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<div id="ttabs" dojoType="TabContainer" labelPosition="bottom" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"> <span id="ttab1" dojoType="ContentPane" href="tab1.html" label="Tab 1" closable="true"></span> <span id="ttab2" dojoType="ContentPane" href="tab2.html" refreshOnShow="true" label="Tab 2"></span> <span dojoType="ContentPane" label="Tab 3" onClose="testClose" closable="true"> If you try to close me there should be a confirm dialog. </span> </div> 现在我已经有三个tab页,我想写一个函数 向ttabs里面添加多一个tab页 应该如何做呢? dojo版本为 0.4 struts2中自带的。 谢谢 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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function setCssText(node, cssText){ // make opera sing if(dojo.lang.isUndefined(node.style.cssText)){ node.setAttribute("style", cssText); }else{ node.style.cssText= cssText; } } function addATab(father,id,name){ widget = dojo.widget.byId(father); // setup input node var node = document.createElement("div"); setCssText(node, "padding:8px; overflow: auto;width:100%;height:100%"); // necessary if parent is LayoutContainer var child = dojo.widget.createWidget( "ContentPane", { widgetId: id, label: name, // necessary if parent is tab layoutAlign: "bottom", // necessary if parent is LayoutContainer executeScripts: true, closable:true }, node ); widget.addChild(child); } addATab('ttabs','id','name'); 即可 |
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