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锁定老帖子 主题:卡瓦菲斯《城市》
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另一座城市,比这更好的城市,将被发现。 我的每一项努力都是对命运的谴责; 而我的心被埋葬了,像一具尸体。 在这座荒原上,我的神思还要坚持多久? 无论我的脸朝向哪里,无论我的视线投向何方, 我在此看到的尽是我生命的黑色废墟。 多年以来,我在此毁灭自己,虚掷自己。” 你会发现没有新的土地,你会发现没有别的大海。 这城市将尾随着你,你游荡的街道 将一仍其旧,你老去,周围将是同样的邻居; 这些房屋也将一仍其旧,你将在其中白发丛生。 你将到达的永远是同一座城市,别指望还有他乡。 没有渡载你的船,没有供你行走的道路, 你既已毁掉你的生活,在这小小的角落, 你便已经毁掉了它,在整个世界。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The City You said, "I will go to another land, I will go to another sea. Another city will be found, better than this. Every effort of mine is condemned by fate; and my heart is -- like a corpse -- buried. How long in this wasteland will my mind remain. Wherever I turn my eyes, wherever I may look I see the black ruins of my life here, where I spent so many years, and ruined and wasted." New lands you will not find, you will not find other seas. The city will follow you. You will roam the same streets. And you will age in the same neighborhoods; in these same houses you will grow gray. Always you will arrive in this city. To another land -- do not hope -- there is no ship for you, there is no road. As you have ruined your life here in this little corner, you have destroyed it in the whole world. Constantine P. Cavafy (1910) 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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