锁定老帖子 主题:技术重要还是业务重要(一)
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对于大点的公司,具有能够组建一支开发队伍的实力的公司,如果没有开发队伍,并且不是因为养这样一支队伍成本还不如找人做的原因的话,就说明对技术的不重视,反正也能找到干活的。 而满足上述条件的公司似乎还真不是一个两个。 技术很重要,但在老板眼里恐怕业务还是更重要。 |
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这个话题倒真是没有标志答案的,什么东西是瓶颈了,那就是什么重要,真要找一个答案的话,就变成这样的正确的空话了 但是作为技术人员,一天还在这个位置,那么相对来说,当然还是技术重要些。在其位,谋其事。 |
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Trustno1 写道 再转贴一把.
http://ravimohan.blogspot.com/2006/07/but-martin-enterprise-software-is.html 比较有意思的文章。 The best way to get a sense of the truth is to examine the (desired) flow of people in both directions. I know dozens of people who are very very good at writing business software who yearn wistfully for a job doing "plumbing" like compilers and tcp/ip stacks, but I've never yet seen someone who is very very good at writing a compiler or operating system (and can make money doing so) desperately trying to get back to the world of banking software. A programmer might code enterprise apps for money, but at night, at home, he'll still hack on a compiler. ------------------------ A good number of thoughtworkers do business software to put bread on the table, or while working towards being good enough to write "plumbing", but in their heart, they yearn to hack a kernel or program a robot. (Another group of people dream about starting their own web appp companies). For most of these folks tomorrow never quite arrives, but some of the most "businessy" developers in Thoughtworks dream of writing game engines one day or learning deep math vodoo or earning an MS or PhD. And good people have left TW for all these reasons. And if this is the situation at arguably the best enterprise app development company (at least in the "consultants" subspace) one can imagine the situation in "lesser" companies . 这个就不知道了,这里的thoughtworkers 评论一下。 对于Programmer, 还是老人的一句话: " Software, we make the hardware dancing". 因此再往上面去可能真不是programmer的地盘了。 |
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jebtang 写道 Trustno1 写道 再转贴一把.
http://ravimohan.blogspot.com/2006/07/but-martin-enterprise-software-is.html 比较有意思的文章。 The best way to get a sense of the truth is to examine the (desired) flow of people in both directions. I know dozens of people who are very very good at writing business software who yearn wistfully for a job doing "plumbing" like compilers and tcp/ip stacks, but I've never yet seen someone who is very very good at writing a compiler or operating system (and can make money doing so) desperately trying to get back to the world of banking software. A programmer might code enterprise apps for money, but at night, at home, he'll still hack on a compiler. ------------------------ A good number of thoughtworkers do business software to put bread on the table, or while working towards being good enough to write "plumbing", but in their heart, they yearn to hack a kernel or program a robot. (Another group of people dream about starting their own web appp companies). For most of these folks tomorrow never quite arrives, but some of the most "businessy" developers in Thoughtworks dream of writing game engines one day or learning deep math vodoo or earning an MS or PhD. And good people have left TW for all these reasons. And if this is the situation at arguably the best enterprise app development company (at least in the "consultants" subspace) one can imagine the situation in "lesser" companies . 这个就不知道了,这里的thoughtworkers 评论一下。 对于Programmer, 还是老人的一句话: " Software, we make the hardware dancing". 因此再往上面去可能真不是programmer的地盘了。 在国内,白天写Busniess App的人, 要晚上自娱自乐搞System Coding, 怕要被老婆骂没出息吧。 美国5000$就能养家副口,养车养房了,大部分人工作两三年就到这个水平了;国内不懂业务和管理,光靠coding,绝大部分怕买不起小孩的尿布吧。 |
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哪个钱来的多,就哪个重要! |
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jfy3d 写道 不好说了
比如男人重要还是女人重要 有父系时代或地区 也有母系的 还有倡导平等的 你这是抬扛 |
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要说更重要就要看情况了 |
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话题有点像“是蛋生鸡,还是鸡生蛋”,呵呵! |
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melin 写道 在中国,每天写代码是养不起家的。这是为什么程序员干不了几年就要改方向。不像国外不会担心生存,
话题有点像“是蛋生鸡,还是鸡生蛋”,呵呵! 为什么在中国,每天写代码是养不起家的?程序员的工资和其他行业比还是比较高的吧。 |
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