Type in AioTrade) guibin.beijing@gmail.com AioTrade source code: https://github.com/dcaoyuan/aiotrade 1. TVal org.aiotrade.lib.math.timeseries.TVal repres ...
guibin 评论(0) 有1372人浏览 2011-07-10 16:18

AioTrade Investigation (Section B: DataContract and Content)

AioTrade Investigation (Section B: DataContract and Content) guibin.beijing@gmail.com AioTrade source code: https://github.com/dcaoyuan/aiotrade The DataContract's source code is located at  https://g ...
guibin 评论(0) 有1764人浏览 2011-06-26 18:14

AioTrade Investigation (Section A: DataServer)

AioTrade Investigation (Section A: DataServer) guibin.beijing@gmail.com AioTrade source code: https://github.com/dcaoyuan/aiotrade Note: The DataServer we are talking about is just org.aiotrade.lib.ma ...
guibin 评论(0) 有1766人浏览 2011-06-25 09:01


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