
这波在线工具先收藏了 Marked 太全太强了

健康,减肥,瘦身,运动, 燃脂心率计算 https://www.zxgj.cn/g/ranzhixinlv 常见食物热量表 https://www.zxgj.cn/g/reliangbiao 热量单位换算 https://www.zxgj.cn/g/reliang 基础代谢 ...
蛤蟆丸子 评论(0) 有12人浏览 2020-02-22 23:34

在线工具网 工具大全

压力单位换算   https://www.zxgj.cn/g/yali 地砖计算器   https://www.zxgj.cn/g/dizhuan 窗帘计算器   https://www.zxgj.cn/g/chuanglian 涂料计算器   https://www.zxgj.cn/g/tuliao 墙砖计算器   https://www.zxgj.cn/g/qiangzhua ...
蛤蟆丸子 评论(0) 有34人浏览 2020-02-04 20:20

汉语八级考试 在线工具炒鸡有乐趣

汉语八级考试老外版,被四六级折磨过的广大学子们,报仇出气的机会来了,这套汉语八级考题通过对网络上的大量试题进行精挑细选,已经初步确认,这是一套让老外都癫狂的汉语八级考题.....当然啦,老外是奔溃了,你呢?作为一个土生土长的中国人,你又是否有把握做到满分?放马过来,这里是在线工具网...挑战你的能力吧。。。。。 https://www.zxgj.cn/g/hanyubaji 汉语八级考试是本站 ...
蛤蟆丸子 评论(0) 有17人浏览 2019-11-27 20:06


    最近换了个华为路由WS5200,里面有个WiFi定时关闭功能,用了一下,无效,联系上华为的技术。我跟他详细描述了使用场景(当时我就怀疑是开机时间的问题)。     一开始对方就表现的很程序员:我的东西没问题,是你不会用,跟开机时间没关系的......叭叭叭的说了几句。我就表示:很好,那我把设置清空,在他认为没问题的操作下重新设置了一遍。第二天,还是无效。     导日志给对方,2天后,跟我说 ...
jh108020 评论(0) 有676人浏览 2019-07-02 20:33


程序员的世界里,不止有代码,还有bug,bug,bug 当出现bug时,程序员们的反应是怎样的呢?
zzxxccc 评论(0) 有387人浏览 2017-12-14 15:00


1_jpeg 2015年,李克强总理曾指出,开证明“你妈是你妈”是天大的笑话。有些人就此批评有些部门是不能简政放权,巧立名目收费,这有一定的道理,但其实瞄错了靶心,不是政府的错。因为这问题背后最底层的问题,是政府相关部门之间数据不流通,形成数据孤岛,从而无法彼此印证。 我们知道,数据是否流通,也是大数据成败的一个关键要素。目前,政府是最高质量、最海量数据的拥有者,政府掌握的“有标签”数据,占到整个 ...
yunqishequ 评论(0) 有10人浏览 2017-05-26 14:13


Today, I bought the girl I like a bouquet of roses saying "anonymous" on it, and left it on her front porch. She saw it, and called the guy she thought it was from. He said "you're welco ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有422人浏览 2017-03-30 21:47


Today, I attended a Buddhist prayer service for my religion and philosophy course. When the service was over, everyone stood up. Unfortunately, my legs and feet had fallen asleep so much that I lost ba ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有447人浏览 2017-03-25 22:33


摘要: 只有神之主宰才能拯救乃们的人生 Today, I brought a boy home for the first time, only to have my dad ask him what his mother's maiden name was. When he answered, my dad exclaimed, ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有322人浏览 2017-03-20 22:47

Need a rest, please do not bother me 我想静静,别问我静静

Today, I got stopped at the bank by security for carrying a weapon and threatened to call the police. I had to prove my “metal stick” was not a weapon. I am partially paralyzed in one of my feet and ha ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有424人浏览 2017-03-17 21:44


摘要: 只有神之主宰才能拯救乃们的人生 Today, I woke up to find both of my bank accounts frozen. My bank informed me that the IRS had ordered a freeze on my assets because of back taxes owed, and would not unfreeze them ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有351人浏览 2017-03-16 22:26

Life is hopeless, 生活只有眼前的苟且

Today, my boss fired me for being on Facebook at work. He did it via a wall post on Facebook saying, "ur fired." Six of my friends liked this. FML 被解雇了,今天在上班的时候上Facebook被我们老板看到了,结果我们老板就通过Face ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有379人浏览 2017-03-13 21:48


Today, our cat died. My husband and I had a touching bonding moment together. Our relationship has been strained for months, and I thought this could bring us closer. He decided to bring up politics. F ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有398人浏览 2017-03-12 09:16


Today, I was working at the pharmacy and had a older man come in. He was buying Viagra and, by law, we are required to ask if the patient had any questions. His lovely response was, "When you comi ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有332人浏览 2017-03-12 09:10


Today, I went running. My girlfriend was so surprised at the fact that I'm exercising that she accused me of making it up so I could cheat on her. I'm just trying to get in shape. FML 今天,我出 ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有392人浏览 2017-03-12 09:10


Today, I found out I'm allergic to soil, pollen, dust, mold, the colors green, yellow, orange, black and grey, most metals, wood, carpet, drywall, most hygiene and beauty products, and plastic. Basical ...
dwbin 评论(0) 有461人浏览 2017-03-12 09:09


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