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源代码没有开发!  有些不太好

我们现在是想这么搞的,对于blog部分 发布blog的富文本编辑器使用的是html中的fckediter,而现实图片时,仍然使用jsp只不过是嵌套在flex中。这样就相当于是flex与jsp结合使用来达到blog的效果! 我感觉还可以!

不过TLF可以编辑一些表格以及一些负责的东西吗?? 据我所知flex的组件显示一些复杂的html标记还是不太好的,,不知道TLF中搞的怎么样???
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wuxi15932077655 写道
不过TLF可以编辑一些表格以及一些负责的东西吗?? 据我所知flex的组件显示一些复杂的html标记还是不太好的,,不知道TLF中搞的怎么样???

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HTML format. Use this for importing from, or exporting to, a TextFlow using the HTML fomat. The Text Layout Framework HTML supports a subset of the tags and attributes supported by the TextField class in the flash.text package.

The following table lists the HTML tags and attributes supported for the import and export process (tags and attributes supported by TextField, but not supported by  the Text Layout Framework are specifically described as not supported):

Tag Description
Anchor tag The <a> tag creates a hypertext link and supports the following attributes:
  • target: Specifies the name of the target window where you load the page.  Options include _self, _blank, _parent, and  _top. The _self option specifies the current frame in the current window,  _blank specifies a new window, _parent specifies the parent of the  current frame, and _top specifies the top-level frame in the current window.
  • href: Specifies a URL. The URL can  be either absolute or relative to the location of the SWF file that  is loading the page. An example of an absolute reference to a URL is  http://www.adobe.com; an example of a relative reference is  /index.html. Absolute URLs must be prefixed with http://; otherwise, Flash treats them as relative URLs.  Note: Unlike the TextField class, ActionScript link events  are not supported. Neither are a:link, a:hover, and a:active styles.
Bold tag The <b> tag renders text as bold. A bold typeface must be available for the font used.
Break tag The <br> tag creates a line break in the text field. Set the text field to  be a multiline text field to use this tag.
Font tag The <font> tag specifies a font or list of fonts to display the text.The font tag  supports the following attributes:
  • color: Only hexadecimal color (#FFFFFF) values are supported.
  • face: Specifies the name of the font to use. As shown in the following example,  you can specify a list of comma-delimited font names, in which case Flash Player selects the first available  font. If the specified font is not installed on the local computer system or isn't embedded in the SWF file,  Flash Player selects a substitute font.
  • size: Specifies the size of the font. You can use absolute pixel sizes, such as 16 or 18.  Note: Unlike the TextField class, you cannot use relative point sizes, such as +2 or -4.
Image tag The <img> tag lets you embed external image files (JPEG, GIF, PNG), SWF files, and  movie clips inside text fields. Text automatically flows around images you embed in text fields. You  must set the text field to be multiline to wrap text around an image.

The <img> tag supports the following attributes:

  • src: Specifies the URL to an image or SWF file, or the linkage identifier for a movie clip  symbol in the library. This attribute is required; all other attributes are optional. External files (JPEG, GIF, PNG,  and SWF files) do not show until they are downloaded completely.
  • width: The width of the image, SWF file, or movie clip being inserted, in pixels.
  • height: The height of the image, SWF file, or movie clip being inserted, in pixels.
  • align: Specifies the horizontal alignment of the embedded image within the text field.       Valid values are left and right. The default value is left.

Note: Unlike the TextField class, the following attributes are not supported: hspace, vspace,  id, and checkPolicyFile.

Flash displays media embedded in a text field at full size. To specify the dimensions of the media  you are embedding, use the <img> tag height and width  attributes.

In general, an image embedded in a text field appears on the line following the  <img> tag. However, when the <img> tag  is the first character in the text field, the image appears on the first line of the text field.

Italic tag The <i> tag displays the tagged text in italics. An italic typeface must be available  for the font used.
List item tag Note: Unlike the TextField class, the List item tag is not supported.
Paragraph tag The <p> tag creates a new paragraph. The text field must be set to be a multiline  text field to use this tag.   The <p> tag supports the following attributes:
  • align: Specifies alignment of text within the paragraph; valid values are left, right, justify, and center.
  • Note: Unlike the TextField class, the class attribute is not supported.
Span tag The <span> tag is available but supports no attributes. 
  • Note: Unlike the TextField class, the class is not supported.
Text format tag

The <textformat> tag lets you use a subset of paragraph formatting  properties of the TextFormat class within text fields, including line leading, indentation,  margins, and tab stops. You can combine <textformat> tags with the  built-in HTML tags.

The <textformat> tag has the following attributes:

  • indent: Specifies the indentation from the left margin to the first character  in the paragraph; corresponds to TextFormat.indent. Both positive and negative  numbers are acceptable.
  • leftmargin: Specifies the left margin of the paragraph, in points; corresponds  /* to TextFormat.leftMargin.
  • rightmargin: Specifies the right margin of the paragraph, in points; corresponds  to TextFormat.rightMargin.

Note: Unlike the TextField class, the following attributes are unsupported: blockindent, leading, and tabstops.

Underline tag The <u> tag underlines the tagged text.

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如果按照这样来说!  是不是说用flex做blog会有很多困难??

如果在页面中嵌套html页面的方式来实现博客!  你感觉怎么样??有相关的处理经验吗?
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wuxi15932077655 写道
如果按照这样来说!  是不是说用flex做blog会有很多困难??

如果在页面中嵌套html页面的方式来实现博客!  你感觉怎么样??有相关的处理经验吗?



如果用flex做一个和html版的不相上下的的blog系统,利用Text Engine的能力,从技术角度而言,是可以做到的(刨去性能瓶颈和内存开销),flex在这方面还有很长一段路要走。
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