锁定老帖子 主题:我的ExtJs的简单CRM项目实践。
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是不错的,能给个用户名和密码进去自己操作一下吗?借鉴、分享一下你的成果 呵呵
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感觉Ext适合做公司内部的web系统多一点,因为欲行效率问题 放到internet的话有点问题。。。请问大家这方面能够做什么优化吗?
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The qWikiOffice Desktop Environment is going to be released with the following licensing options. Commercial License More information to come... Open Source License The qWikiOffice Desktop is also available under the terms of the GNU GPL license. 楼主的这个东西 疑似存在不少版权问题。 这些都解决了 别人才放心购买。 |
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帐号 密码是啥, 无法登陆啊
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d顶 不错 不过 有源码么 呵呵
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godson_2003 写道 没用户名 密码 给个地址干啥子用?!
楼主就是卖酷 |
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redyoung 写道 是不错的,能给个用户名和密码进去自己操作一下吗?借鉴、分享一下你的成果 呵呵
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humanlou 写道 License
The qWikiOffice Desktop Environment is going to be released with the following licensing options. Commercial License More information to come... Open Source License The qWikiOffice Desktop is also available under the terms of the GNU GPL license. 楼主的这个东西 疑似存在不少版权问题。 这些都解决了 别人才放心购买。 我忍不住要说粗话了,我开始用他的框架时还是LGPL的。没想到到今天也要换GPL。可能是因为ExtJS也GPLV3了吧。 该不会这位大哥也说以前的版本都算吧。 qWikiOffice Desktop Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Integrated Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. licensing@qwikioffice.com http://www.qwikioffice.com/license License of CSS and Graphics ("Assets") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Assets distributed with qWikiOffice are licensed for use ONLY with their associated qWikiOffice JavaScript component ("Component"). Use of the Assets in any way that does not also include the Component is prohibited without explicit permission from Integrated Technologies, Inc. Deriving images and CSS from the Assets in an effort to bypass this license is also prohibited. Open Source License ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ qWikiOffice is also licensed under the terms of the Open Source LGPL 3.0 license. You may use our open source license if you: * Want to use the qWikiOffice Desktop in an open source project that precludes using non-open source software * Plan to use the qWikiOffice Desktop in a personal, educational or non-profit manner * Are using the qWikiOffice Desktop in a commercial application that is not a desktop application, you will meet LGPL requirements and you do not wish to support the project http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html Commercial License ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are using this library for commercial purposes, we encourage you to purchase a commercial license. Please visit http://qwikioffice.com/license for more details. OEM / Reseller License ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you plan to distribute qWikiOffice in a product that will be packaged or sold as a desktop application, we require that you work with us to establish a specific license that is appropriate. Use of the open source license in a desktop application is not permitted without explicit permission from Integrated Technologies, Inc. For more details, please visit: http://www.qwikioffice.com/license. -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. |
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