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凤舞凰扬 写道
pufan,如果MVC叫做系统架构,倒的晕的不该是你,该是我了,我无话可说。你好好看看MVC 的书,好好理清楚它的来源吧。


凤舞凰扬 写道


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在 Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1,MVC是第125页,属于交互系统的体系结构模式之一

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potian 写道
在 Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1,MVC是第125页,属于交互系统的体系结构模式之一


   pufan ,好好看看这句话,MVC属于交互系统的体系结构“模式”之一,MVC可以运用在任何用户界面的交互系统,它是一种思维,也是一种模式(思维、模式是什么?是解决问题的一套固定的方法)。但它不叫架构!(很明显这两个是完全不同的概念啊?为什么就那么执拗那?)只能说我们的基于web的体系架构基本上都是应用该模式(你不用该模式,一样可以构造web架构)。这是两个概念,两个顺序,哪个先,哪个后,难道还不清楚么?
   说到这里了,其实更多的思考应该留给其他的朋友,像Quake Wang、potian我们各持己见,也不是谁能说服谁,各有各的立场和思考,其实最终目的也就一个,找到一个更加好的方法去构建更好的系统,愿是殊途同归吧。同样,这个论坛也给了我们这样的空间,这样的讨论激烈不过也还愉快(当中也许与某些朋友有些小摩擦,无心的,不要往心里去)。为了这个主题,我是发了蛮多帖子,也够累了,呵呵,最后,引用Quake Wang常挂的一句话“open your mind”,同样,“open us mind”!静一静,实践中去体味吧~~~~~~
   各位,彼此挂牌,休战,哈哈, ,怎么样?
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下面是我摘录的两位Hibernate Team开发者的话,希望能对大家有所启迪。

michael from Hibernate Team 写道

I very much agree with dirkschmidts point, I really think DTOs are an evil thing. Basically this is all the way back to the structs of the C age. I really think both view and application logic should operate on the same domain model. If you need to restrict client access somehow use interfaces, and let the view work on the interfaces only, or use delegation/subclassing.

IMHO if you can't do something.getXXX() anymore in a view/client, you are seriously fucked Of course this gets you some other problems like object graph partitioning, to not load the whole object graph. I think Hibernates lazy loading features do a great job here allready on the server side, but it gets really nasty if you have rich-client applications where lazy loading carries a potentially large overhead.

I kind of like the idea behind Entity Beans remoting, if that would not make them totally unusable because of network overhead.

So IMHO, you should really try to reduce additional layers as much as possible, keep one domain model and try to use this domain model from the view, too. There is much to much overengineering around, promoting things like DTOs/DAOs and all that stuff in the name of the magical "decoupling", which will not be of use in most cases anyways. I allways try to stick with the YAGNI principle.

Just my two cents

steve from Hibernate Team 写道

A couple of thoughts. I have been giving this a lot of thought over the past 3 months for a proposal I am making to my bosses regarding a change in our application architecture. We currently have this pretty typically service layer setup where the service layer mediates between the UI and the domain model using DTOs as the exchange mechanism.

Are DTOs evil? I kind of go back and forth on this. In gerneral, no I don't think DTOs are evil. I think the amount of my time they waste is evil, but that is where something like CarrierWave comes into play by helping to manage not only the generation of the DTOs, but also the marshalling between DTO and domain entity.

I think it really comes down to the type of application architecture and topology you use. In a fully-colocated servlet-based or fat-client stack, DTOs probably don't make that much sense. Just open the Hibernate session and manipulate your entities at will. But what if you need to split that servlet-based stack into vertical partitioning for network security or clustering reasons? Now how do I manage this? I can't simply "Open Session in View" anymore... So I use Hibernate's disconnected object support.

But consider a product built using Hibernate that exposes an API in this fashion, that you as a developer need to interact with. So you retreive an object and then attempt to access one of it's properties (which happens to be lazy loaded). Boom, lazy init exception. "But the API says that object has that property..." Yes, I know, you could just simply initialize that lazy property prior to sending it outside of the persistence-context; but where does it stop? How deep should I init? Disconnected object support is great in all kinds of scenarios, but it certainly isn't a catch all.

I just don't think there is a hard-and-fast rule here that says you should never be using DTOs; and especially on the argument that they're not true object because they only represent data. Pure data representations are uber-useful for all kinds of things. To me, you're fooling yourself if you think you need a domain entity with all its domain logic intact to populate an html <select> list (if your using JSF or Tapestry or WebOGNL, then thats a different story).

最后说一句,Open your mind是常挂在我嘴边的话,不是Quake。Open us mind,我也欣然接受,虽然略略有些欠通。:)
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mikeho 写道


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In fact, many oo gurus call mvc an architecture pattern ;-). It's ususally be looked as a web presentation pattern.  As I think about MVC I see two principal separations:separating the presentation from the model and separating the controller from the view.
Of these, the sparation of presentation from model is one of the most fundamental heuristics of good software design. But this saparation is mainly concern about the domain logic not the domain info. So as in hibernate, po is all pojos, it isn't really a bad smell to return pojos to the presentation tier.

DTOs sometime is useful when we are working with a remote interface, such as Remote Facade,each call to it is expensive. As a result we need to reduce the number of calls,and that means that you need to transfer more data with each call. One way to do this is to use lots of parameters. However, this is oftern awkward to program, it's often impossible with languages such as java that return only a single value. So DTOs appears.

We could find that DTOs don't avoid of using pojo to do presentation work for one can wrap several pojo in a DTO. To be honest, I always return pojos into my web pages and I don't feel it causes any problems, anyway, it reduce a lot of my work to copy properties form pojos to DTOs. And I never separate my web tier from my domain tier, I mean they are both on the same server, so DTO is somehow not as useful as in web-domain distributed situation.

I don't understand what FengWuHuangYang means by VO? Does it represent for value object or visulization object? If it is the latter,it is DTO.
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