PDF 读写类库, 不需要安装注册, 直接引用就可以使用了.
ItextSharp官方代码示例 iTextShrp中文教程 !
The .NET framework does not contain any native way to work with PDF files. So, if you want to generate or work with PDF files as part of your ASP.NET web application, you will have to rely on one of the many third party components that are available. Google will help you to find one that fits your budget, as well as a range of open-source free components. One of the free components is iTextSharp, which is a port of a well known Java utility, iText. The main problem with iTextSharp is that it lacks documentation. There are some basic tutorials available, but most programmers have to resort to trying to wrestle with the documentation provided for the Java version - iText - to get going with the component, or you may want to purchase the book iText In Action. However, this only provides guidance in Java. Many of the code samples are transferable to C# without a lot of modification, but if you are relatively new to C#, you may frequently become frustrated with undocumented or inexplicable differences in classes and method names between the two versions. As a final resort, you can always use Reflector to pick the dll apart and examine its innards. So, as part of a series of How To articles, here's how to get started using iTextSharp with code samples in C#.
iTextSharp的中文使用说明,包括:第一部分 iText的简单应用(创建、区域、图形、表格),第二部分 其他文档格式(XML、RTF),第三部分 iText的高级应用(字体、位置、模板、转向)等。
iTextSharp 是用来生成 PDF 的一个组件,在 1998 年夏天的时候,Bruno Lowagie ,iText 的创作者,参与了学校的一个项目,当时使用 HTML 来生成报告,但是,使用 HTML 打印的效果很不理想。最后,他发现,使用 PDF 可以完美解决打印问题,为了能够在各个系统中使用,iText 组件库诞生了。
iTextSharp 中文操作文档 文档中包含示例(C#) 示例代码 以word文档 需自行结合操作文档 为创建工程测试 提供参考
iTextSharp使用手册pdf中文版 第一章 创建一个 Document 利用 iText 五步创建一个 PDF文件: helloword 。 第一步,创建一个 iTextSharp.text.Document 对象的实例: Document document = new Document(); 第二步,为该 Document创建一个 Writer 实例: PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileStream("Chap0101.pdf", FileMode.Create)); 第三步,打开当前 Document document.Open(); 第四步,为当前 Document添加内容: document.Add(new Paragraph("Hello World")); 第五步,关闭 Document document.Close();