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我需要找一个ruby编程爱好者,帮助我出100+编程题,要求如下: 1. 必须是原创的,当然,你也可以参考一些其他的资料,但不能100%照抄 2. 我会提供一个大纲,100道题要求基本覆盖大纲内容即可 3. 题目格式要求: 3.1,题目描述 3.2,题目对应大纲章节 3.3,题目难易等级,以level 1为初级,level 3为高级 3.4,题目提示,1-2个提示 3.5,题目答案,即代码 有兴趣的童鞋请联系我,我会根据题目给你一定的报酬。谢谢。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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其实并不复杂,我出过python100题目,所以,如果您是一位ruby爱好者,可以把我出过的python翻译过来都行(不过要对应上我提供的ruby大纲) 我出过的python100题在这里,https://github.com/zhiweihu/Python-programming-exercises/blob/master/100%2B%20Python%20challenging%20programming%20exercises.txt 另外,大纲如下: 1. Introduction to Ruby Introduction to Ruby, learning objectives and interactive nature of learning., How to add two numbers?, How to divide a number?, How to multiply two numbers?, Introduction to console, error and success messages. 2. Objects Part 1 What are programming languages?, Everything in Ruby is an object., Introducing variables, Numbers and Assignments, Exercise On Assignment, Introducing Jack's bank account, Introducing Jill's bank account, Introducing assignment, On assignment and variables, Assigning jills_account to account, What do variables mean?, Quick test on assignment, Evaluate results of test assignment, Test question on Variables and Assignment, On assignments and numbers, On assignments and numbers, On assignments and numbers, On assignments and numbers, On assignments and numbers, On assignments and numbers 3. Objects Part 2 Calling methods on Objects, find jacks account balance, Calling methods on Objects, find jills account balance, Calling methods on Objects, find jills home address, Find methods available on an Object, Find Jack's home address, Revisiting assignment, What is nil?, What happens when you assign nil to a variable?, Checking Changes! 4. Methods What is a Method?, Method naming conventions in Ruby, Method naming conventions in Ruby., Find Jack's account balance., Method naming conventions in Ruby, \Making Jack's account balance zero\, More on Ruby method conventions, Introducing method inputs and outputs., Method deposit, Check Jill's account balance after depositing $100., Introducing object_id method., More on object_id method., Uses of object id, Nil's object id., Quiz on object id and summary 5. More on Methods Introducing puts command in Ruby, Creating a method in Ruby, Calling a method in Ruby\r\n, How to return a value in a method, How to return a value in a method, How to return a value in a method, How to return a value in a method, How to return a value in a method, Creating a method in Ruby, Calling methods with parameters, Local variables in methods, Local variables in methods, Local variables in methods, Method, Calling Method, Method 6. Strings Part-1 Strings Introduction!, String the Object., Ruby method., methods, string operator, String variables, String variable, String variables, String concatenation, Displaying Strings, Strings formatting , String Formatting, Strings, Addition, Addition with strings, Checking the balance, Formatting 7. Strings Part - 2 Strings, Built in function, Method capitalize, Built in length function, Built in \Count\ function, \count\ method, String multiplication, reverse built in method, Method reverse, String, String concatenation, Conclusion |
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