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ray_linn 写道



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Nighthaven 写道
ray_linn 写道




java web start的demo 每个人都可以load起来看看,省得嘴硬。

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ray_linn 写道
avaj 写道

最起码我觉着office 2007系列在我的机器上跑起来有些费劲,但是用的人还是很多!


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ray_linn 写道
网游服务端 -- 这个用java也可能死得惨。别人用一台服务器,你用两台服务器。。

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C3PO 写道
想看海浪也有啊,Cloth Effect,Environmental Mapping,Projected Water……What ever you want,you name it.


就那个海浪效果吧,82FPS,每帧是34686个三角形,这种效率放在现在的游戏里面也就勉强够渲染一个角色而已。《战争机器》在Xbox360上是每帧300万个多边形,保持在30FPS/s就是9000万,效率相差32倍,而且还不算人家GOW的大量特效,包括法相贴图、实时阴影、全屏抗锯齿、各向异性过滤和后期处理。所以别show那Jmonkey engine了,效率跟人家相差32倍还缺乏特效,这种玩意有实用价值?


jMonkey Engine是一个开源的免费引擎,我从来没有指望它可以超过次世代主机上的大作用的引擎。即使如此,你做的比较也毫无道理,在硬件条件完全不同的情况下,你是如何得出渲染效率32倍的结论的?还有刚才那个ray_linn,居然拿出盟军敢死队这样和刚才那个海浪demo毫无共同点的东西来比较。你们的逻辑思维真是强大到让我惊讶。

至于jMonkey Engine有没有实用价值,我想已经有人使用它做商业游戏,并且以此为生,就已经证明了它具有实用价值了。

和你俩在这吵终究还是说明我自己的高度也不高,受不了挑衅,其实早就应该不跟你们一般见识。这是我最后一次回复你和ray_linn 的帖子,从现在开始随便你们怎么说,我不再和你俩理论了。
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ray_linn 写道
qzzlw 写道
ray_linn 写道
lbfhappy 写道

你是无限放大吧??? 从java 3d推广到无限了... 小朋友回去读读书.

看你的文章,一直都是.net ,作者也说了这只是他的综述,这里作者也是花了心思在研究的,拿到这里来也是希望大家多提点探讨,帮他提点意见,看到现在看见你有点心态不正确了,你喜欢c++,不代表java先游戏界就没有前途,没有谁是预言家的。一开始也有很多人预言c++不适合开发游戏?为什么,因为跟汇编比起来,速度慢了。

我看你的稀里糊涂了吧?  你以为好人就不会害死人了么? 一篇误导初学者的帖子也是会害死人的,jogl和汇编有可比性么?还是你根本不懂Jogl是怎么工作的,jogl只是wrapper C开发的东西,并增加一堆消耗资源的东西。



为什么自己没有看到的东西你就在武断的认为别人在杜撰呢?在 Killer Game Programming in Java 这本书里,有这么一段话,An interesting historical observation is that the gaming community used to think that C and C++ were too high-level for fast, efficient games programming when compared to assembly language. Opinions started to change only after the obvious success of games written in C, such as Doom and Dungeon Master, in the mid-1980s. Also important was the appearance of cross-platform development tools that supported C, such as RenderWare.  (从历史观察,一个有趣的现象就是游戏社区过去常认为编写快速有效的游戏,同汇编相比,c和c++因为太高级语言而不适合,只有19世纪80年代中期用c写的doom 和Dungeon Master的成功才改变了这种观点),而且跨平台的透明性支持了c作为开发工具,比如RenderWare.
Java is too slow for games programming.
Java has memory leaks.
Java is too high-level.
Java application installation is a nightmare.
Java isn't supported on games consoles.
No one uses Java to write real games.
Sun Microsystems isn't interested in supporting Java gaming.

对于速度 这是作者原文
This is better rephrased as "Java is slow compared to C and C++, the dominant languages for games programming." This argument was valid when Java first appeared (around 1996) but has become increasingly ridiculous with each new release. Some figures put JDK 1.0, that first version of the language, at 20 to 40 times slower than C++. However, J2SE 5.0, the current release, is typically only 1.1 times slower.

It's worth saying that I think almost all of these objections are substantially wrong. Java is roughly the same speed as C++. Memory leaks can be avoided with good programming and techniques like profiling. Yes, Java is high-level, but it offers more direct access to graphics hardware and external devices. Installation isn't a nightmare if you use decent installation software. There's a growing number of excellent, fun Java games, and an enormous amount of support available from Sun and Sun-sponsored sites.

Puzzle Pirates by Three Rings (http://www.puzzlepirates.com/)

This is a multiplayer pirate game that includes Tetris-like or Columns-like puzzles at various points. The client and server are written in Java. It won several awards during 2004, including the Technical Excellence and Audience Choice prizes at the Game Developers Conference.

Chrome by Techland (http://www.chromethegame.com/en/show.php)

Chrome is a futuristic multiplayer FPS (first person shooter) made up of 14 different missions, in an amazing variety of landscapes. It received a Duke's Choice Award from Sun Microsystems in 2004 for the most innovative product using Java technology.

Law and Order II by Legacy Interactive. (http://www.lawandordergame.com/index2.htm)

This is a detective game written in Java, Java 3D, and QuickTime for Java. The first Law and Order sold over 100,000 units.

Kingdom of Wars by Abandoned Castle Studios (http://www.abandonedcastle.com/)

This is a fantasy game set in the world of Jairon.

Alien Flux by Puppy Games (http://www.puppygames.net/info.php?game=Alien_Flux)

Alien Flux is an exciting arcade shoot-em-up.

War! Age of Imperialism by Eagle Games (http://www.eaglegames.net/products/WAR_AOI/wai.shtml)

War! is a computer version of the award-winning board game from Eagle Games.

Runescape by Jagex (http://www.runescape.com)

Runescape is a massive 3D multiplayer fantasy adventure game. Clients can use a Java applet to play or download a Windows-based client application.

Star Wars Galaxies by LucasArts (http://www.lucasarts.com/products/galaxies/)

This one has its game logic coded in Java.

IL-2 Sturmovik by Ubi-Soft (http://www.il2sturmovik.com/)

Award winning WW II aerial combat using Java and C++, this and the new version (IL2-Forgotten Battles) are great examples of Java in games.

Pernica by Starfire Research (http://www.starfireresearch.com/pernica/pernica.html)

Pernica is an online fantasy role-playing game first implemented in Java 3D.

Cosm by Navtools, Inc. (http://www.cosm-game.com/)

Cosm is another fun online fantasy-based role-playing game.

C&C Attack Copter by Electronic Arts (http://www.eagames.com/free/home.jsp)

This is a free online action game based on the Command & Conquer series.

Roboforge by Liquid Edge Games (http://www.roboforge.com)

Train a 3D robot to fight in online tournaments. It was given an "Excellent 87%" by PC Gamer Magazine.

Galactic Village by Galactic Village Games (http://www.galactic-village.com)

Galactic Village is a massively multiplayer strategy game, written entirely in Java. Not yet finished though alpha versions have been appearing.

Wurm Online by Mojang Specifications (http://www.wurmonline.com/)

This is another massively multiplayer fantasy game, written in Java. It's still in the alpha stages of development, but the screenshots look great.

Jellyvision (http://www.jellyvision.com/)

Jellyvision used a mix of Java and C++ in their popular Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (2000) and You Don't Know Jack (1995) games. They employed Java for the game logic, an approach used in Majestic (2001) by Electronic Arts.

Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption (2000) by Nihilistic software (http://www.nihil-istic.com/).

Java was utilized as a scripting language in this highly acclaimed game.

Tom Clancy's Politika (1997) by Red Storm Entertainment (http://www.redstorm.com/)

This game was written in almost pure Java. Shadow Watch (2000) and Tom Clancy's ruthless.com (1998) mixed Java and C/C++.

A good source for nontechnical lists of Java games, both commercial and freeware/shareware, can be found on the Java games pages at java.com (http://www.java.com/en/games/). The pages divide games into several categories: action, adventure, strategy, puzzle, cards, sports, and so on.

Freeware/Shareware Games
Many Java games are out on the Web, but finding a game that's written well requires a careful search. Many applets date from the late 1990s and were designed using the outdated JDK 1.0 and 1.1 with their feeble media APIs (e.g., graphics, sounds). The initial Java euphoria produced some less than exciting games, more concerned with technical trickery than quality. This large pool of useless applets got Java labeled as a toy language.

Recent versions of Java are different. The speed has improved and APIs crucial to gamingsuch as graphics and audioare of a high quality. There's been a move away from applets towards the downloading of client-side applications using JWS.

Java's backward compatibility allows the applets from 1996 to 1998 to be executed, and they'll often run quicker than the original applets. However, it's probably best to steer clear of these Java dinosaurs and look for more modern code.

Numerous web sites use Java games. The emphasis of the following list is on applications/applets for playing:

Java Games Factory (JGF) (http://grexengine.com/sections/externalgames/)

There aren't many games at this site (about 50), but they're all high quality. The aim is to show off various modern Java game technologies.

ArcadePod.com (http://www.arcadepod.com/java/)

Over 750 Java games, nicely categorized.

Java 4 Fun (http://www.java4fun.com/java.html)

Similar in style to ArcadePod, with a good set of links to other sites.

jars.com (http://www.jars.com)

A general Java site with a ratings scheme. There are many games, but a lot of them are old applets.

Java Shareware (http://www.javashareware.com/)

Another general site: look under the categories applications/games and applets/games.

Java Games Central (http://www.mnsi.net/tild rkerr/)

A personal web site that lists games with ratings and links. It was last updated in 2001.

Some of my favorite freeware/shareware games are:

Super Elvis; also known as Hallucinogenesis (http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/hallucinogenesis/hallucinogenesis.jnlp)

This game won the Sun Microsystems 2004 Technology Game Development Contest. Super Elvis can be downloaded from the puppygames web site using JWS.

FlyingGuns (http://www.flyingguns.com/)

A 3D multiplayer WWI fighter plane game/simulator. This came second in the contest but is my favorite.

Cosmic Trip (http://www.mycgiserver.com/tild movegaga/cosmictrip.html)

An arcade-style 3D game with striking graphics.

Squareheads (http://home.halden.net/tombr/squareheads/squareheads.html)

A multiplayer FPS (it came third in the developer contest).

Escape (http://javaisdoomed.sourceforge.net/)

A Doom-like FPS.

CazaPool3D (http://membres.lycos.fr/franckcalzada/Billard3D/Pool.html)

A pool game that allows online (single/multiplayer) play in an applet or as a standalone application.

Programmers looking for source code should start at one of the following sites:

SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/search/)

SourceForge acts as a repository and management tool for software projects, many with source code. A recent search for (java + game) returned over 70 projects that had 40 percent or greater activity. One of the drawbacks of SourceForge is that deciding if a project is vaporware is difficult. Good projects that have been completed will show low activity after a time, dropping down the list of search results.

FreshMeat.com (http://freshmeat.net/)

FreshMeat maintains thousands of applications, most released under open source licenses. The search facilities are excellent and can be guided by game category terms. The results include rating, vitality, and popularity figures for each piece of software. A recent search for Java in the Games/Entertainment category returned nearly 70 hits. Many applications turn up at SourceForge and FreshMeat.

The "Your Games Here" Java Games Forum (http://www.javagaming.org/cgi-bin/JGNetForums/YaBB.cgi?board=Announcements)

Implementers can post links to their games, and (perhaps more importantly) users can post their opinions as follow-ups.

Code Beach (http://www.codebeach.com)

CodeBeach has a searchable subsection for Java games that contains nearly 90 examples.

Programmers Heaven (http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone13/)

It has a "Java zone" containing some games.

This is better rephrased as "Java is slow compared to C and C++, the dominant languages for games programming." This argument was valid when Java first appeared (around 1996) but has become increasingly ridiculous with each new release. Some figures put JDK 1.0, that first version of the language, at 20 to 40 times slower than C++. However, J2SE 5.0, the current release, is typically only 1.1 times slower.

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看了java开发游戏wurm,我感觉java开发大型3D(i td= fhw 不知道你们有没有玩过WURM)技术真的没什么问题了,说消耗内存吧,我看wurm也只是300-500M之间,现在硬件配置没什么问题吧.现在java开发游戏性能还没有最优化(不想C已优化那么多年,提升的空间应当相对java来说是少的了).java性能提升空间还是很大的.目前环境java已有做出.wurm这样水平的游戏,我对他未有信心,在不久将来.将会出现更多,更优秀java大型游戏.
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ssuupv 写道
看了java开发游戏wurm,我感觉java开发大型3D(i td= fhw 不知道你们有没有玩过WURM)技术真的没什么问题了,说消耗内存吧,我看wurm也只是300-500M之间,现在硬件配置没什么问题吧.现在java开发游戏性能还没有最优化(不想C已优化那么多年,提升的空间应当相对java来说是少的了).java性能提升空间还是很大的.目前环境java已有做出.wurm这样水平的游戏,我对他未有信心,在不久将来.将会出现更多,更优秀java大型游戏.



"上周奇幻MMORPG游戏《Wurm Online》的服务器全线崩溃,数据全部损失。游戏开发方预计玩家损失的游戏时间共计超过50万小时。


我们从来没有争辩Java能不能写出游戏,而是Java能成为主流3D开发语言吗? WURM的画面是能和任何一款当前的3D游戏媲美么? 你能把WURM跟"华丽"二个字挂上钩么? WOW也才区区300M内存, WURM难道不算内存大户了么?

I have a 2D engine written in both Java and C++. If I draw using the OpenGL immediate mode (glVertex) i get about 1/3 of the vertex output i'd get with C++, however if i use Vertex Buffer Objects the amount is perhaps 3/4 of the amount in C++ engine.

For simple games I don't see the problem in this, however for example as you can see that concentration camp simulator (Wyrm Online, Wurm Online?) doesn't run very well, although it is very pretty. I think it's a great example of when one should / shouldn't use Java. It's impossible to get reasonable framerates when compared to other commercial products of that scale.

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现在应用内存用个1G有什么压力吗?何况没达到1G,wow也有崩溃的,wow你知道,脚本是什么写的吗,你是不是觉得是C++啊, ,LUA!!!
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