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有真正理解Tapestry中 persist 对象含义的么

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在 server-side state 一章中,Tapestry的作者重点讲了persist的含义,说他的作用很大啊,解决了许多其他框架的变量状态问题,但是看了他的解释,不是很理解:

Servlets, and by extension, JavaServer Pages, are inherently stateless. That is, they will be used simultaneously by many threads and clients. Because of this, they must not store (in instance variables) any properties or values that are specific to any single client.

This creates a frustration for developers, because ordinary programming techniques must be avoided. Instead, client-specific state and data must be stored in the HttpSession or as HttpServletRequest attributes. This is an awkward and limiting way to handle both transient state (state that is only needed during the actual processing of the request) and persistent state (state that should be available during the processing of this and subsequent requests).

Tapestry bypasses most of these issues by not sharing objects between threads and clients. Tapestry uses an object pool to store constructed page instances. As a page is needed, it is removed from the page pool. If there are no available pages in the pool, a fresh page instance is constructed.

For the duration of a request, a page and all components within the page are reserved to the single request. There is no chance of conflicts because only the single thread processing the request will have access to the page. At the end of the request cycle, the page is reset back to a pristine state and returned to the shared pool, ready for reuse by the same client, or by a different client.

In fact, even in a high-volume Tapestry application, there will rarely be more than a few instances of any particular page in the page pool.

For this scheme to work it is important that, at the end of the request cycle, the page be returned to its pristine state. The prisitine state is equivalent to a freshly created instance of the page. In other words, any properties of the page that changed during the processing of the request must be returned to their initial values.

The page is then returned to the page pool, where it will wait to be used in a future request. That request may be for the same end user, or for another user entirely.

他能自动管理persist对象的状态,那麽到底是存在 session中还是 application中呢,这个 Object pool中的对象什么时候被释放,什么时候有效呢,对多少个线程有效?理解这段话的朋友请指点!
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rwx7699 写道

2.在一个请求中,也就是一个request中,其中的变量当然不变了,比如说 request.setAttribute 其中一个变量,你如果不修改它,当然不变,这和persistent没关系吧
3.这个 page pool他解释的含糊不清,什麽情况下使用,比存在 session中有什麽好处,他的lifecycle,都没有说明白

client-specific state and data must be stored in the HttpSession or as HttpServletRequest attributes. This is an awkward and limiting way to handle both transient state

transient state 状态储存在 request中,而又状态的变量储存在 session中,我没有觉得有什麽不方便和麻烦的,session这样处理很好,他为什莫说 awkward 和限制开发者编程呢?
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shanghai 写道

我的几个问题对理解 Tapestry很有帮助,特别对于他处理变量的方式,很重要,Tapestry是很好的基于事件的框架(不知道和JSF比起来哪个更有优势),所以值得花些时间去理解他
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1.Servlets, and by extension, JavaServer Pages, are inherently stateless. That is, they will be used simultaneously by many threads and clients. Because of this, they must not store (in instance variables) any properties or values that are specific to any single client.
一般的jsp和servlets没有状态,它们被很多线程和客户端使用,所以它们不能为任何一个客户端保存任何属性值 。
2.This creates a frustration for developers, because ordinary programming techniques must be avoided. Instead, client-specific state and data must be stored in the HttpSession or as HttpServletRequest attributes. This is an awkward and limiting way to handle both transient state (state that is only needed during the actual processing of the request) and persistent state (state that should be available during the processing of this and subsequent requests).
3.Tapestry bypasses most of these issues by not sharing objects between threads and clients. Tapestry uses an object pool to store constructed page instances. As a page is needed, it is removed from the page pool. If there are no available pages in the pool, a fresh page instance is constructed.

tapestry的解决方案是不在线程和客户端共享这些对象。tapestry使用object pool(自定义对象池)来存储已创建页面的instance(实例?)。当页面需要时候,页面从页面池中取出。也池中没有可用页面时,fresh页面实例被创建。
4.For the duration of a request, a page and all components within the page are reserved to the single request. There is no chance of conflicts because only the single thread processing the request will have access to the page. At the end of the request cycle, the page is reset back to a pristine state and returned to the shared pool, ready for reuse by the same client, or by a different client.

In fact, even in a high-volume Tapestry application, there will rarely be more than a few instances of any particular page in the page pool.
5.For this scheme to work it is important that, at the end of the request cycle, the page be returned to its pristine state. The prisitine state is equivalent to a freshly created instance of the page. In other words, any properties of the page that changed during the processing of the request must be returned to their initial values.

The page is then returned to the page pool, where it will wait to be used in a future request. That request may be for the same end user, or for another user entirely.

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