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RWH CH01 Notes

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   发表时间:2010-08-04   最后修改:2010-08-04


Haskell is lazy evaluation!



Prelude> :show bindings 

Prelude> let x = 2010
Prelude> :show bindings 
x :: Integer = _
Prelude> x
Prelude> :show bindings 
it :: Integer = 2010
x :: Integer = 2010


Exercises Answers:


3: The words function counts the number of words in a string. Modify the WC.hs example to count the number of words in a file.



main = interact wordCount
    where wordCount input = show (length (words input)) ++ "\n"


4: Modify the WC.hs example again, to print the number of characters in a file.


main = interact wordCount
    where wordCount input = show (length input) ++ "\n"
Useful command
:set +t
:unset +t
:m Data.Radio 
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