锁定老帖子 主题:我的酒窝
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不过ajoo不是有俩CodeHaus项目么,直接作为子项目得了。 |
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可否共享代码,大家学习一下,多谢 |
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nihongye 写道 就是重构起来麻烦点
这的确是一个问题。而且似乎没有什么好的解决办法做到重构安全。我能够看到的一个加强的地方是,验证new Object中每个方法是不是实现了要stub的接口或者具体类的方法。这样在改名了之后,可以fail fast,不会出莫名其妙的问题不知所以。 另外,不妨把酒窝当一个stub框架来做。 |
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nihongye 写道 就是重构起来麻烦点
对亚。我也没有想到好的解决方法。 幸好,如果仅仅是用它来stub Connection, SqlMapSession这些第三方接口的话,就没有重构的问题了。 自己的接口当然还是直接"implements"的好。 |
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liuxg 写道 支持!
可否共享代码,大家学习一下,多谢 正在申请codehaus项目中。然后就可以下载了。 |
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package org.codehaus.dimple; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class is used to create implementation of interface(s) dynamically. * <p> * This class is ideal for creating stub or interceptor for interfaces where only a few methods are of interest while * most other methods are either ignored or delegated. * </p> * <p> * For example: * <pre> * Connection realConn = ...; * Connection nonCloseableConnection = (Connection)Implementor.proxy(Connection.class, new Object(){ * public void close() { * //we intercept close() call and do nothing. * } * }, realConn); * nonCloseableConnection.close();// no-op. realConn is not closed. * </pre> * </p> * @author Ben Yu * Dec 9, 2006 11:27:44 PM */ public class Implementor implements Serializable { /** * Equivalent as new Implementor(with.getClass()).implementWithDefaultHandler(itf, with, defaultHandler) * <p> * This method is a convenience shortcut. * As the constructor of Implementor may be expensive, it is recommended to create an Implementor object once * and then use it repeatedly. */ public static Object proxyWithDefaultHandler(Class asType, Object with, InvocationHandler defaultHandler) { return new Implementor(with.getClass()).implementWithDefaultHandler(asType, with, defaultHandler); } /** * Equivalent as new Implementor(with.getClass()).implement(asType, with, defaultDelegate) * <p> * This method is a convenience shortcut. * As the constructor of Implementor may be expensive, it is recommended to create an Implementor object once * and then use it repeatedly. */ public static Object proxy(Class asType, Object with, Object defaultDelegate){ if(!asType.isInstance(defaultDelegate)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("default delegate of type "+asType.getName() + " expected, " + ((defaultDelegate==null)?null:defaultDelegate.getClass().getName())+" encountered"); } return new Implementor(with.getClass()).implement(asType, with, defaultDelegate); } /** * Equivalent as new Implementor(with.getClass()).implement(asType) * <p> * This method is a convenience shortcut. * As the constructor of Implementor may be expensive, it is recommended to create an Implementor object once * and then use it repeatedly. */ public static Object proxy(Class asType, Object with) { return new Implementor(with.getClass()).implement(asType, with); } /** * create a dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i> by calling <i>with</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise delegate call to defaultDelegate * or throw UnsupportedOperationException if defaultDelegate is null. * @param asType the interface to implement or super class to override (cglib is required in this case). * @param with the instance of the impl class. * @param defaultDelegate the default delegate. * @return the dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i>. */ public Object implement(Class asType, Object with, Object defaultDelegate) { return newProxyInstance(with.getClass().getClassLoader(), asType, createInvocationHandler(with, defaultDelegate)); } /** * create a dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i> by calling <i>with</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise call the invoke() method of defaultHandler, * or throw UnsupportedOperationException if defaultHandler is null. * @param asType the interface to implement or super class to override (cglib is required in this case). * @param with the instance of the impl class. * @param defaultHandler the default InvocationHandler. * @return the dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i>. */ public Object implementWithDefaultHandler(Class asType, Object with, InvocationHandler defaultHandler) { return newProxyInstance(with.getClass().getClassLoader(), asType, createInvocationHandlerWithDefaultHandler(with, defaultHandler)); } /** * create a dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i> by calling <i>with</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise call the invoke() method if <i>with</i> implements InvocationHandler, * or throw UnsupportedOperationException otherwise. * @param asType the interface to implement or super class to override (cglib is required in this case). * @param with the instance of the impl class. * @return the dynamic proxy that implements <i>asType</i>. */ public Object implement(Class asType, Object with){ return newProxyInstance(with.getClass().getClassLoader(), asType, createInvocationHandler(with)); } /** * create an InvocationHandler object by calling <i>instance</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise call the invoke() method if <i>instance</i> implements InvocationHandler, * or throw UnsupportedOperationException otherwise. * @param instance the instance of the impl class. * @return the InvocationHandler object. */ public InvocationHandler createInvocationHandler(final Object instance){ return createInvocationHandlerWithDefaultHandler(instance, (instance instanceof InvocationHandler)?(InvocationHandler)instance:null); } /** * create an InvocationHandler object by calling <i>instance</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise call the provided default InvocationHandler object. * @param instance the instance of the impl class. * @param defaultHandler the InvocationHandler object to provide default behavior. * If null, UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. * @return the InvocationHandler object. */ public InvocationHandler createInvocationHandlerWithDefaultHandler(final Object instance, final InvocationHandler defaultHandler){ return createInvocationHandlerWithDefaults(instance, null, defaultHandler); } /** * create an InvocationHandler object by calling <i>instance</i> * if a method is implemented by the impl class. * Otherwise forward the call to defaultDelegate. * @param instance the instance of the impl class. * @param defaultDelegate the default delegate. If null, UnsupportedOperationException is thrown. * @return the InvocationHandler object. */ public InvocationHandler createInvocationHandler(final Object instance, Object defaultDelegate){ return createInvocationHandlerWithDefaults(instance, defaultDelegate, null); } InvocationHandler createInvocationHandlerWithDefaults(Object instance, Object defaultDelegate, InvocationHandler defaultHandler){ checkInstanceType(instance); return new ImplInvocationHandler(instance, defaultDelegate, defaultHandler); } private void checkInstanceType(final Object instance) { if(!cls.isInstance(instance)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("instance of type "+cls.getName() + " expected, " + ((instance==null)?null:instance.getClass().getName())+" encountered"); } } /** * To create an Implementor class. * @param implClass the class used to implement. */ public Implementor(Class implClass){ this.cls = implClass; addClass(implClass); sort(); } public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof Implementor){ Implementor other = (Implementor)obj; return cls.equals(other.cls) && methods.equals(other.methods); } else return false; } public int hashCode(){ return cls.hashCode(); } public String toString(){ return cls.toString(); } /** * Get the impl class, which is the class whose public methods are used to implement target interface. */ public Class getImplClass(){ return cls; } void addClass(Class cls) { final boolean force = !Modifier.isPublic(cls.getModifiers()); final Method[] mtds = cls.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < mtds.length; i++) { final Method mtd = mtds[i]; if(force) setAccessible(mtd); addMethod(mtd); } } private static void setAccessible(Method mtd){ try{ mtd.setAccessible(true); } catch(SecurityException e){} } private final Class cls; private final Map methods = new HashMap(); private final class ImplInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7723292911817172565L; private final Object instance; private final Object defaultDelegate; private final InvocationHandler defaultHandler; ImplInvocationHandler(Object instance, Object defaultDelegate, InvocationHandler fwd) { this.instance = instance; this.defaultDelegate = defaultDelegate; this.defaultHandler = fwd; } public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { final Method impl = lookupImplementingMethod(method); if(impl == null) { if(defaultDelegate != null) { return forwardCall(defaultDelegate, method, args); } if(defaultHandler != null) { return defaultHandler.invoke(proxy, method, args); } else{ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } else { return forwardCall(instance, impl, args); } } private Object forwardCall(Object obj, final Method mtd, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, Throwable { try { return mtd.invoke(obj, args); } catch(InvocationTargetException e){ throw e.getTargetException(); } } } private static final class MyMethod implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8758558523031285785L; private transient Method method; private transient Class[] parameterTypes; private transient Class returnType; private final long depth; public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof MyMethod){ final MyMethod other = (MyMethod)obj; return depth==other.depth && returnType.equals(other.returnType) && method.equals(other.method) && Arrays.equals(parameterTypes, other.parameterTypes); } else return false; } MyMethod(Method mtd) { this.method = mtd; this.parameterTypes = mtd.getParameterTypes(); this.returnType = mtd.getReturnType(); this.depth = getHierarchyDepthSum(parameterTypes); } public Method getMethod() { return method; } public Class[] getParameterTypes() { return parameterTypes; } public Class getReturnType() { return returnType; } public String toString(){ return method.toString(); } public long getDepth(){ return depth; } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException{ out.defaultWriteObject(); out.writeObject(method.getDeclaringClass()); out.writeObject(method.getName()); out.writeObject(parameterTypes); } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException{ in.defaultReadObject(); try{ final Class c = (Class)in.readObject(); final String name = (String)in.readObject(); this.parameterTypes = (Class[])in.readObject(); this.method = c.getDeclaredMethod(name, parameterTypes); this.returnType = method.getReturnType(); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e){ throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } } } void addMethod(Method mtd){ final String name = mtd.getName(); List suite = (List) methods.get(name); if(suite==null){ suite = new ArrayList(); methods.put(name, suite); } suite.add(new MyMethod(mtd)); } void sort(){ for(Iterator it = methods.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();){ final List suite = (List)it.next(); sortMethods(suite); } } private static final Comparator SUB_PARAM_TYPES_FIRST = new Comparator(){ public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return compareMyMethod((MyMethod)arg0, (MyMethod)arg1); } }; private static int compareMyMethod(MyMethod m1, MyMethod m2){ return compareParameterTypes(m1.getParameterTypes(), m1.getDepth(), m2.getParameterTypes(), m2.getDepth()); } static int compareParameterTypes(final Class[] params1, long depth1, final Class[] params2, long depth2) { if(params1.length > params2.length) return -1; if(params1.length < params2.length) return 1; if(depth1 > depth2) return -1; if(depth1 < depth2) return 1; return 0; } private static void sortMethods(List suite){ Collections.sort(suite, SUB_PARAM_TYPES_FIRST); } /** * To find a method in the impl class that can be used in place of the <i>implemented</i> method. * @param implemented the method to be implemented. * @return the method that can be used to implement, or null if not found. */ public Method lookupImplementingMethod(Method implemented) { final String name = implemented.getName(); final List suite = (List)methods.get(name); if(suite==null) return null; final int size = suite.size(); final Class[] implementedParamTypes = implemented.getParameterTypes(); final Class implementedReturnType = implemented.getReturnType(); for(int i=0; i<size; i++){ final MyMethod mm = (MyMethod)suite.get(i); final Class[] withParamTypes = mm.getParameterTypes(); if(isParamsCompatible(withParamTypes, implementedParamTypes) && isReturnTypeCompatible(mm.getReturnType(), implementedReturnType)){ return mm.getMethod(); } } return null; } /** * To create a proxy instance for a given interface or superclass. * @param loader the class loader. * @param asType the interface or super class (cglib is required in this case). * @param handler the InvocationHandler to handle calls. * @return the proxy instance. */ public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class asType, InvocationHandler handler){ if(asType.isInterface()){ return Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[]{asType}, handler); } else { return CglibUtils.proxy(loader, asType, handler); } } static boolean isParamsCompatible(Class[] with, Class[] implemented){ if(with.length!=implemented.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < implemented.length; i++) { if(!with[i].isAssignableFrom(implemented[i])) return false; } return true; } static boolean isReturnTypeCompatible(Class with, Class implemented){ if(void.class.equals(implemented)){ return true; } return implemented.isAssignableFrom(with); } static long getHierarchyDepthSum(Class[] classes){ long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { sum += getHierarchyDepth(classes[i]); } return sum; } static int getHierarchyDepth(Class c){ int depth = 0; if(c==null || Object.class.equals(c)){ return depth; } int superDepth = 1+getHierarchyDepth(c.getSuperclass()); if(superDepth>depth){ depth = superDepth; } final Class[] itfs = c.getInterfaces(); for(int i=0; i<itfs.length; i++){ int itfDepth = 1+getHierarchyDepth(itfs[i]); if(itfDepth>depth){ depth = itfDepth; } } return depth; } private static final long serialVersionUID = -5648266362433165290L; } codehaus总是这么慢。先把代码贴出来。大家给挑挑错。 cglib相关的类就不贴了。代码不能编译,大家包涵则个。 |
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taowen 写道 nihongye 写道 就是重构起来麻烦点
这的确是一个问题。而且似乎没有什么好的解决办法做到重构安全。我能够看到的一个加强的地方是,验证new Object中每个方法是不是实现了要stub的接口或者具体类的方法。这样在改名了之后,可以fail fast,不会出莫名其妙的问题不知所以。 另外,不妨把酒窝当一个stub框架来做。 这样是可以,就是有点降低重用能力。我不能用一个Object给不同的interface做proxy么? 考虑可以在annotation上做文章。如果有一个@Override之类的annotation,那么就检查。 |
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ajoo 写道 taowen 写道 nihongye 写道 就是重构起来麻烦点
这的确是一个问题。而且似乎没有什么好的解决办法做到重构安全。我能够看到的一个加强的地方是,验证new Object中每个方法是不是实现了要stub的接口或者具体类的方法。这样在改名了之后,可以fail fast,不会出莫名其妙的问题不知所以。 另外,不妨把酒窝当一个stub框架来做。 这样是可以,就是有点降低重用能力。我不能用一个Object给不同的interface做proxy么? 考虑可以在annotation上做文章。如果有一个@Override之类的annotation,那么就检查。 By default, every method is regarded as @Override, only the methods marked as @Aux will be escaped from the check. Otherwise, most of the methods have to be marked as @Override, which is not convinent. |
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