锁定老帖子 主题:android锁屏 诡异的问题
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夜之son 写道
jeye_ID 写道
这是一个开源项目里关于锁的控制,代码写的很好,你自己看看吧。public class ManageKeyguard { private static KeyguardManager myKM = null; private static KeyguardLock myKL = null; public static final String TAG = "kg"; public static synchronized void initialize(Context context) { if (myKM == null) { myKM = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE); Log.v("MKinit","we had to get the KM."); } } public static synchronized void disableKeyguard(Context context) { // myKM = (KeyguardManager) // context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE); initialize(context); if (myKM.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) { myKL = myKM.newKeyguardLock(TAG); myKL.disableKeyguard(); //Log.v(TAG,"--Keyguard disabled"); } else { myKL = null; } } //the following checks if the keyguard is even on... //it actually can't distinguish between password mode or not //I've learned that this returns true even if you've done the above disable //that's because disable is just hiding or pausing the lockscreen. //the only time this returns false is if we haven't ever done an init //or we have already securely exited //the OS also seems to automatically do a secure exit when you press home after a disable public static synchronized boolean inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() { if (myKM != null) { return myKM.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode(); } return false; } public static synchronized void reenableKeyguard() { if (myKM != null) { if (myKL != null) { myKL.reenableKeyguard(); myKL = null; } } } //this only can be used after we have paused/hidden the lockscreen with a disablekeyguard call //otherwise the OS logs "verifyunlock called when not externally disabled." public static synchronized void exitKeyguardSecurely(final LaunchOnKeyguardExit callback) { if (inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) { Log.v(TAG,"--Trying to exit keyguard securely"); myKM.exitKeyguardSecurely(new OnKeyguardExitResult() { public void onKeyguardExitResult(boolean success) { reenableKeyguard(); //this call ensures the keyguard comes back at screen off //without this call, all future disable calls will be blocked //for not following the lockscreen rules //in other words reenable immediately restores a paused lockscreen //but only queues restore for next screen off if a secure exit has been done already if (success) { Log.v(TAG,"--Keyguard exited securely"); callback.LaunchOnKeyguardExitSuccess(); } else { Log.v(TAG,"--Keyguard exit failed"); } } }); } else { callback.LaunchOnKeyguardExitSuccess(); } } public interface LaunchOnKeyguardExit { public void LaunchOnKeyguardExitSuccess(); } 能否gtailk或者QQ详问一下呢。。。 |
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wangju900208 写道
夜之son 写道
wangju900208 写道
夜之son 写道
ps:这个bug不好出现,一旦出现就不会消失。 你好,不知道你的问题解决没有,可以告诉我稍微详细一点的代码吗,你在下文粘贴的,我看得不是特别明白。。。。谢谢啦! http://mylockforandroid.googlecode.com/svn自己检出来看吧 十分感谢!!!!!!!!! 不客气,多交流。 |
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