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Fantastic Lhasa

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This May Day I was assigned to fulfil a mission.

The destination is Tibet.

I was scared and unwilling to go, not only because Tibet is holy but the world roof, but also I am not a super woman with a good health condition.

My colleagues were envy while I was imposed. What a ironic story.

My bosses finally convinced me by agreeing to release me if I was examed unfit to go by doctor's consultation.

However, the result went against me. I am very well and fit to go to high altitude area.

With timidity and excitement, I took the plane and flied to the holy land.

The airplane is above in 10 thousand meters but the icy mountains are right below. It seems that you could touch them. Seas of snow! There is no cloud  in this dark blue sky, so clean and so pure.

I am sitting on the seat against the sunshine and could enjoy the scenery of heaven.

Story to be continued...

Welcome to Lhasa!

Welcome to Potala!
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Although the sun is blazing on the other half of the plane, I still need sunglasses to filter the fierce ultraviolet rays.

When the plane is approaching Lhasa, snowy mountains take off white coat and put on dark black or sandy yellow. No greens are in my eyesight zone. I am wondering whether it is on the moon or in Egypt.

There is a girl with a mask and sunglasses sitting beside me. She is so wrapped and the Stewardess even asked her whether she is ok and it is no need to put on these stuff to protect in plane.

She is strange and no words. When she is reading the book of "pack hiking to Lhasa", I can't help asking her whether I could have a look, for I have prepared nothing and known nothing about my future journey.

Her reply is so friendly to surprize me. She is a lawyer and has quited her present job and one-month free time before her new job is scheduled for Si Chuan tour. She has visited many sceneries and sights in and outside China. She is an amazing girl only 1 year elder than me.

We talked a lot about her travel and my work. And acclaim together for the seeing of the dark green winding Yaluzangbu river. The river is slim because it is seen on the plane and it is not rainy season of August.

This picture is taken on land.

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