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potian 写道

当年为了看设计模式去买Smalltalk Best Practice patterns,为了学习Smalltalk Best Practice patterns,我看了两本smalltalk的书。这一年多来为了学习Ruby我重新看了一本smalltalk的书,用翻译软件看了Ruby Hacking Guide,并且根据Ruby 1.8自己写了很多Ruby源代码方面的体会,一直跟踪着YARV的发展。

另外我从头到尾把OnLisp和Practical Common Lisp的例子仔仔细细都做了一遍,Paul Graham 的文章全部仔细阅读了好几遍,并且一直在关注Lisp这个社团。

Smalltalk Best Practice patterns, on lisp 和 practical common lisp
为了学习 Ruby 我也打算看这三本书, 不过都还在计划阶段。没想到你连例子都仔细做过了。 牛。

三本书我都有了, Smalltalk Best Practice patterns 刚叫人从美国带回来。很快我也会去看的。
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buaawhl 写道
----- 我写的一段关于Java的感想

首先,我认为,JSP、以及因JSP产生的TagLib、以及因TagLib产生的TagLib Dreamweaver Plugin、TagLib IDE Plugin等一系列产业链的前景堪忧。这一系列产业都属于自产自销,自己产生问题,然后自己解决,乐此不疲。
其次,我看不惯Server Script污染HTML,SQL污染Java,Java污染SQL的情况。

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Look at here, it was/still is the busiest ruby forums on earth.

Compare to 2.5 month ago, it substantially cools down, from several pages/day to several days/page.

Obviously, the parallel rails forum is much better, but also cool down quite some from 2.5 month ago.

Just FYI, I started to learn ruby about 2.5 month ago.
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roseanne 写道

Look at here, it was/still is the busiest ruby forums on earth.

Compare to 2.5 month ago, it substantially cools down, from several pages/day to several days/page.

Obviously, the parallel rails forum is much better, but also cool down quite some from 2.5 month ago.

Just FYI, I started to learn ruby about 2.5 month ago.

You'd better employ some statistics such as (see archive at the bottom)


It's true that the list was hotter in Aug than in Oct, yet it's still too early to claim ruby is cooling down before eliminating random or cyclical factors.
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Hehe, I did not claim anything and will not claim anything.

I just report a fact, nothing more, nothing less than a fact.

Don't get too sensitive on slightly different view points or facts.

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主题:   MF高度评价DHH和RMH宣称J2EE将死    

Interesting topic.

As far as I know (AFAIK), FORTRAN was born in early 50's and COBOL was born in late 1950's, they are not dead yet.

Dr. Dijkstra (TURING award winner) did not like FORTRAN, and one condition to be his PHD student was "do not know FROTRAN AND/OR  Basic".

Now, Dr. Dijkstra is dead, but FORTRAN and BASIC are both still alive... Don't get me wrong, I respect Dr. Dijkstra in my entire Computer Science Life, and I still do!!!!!

My point is please don't believe someone, even famous ones, said something is going to be dead easily!!!!


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roseanne 写道
主题:   MF高度评价DHH和RMH宣称J2EE将死    

My point is please don't believe someone, even famous ones, said something is going to be dead!!!!

yes,I think so
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From your link

I found another one here

Read yourself, no comments.
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Another link from qiezi:

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roseanne 写道

Look at here, it was/still is the busiest ruby forums on earth.

Compare to 2.5 month ago, it substantially cools down, from several pages/day to several days/page.

Obviously, the parallel rails forum is much better, but also cool down quite some from 2.5 month ago.

Just FYI, I started to learn ruby about 2.5 month ago.

Ironically, after my post, the ruby forum


suddenly from 1 page cover 7days, become 7-8 pages/today.
It was cold for at least a week or so.

I don't know the reasons behind it, don't even try to explain.

Ruby is hot, and it seems becomes hotter...
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