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好几个同学在VT ,祝福下。
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世界真是个大游戏机啊 |
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This is just another example of how we need to tighten our borders and increase the requirements to enter our country.
By alsharptonsabigot | Apr 17, 2007 10:11:09 AM | Request Removal Citing gun laws isnt going to get anyone anywhere. Why? Because it is still illegal to kill people. Its illegal to steal guns. Its illegal to brandish a gun. Its illegal to conceal a gun without a permit. Laws will never stop pyschopathic murderers. They never have. Also, mass murders dont happen often at all. Almost every incident in any homicide in any neighborhood hundreds daily usually never results in a city-wide shut-down. And VT is the size of a city. Hind sight is 20/20, so stop playing monday morning QB. A psychopath was on the loose, and that cant ever be planned for considering the endless possibilities a complete lunatic can do. Its a tragedy and is a time for morning those taken from us. Blame is a childs reaction at this time. For shame. By timothy_brooks | Apr 17, 2007 10:11:41 AM | Request Removal eaglestrk01 ..I see you keep changing your handle...we cannot even get you to obey the Traffic Laws... whay should we give youa gun..?? By danfahey | Apr 17, 2007 10:12:21 AM | Request Removal 9/11 hate crime site:.gov This search calls acts done after 9-11 hate crimes, but doesnt find the government saying 9-11 is a hate crime. 9-11 is still not labeled a hate crime or as Christian and Jew cleansing. Why? Will this killing ever be labeled a hate crime or as ethnic cleansing? Will 9-11? Will the Madrid or London subway bombings be labeled hate crimes or ethnic cleansing? By OldAtlantic | Apr 17, 2007 10:12:30 AM | Request Removal I dont think anyone is arguing against the idea that if the students were armed then the gunman would not have been able to kill as many as he did. The debate is that if we are in a position where all of those students are armed, then presumably people everywhere in all situations are more likely to be armed. Does the benefit of cutting short one mass killing every 5 years outweigh the cost of throwing guns into the equation of every disagreement or fight that breaks out between citizens each day? We saw recently what happens with road rage, and we know what happens already when alcohol gets involved with barroom brawls. If more people are armed, and are allowed to carry in more public places, it will raise the chances that someone will use it inappropriately during a moment of rage. Also, the people who feel the need for carrying guns each day will be the ones who feel the most threatened. They also are more likely to perceive a mortal threat where one does not exist. Do we need them conquering their fears with bullets when there was no threat to begin with? Only their racism, prejudice or paranoia that they now need a gun in case they get in an argument with another armed person? By esocci | Apr 17, 2007 10:12:33 AM | Request Removal 80 percent of violent criminals recommit crimes. Thus we would see 80 percent less crime if they were actually punished for their behavior. The Left continually want to avoid the root causes. Dealing with the root causes means they would have to address personal responsibility, but that goes against their Marxist ideology. The liberals -not classical liberals- believe in realitivism which places NO blame on the individual. Join Gun Owners of America and Virginia Civil Defense League at gunowners.org and vcdl.org By DCcarry | Apr 17, 2007 10:13:54 AM | Request Removal Will the president of VaTech--Dr. Charles Steger-- be forced to resign as quickly as Don Imus was? Was his bad call---not to close the campus and warn students sooner than he did---any less egregious than the stupid remark of an old shock jock? By Bluefish2012 | Apr 17, 2007 10:14:42 AM | Request Removal Why do people blame this on the NRA. The NRA is nothing but a peace loving group that promotes gun SAFETY. If the teachers had been allowed to have a gun in their desk maybe fewer students would have been executed. By alsharptonsabigot | Apr 17, 2007 10:14:42 AM | Request Removal I believe in the credo of *pray for the dead and fight like h*ll for the living*. I do grieve for these young students and their professors and for their families and friends. I am also thinking ahead. I am a gun owner and I would use my gun in self defense. However, I favor regulating guns. Selling automatics makes no more sense to me than selling surface to air missiles. For one thing, any civilian with an automatic can kill alot of people very quickly -- as this young man did. For another, there are many legitimate reasons to have other types of firearms but they do not hold water for weapons like automatics. Also, having some registration requirements for purchasing weapons makes sense. Do you want convicted violent felons walking in to purchase a handgun? Other items of your life are regulated -- you dont get to drive your car without a license or in any way you see fit, correct? If there is no regulation of firearms, you can get absurd results that lead to the death of many people. Violent, mentally disturbed individuals will commit mass killings until we take weapons that inflict mass destruction out of their reach. Doing so does not prevent the rest of the country from hunting, defending themselves, etc. By jlk | Apr 17, 2007 10:15:40 AM | Request Removal With American junior college transferees not being able to go to a university for their junior and senior years, because of the over-enrollment of people, why do we need to educate foreigners? Americans with high acheiving GPAs could get in any foreign university if an equally qualified citizen of the country in question appled for acceptence and there were few openings. By sperrico | Apr 17, 2007 10:15:46 AM | Request Removal Citing gun laws isnt going to get anyone anywhere. Why? Because it is still illegal to kill people. Its illegal to steal guns. Its illegal to brandish a gun. Its illegal to conceal a gun without a permit. Laws will never stop pyschopathic murderers. They never have. Also, mass murders dont happen often at all. Almost every incident in any homicide in any neighborhood hundreds daily usually never results in a city-wide shut-down. And VT is the size of a city. Hind sight is 20/20, so stop playing monday morning QB. A psychopath was on the loose, and that cant ever be planned for considering the endless possibilities a complete lunatic can do. Its a tragedy and is a time for morning those taken from us. Blame is a childs reaction at this time. For shame. By timothy_brooks | Apr 17, 2007 10:16:14 AM | Request Removal I would first like to say how much it saddens me to know that this happened. My heart goes out to the students, friends, and family of all those affected by this horrendous and unspeakable tradgedy. I personally believe in the 2nd ammendment and feel every US citizen should be able to own guns. Granted, its shocking to see what guns can do in the wrong hands, but we have to understand that it was those wrong hands that did the killing. Yes, guns can kill. But its the person weilding the gun that is the killer. Yes, we have a problem here. No, I dont know the complete solution. I do feel that the problem lies in the person who commited the crime. Obviously this person was not well mentally, and no amount of gun control is going to stop someone who is determined to commit a crime on this scale. Since we live in an open society, its one of the facts were just going to have to live with. In my opinion, all gun control does is keep guns out of the hands of people who really need them, while doing nothing to prevent them from falling into the hands of those who should not have them. Again, my sincerest condolences to anyone affected by this terrible event = By rricci1 | Apr 17, 2007 10:21:30 AM | Request Removal Why aren*t Al and Jesse calling for the firing of the police chief and school president?? Oh wait 2 reasons. #1 no blacks involved. #2 they cant figure out a way to make money on this. Guess they*ll be out looking for some other hard working white male to blame for their peoples problems. By alsharptonsabigot | Apr 17, 2007 10:21:38 AM | Request Removal This quote is taken from the LA Times: It should give us some degree of consolation to know that these events are exceedingly rare. But they still occur, and they are among the sad and tragic prices we pay for the kind of open, modern, democratic society we live in. I completely disagree. How do openness and democracy translate into gun violence ? Of all the incidents that have occurred in recent history involving guns or, simply, going postal, none have had anything to do with openness or democracy. Its the same argument conservatives use to justify the Patriot Act with regard to Osama: we need the Patriot Act to stop Osama and yet 9/11 will have occurred 6 years ago this September, and where is Osama ? Moreover, what these fatal incidents actually underscore, is gun control, or the lack thereof, which does have to do with openness, democracy and some deeply-held belief in a constitutional right to bear firearms. And yet, the intent of that Constitutional amendment was actually part of a private property protection provision: ones right to bear arms was based upon the right to defend oneself from government intrusion on private property in other words, the intent of the right to bear arms has to do with the right to protect oneself from the government, in particular, as it applies to protection of private property, and so its also part of a broader right to privacy. Again, I dont know how democracy and openness translate into mass murder at the hands of firearms. Its not freedom that kills, but rather tolerance for the right to bear arms for any reason other than to protect ones private property. How might society overcome that barrier ? Obviously, a person living in a dormitory probably does not own private property and there is not probable cause to search and sieze in a case where one may be in possession. The solution might actually be the Patriot Act where because there are more scanners and x-ray machines to search for potential terrorists, more people are scanned regularly, people who might even have a weapon at home. The one incident that comes to mind though is Jason Williams, who was at home when his limo driver was shot. And then there is the Kip Kinkel incident in Georgia in which a gun was also in the home. So guns in the home are not safe either, but certainly the likelihood that they will be transported into the public diminishes significantly as a function of the Patriot Act and counterterrorism which should serve as inhibitors to people carrying guns in public. I do not personally consider an x-ray scan of my belongings and metal detector scan of my person to be altogether invasive or intrusive. Actually, we learn to adapt by carrying fewer metal objects in order to pass through the scanner as efficiently as possible. I was a party to an incident recently passing through a scanner when a plastic radio that was hanging out of my pocket did not trigger the metal detector caused a security guard to tell me that it had to be scanned. When I replied that it was plastic and thats why it had not gone off, he said that he was an Iraqi war veteran, in a kind of burly burlesque tone and that there were plastic bombs too. Not to delve too deeply into the subject, but many bombs are actually plastic and whether a standard issue x-ray machine can detect them is another matter altogether. Openness and democracy are not the problem. There is still the chance that with greater security measures which may also invade privacy, a gun may have been detected, and yet what should still not be tolerated is guns. By lrm3016 | Apr 17, 2007 10:24:05 AM | Request Removal The real solution is to bring God back into our class rooms. From early on in our lives we must learn to love our fellow human beings. Love thy neighbor as your self. Bring the 10 commandments back into our class rooms. It oiscertainly better then what is going on now with hate crimes such as this By Korvet | Apr 17, 2007 10:27:02 AM | Request Removal All this grief because 33 people were shot and killed yesterday. I dont get it. We have more than 80 gun deaths a day and I dont see the same grief or the politicians outraged. Did you know that more Americans are killed here in the US with guns every two months -5,000- than all the US soldiers killed during the ENTIRE Iraq War -3,000-. More Americans are killed every two years -60,000- than all the US solderis killed during the ENTIRE Vietnam War -56,000-. As a matter of fact, more Americans have been killed with guns since 1933 -1.6 million- than ALL the US soldiers killed during all US wars COMBINED. Thats griefy!~ |
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http://star.news.sohu.com/20070418/n249513622.shtml 引用 以往美国发生过许多枪击案,但他们从来没把刑事案件与种族优劣问题联系起来。1991年,中国大陆留学生卢刚博士,自杀前枪杀了三位对美国、对一个科研领域非常重要的美国科学家,还有一位大学副校长。此案的受害人亲属却捐献发起了“外国留学生心理问题基金”,在追悼日给卢刚亲属的信竟然写道“此时比我们更悲痛的是你们”,在为亲人祈祷的同时,也为凶手祈祷。这些,都是成熟、文明的表现,值得我们深思和学习。 |
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