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锁定老帖子 主题:求助,帮忙做下这个sql语句的优化
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太慢了,求优化.... SELECT (SELECT c1.name from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=a.one_code) one_name, (SELECT c2.name from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=a.two_code) two_name, (SELECT c1.image from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=a.one_code) image, (SELECT c2.image from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=a.two_code) image1, (SELECT t.info_title from infos t where t.info_type=106 and info_status=3 order by info_time desc limit 1)title, a.low_temperature,a.high_temperature,a.weather_day, c.sname,c.t,c.pr1,c.wd,c.ws,c.wet FROM weathers a,cities b,sc_realtime_weathers c where a.area_key=b.city_key and c.sid=b.code AND a.weather_day between'2012-02-16' and '2012-02-19' and c.st='2012-02-16 18:00:00'and (c.sname like'绵阳%' or b.code='绵阳' or b.phoneticize='绵阳') 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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(SELECT c1.name from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=a.one_code) one_name,
(SELECT c2.name from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=a.two_code) two_name, (SELECT c1.image from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=a.one_code) image, (SELECT c2.image from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=a.two_code) image1, 这几个是不是可以合并为两个SQL 看看执行计划 先做过滤 然后做表连接 另 表上对应字段做index么 或者是联合index |
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select c1.name one_name, c2.name two_name, c3.image image, c4.image image1, (SELECT t.info_title from infos t where t.info_type=106 and info_status=3 order by info_time desc limit 1) title, a.low_temperature,a.high_temperature,a.weather_day, c.sname,c.t,c.pr1,c.wd,c.ws,c.wet FROM weathers a,cities b,sc_realtime_weathers c ,weather_phenomenons c1,weather_phenomenons c2,weather_phenomenons c3,weather_phenomenons c4 where a.area_key=b.city_key and c.sid=b.code AND a.weather_day between'2012-02-16' and '2012-02-19' and c.st='2012-02-16 18:00:00'and (c.sname like'绵阳%' or b.code='绵阳' or b.phoneticize='绵阳') and c1.code=a.one_code and c2.code=a.two_code and c3.code=a.one_code and c4.code=a.two_code
还是得看执行计划才能从哪入手啊, info_type 和info_status 是常量还是变量,是变量的话 cost 可能在这了 |
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2、拆SQL看看效率 SELECT a.one_code, a.two_code, a.low_temperature,a.high_temperature,a.weather_day, c.sname,c.t,c.pr1,c.wd,c.ws,c.wet FROM weathers a,cities b,sc_realtime_weathers c where a.area_key=b.city_key and c.sid=b.code AND a.weather_day between'2012-02-16' and '2012-02-19' and c.st='2012-02-16 18:00:00'and (c.sname like'绵阳%' or b.code='绵阳' or b.phoneticize='绵阳') //这个好像查询后可以复用 没必要放到里边吧 (SELECT t.info_title from infos t where t.info_type=106 and info_status=3 order by info_time desc limit 1)title select (SELECT c1.name from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=?) one_name, (SELECT c2.name from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=?) two_name, (SELECT c1.image from weather_phenomenons c1 where c1.code=?) image, (SELECT c2.image from weather_phenomenons c2 where c2.code=?) image1 from dual 关键还是上执行计划 另外表之间连接太多也不好 还不如拆成几条SQL效率高 |
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