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EJB 完全引错了路——论企业应用的核心问题

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robbin 写道


dear robbin

我不認為你了解 SOA.


我們再來討論 SOA 對於 enterprise 有沒有任何意義
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to jini:
这个关于SOA的问题,就跟你前面对EJB的态度一样。EJB有没有价值?web service有没有价值?它们有,我们大家都知道。问题是,EJB是不是像很多广告吹嘘的那样可以一统天下?SOA是不是像这些文章吹嘘的那么革命性?很可疑,实际上照我的理解答案就是否定的。别忘了我们这里不是要向不懂技术的CEO们宣传,我们自己都是IT的专家,web service有什么价值我们都清楚,要是SOA不能让我们看到更多的价值,那我们就得说它是个hype。对于那些没用过web service的开发者,SOA确实很有价值;但对于我们这些用web service做过一大堆项目的人,SOA就只能当热闹看看了。
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gigix 写道
to jini:
这个关于SOA的问题,就跟你前面对EJB的态度一样。EJB有没有价值?web service有没有价值?它们有,我们大家都知道。问题是,EJB是不是像很多广告吹嘘的那样可以一统天下?SOA是不是像这些文章吹嘘的那么革命性?很可疑,实际上照我的理解答案就是否定的。别忘了我们这里不是要向不懂技术的CEO们宣传,我们自己都是IT的专家,web service有什么价值我们都清楚,要是SOA不能让我们看到更多的价值,那我们就得说它是个hype。对于那些没用过web service的开发者,SOA确实很有价值;但对于我们这些用web service做过一大堆项目的人,SOA就只能当热闹看看了。

目前 SOA Spec 只有 0.5 版
BEA 也不過推出 BETA 的實作
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我没看到它的未来,我只看现在。今天它提供不了任何超越我现有web service架构的东西,我就说它是个hype;明天它提供了好东西,那它明天不再是hype,但它今天仍然是。难道你看待一个技术不是这样的吗?

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gigix 写道
我没看到它的未来,我只看现在。今天它提供不了任何超越我现有web service架构的东西,我就说它是个hype;明天它提供了好东西,那它明天不再是hype,但它今天仍然是。难道你看待一个技术不是这样的吗?


請問 "SOA 提供不了任何超越我现有web service架构的东西"

這句話會不會是因為你對 SOA 的了解不夠深入 ??
還是 你現有 web service 架構的東西 已經包含了各式各樣的考量 超越了 SOA  ??
我不是你 我不知道 我也不想詆損你
我只是覺得要批評一個技術 要徹底了解該技術
你實事求是 讓我覺得更是敬佩
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现有的SOA提供不了任何超越我现有web service架构的东西,我就说它是个hype。

jini若要反驳,请举出实例,如果gigix现有web service架构的东西不包含你所举出的实例,便算你有道理,上一个回帖没有意义。
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[quote="Better, Faster, Lighter Java By Justin Gehtland, Bruce A. Tate
"]It never ceases to amaze me how often the simplest answer turns out to be the best one. If you're like the average J2EE developer, you probably think you could use a little dose of simplicity about now. Java complexity is growing far beyond our capability to comprehend. XML is becoming much more sophisticated, and being pressed into service where simple parsed text would easily suffice. The EJB architecture is everywhere, whether it's warranted or not. Web services have grown from a simple idea and three major APIs to a mass of complex, overdone standards. I fear that they may also be forced into the mainstream. I call this tendency "the bloat."

Further, so many of us are trained to look for solutions that match our predetermined complicated notions that we don't recognize simple solutions unless they hit us in the face. As we stare down into the creek at the simple database problem, it becomes a blob of EJB. The interfaces become web services. This transformation happens to different developers at different times, but most enterprise developers eventually succumb. The solutions you see match the techniques you've learned, even if they're inappropriate; you've been trained to look beyond the simple solutions that are staring you in the face.

Java is in a dangerous place right now, because the real drivers, big vendors like Sun, BEA, Oracle, and IBM, are all motivated to build layer upon layer of sophisticated abstractions, to keep raising the bar and stay one step ahead of the competition. It's not enough to sell a plain servlet container anymore. Tomcat is already filling that niche. Many fear that JBoss will fill a similar role as a J2EE application server killer. So, the big boys innovate and build more complex, feature-rich servers. That's good梚f the servers also deliver value that we, the customers, can leverage.

More and more, though, customers can't keep up. The new stuff is too hard. It forces us to know too much. A typical J2EE developer has to understand relational databases, the Java programming languages, EJB abstractions, JNDI for services, JTA for transactions, JCA and data sources for connection management, XML for data representation, Struts for abstracting user interface MVC designs, and so on. Then, she's got to learn a whole set of design patterns to work around holes in the J2EE specification. To make things worse, she needs to keep an eye on the future and at least keep tabs on emerging technologies like Java Server Faces and web services that could explode at any moment.

To top it off, it appears that we are approaching an event horizon of sorts, where programmers are going to spend more time writing code to support their chosen frameworks than to solve their actual problems. It's just like with the cement mixers in Mexico: is it worth it to save yourself from spending time writing database transactions if you have to spend 50% of your time writing code supporting CMP?

Development processes as we know them are also growing out of control. No human with a traditional application budget can concentrate on delivering beautiful object interaction diagrams, class diagrams, and sophisticated use cases and still have enough time to create working code. We spend as much or more time on a project on artifacts that will never affect the program's performance, reliability, or stability. As requirements inevitably change due to increasing competitive pressures, these artifacts must also change, and we find that rather than aiding us, these artifacts turn into a ball, tied to a rope, with the other end forming an ever-tightening noose around our necks. There's a better way.

A few independent developers are trying to rethink enterprise development, and building tools that are more appropriate for the job. Gavin King, creator of Hibernate, is building a persistence framework that does its job with a minimal API and gets out of the way. Rod Johnson, creator of Spring, is building a container that's not invasive or heavy or complicated. They are not attempting to build on the increasingly precarious J2EE stack. They're digging through the muck to find a more solid foundation. In short, I'm not trying to start a revolution. It's already started.
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