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从账户一的余额中转100到账户二的余额中去,如果账户二不存在或账户一中的余额不足100则整笔交易回滚 select * from account; -- 创建一张账户表 create table account( -- 账户ID id number(3) not null, -- 账户名称 name varchar2(50) not null, -- 账户余额 balance number(8,2) not null, -- 开启时间 btime date not null ) -- 插入数据 insert into account(id,name,balance,btime) values(1,'张三',2000.23,to_date('2008-02-12','yyyy-mm-dd')); insert into account(id,name,balance,btime) values(2,'李四',530,to_date('2008-10-03','yyyy-mm-dd')); insert into account(id,name,balance,btime) values(3,'王五',1620.2,to_date('2007-08-20','yyyy-mm-dd')); insert into account(id,name,balance,btime) values(4,'小强',910.9,to_date('2009-01-23','yyyy-mm-dd')); insert into account(id,name,balance,btime) values(5,'小周',8700,to_date('2006-09-10','yyyy-mm-dd')); declare -- 临时保存账户一的余额总数 v_balance account.balance%type; begin update account set balance = balance - 100 where name = '&转出账号:' returning balance into v_balance; if sql%notfound then raise_application_error(-20001,'转出账号 不存在!'); end if; if v_balance < 0 then raise_application_error(-20002,'账户余额不足!'); end if; update account set balance = balance + 100 where name = '&转入账号:'; if sql%notfound then raise_application_error(-20003,'转入账号 不存在!'); end if; commit; dbms_output.put_line('转账成功!'); exception when others then rollback; dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); end; 使用ForAll执行批量DML练习: 账户建立超过6个月的赠送100,超过12个月的赠送200,超过24个月的赠送500,建立时间未过6个月的不赠送 declare -- 保存建立账户日期与当前日期相差的份数 v_monthbt number(5,2); type str_table_type is table of varchar2(50) index by binary_integer; type id_table_type is table of number(3) index by binary_integer; -- 账户名称数组 name_table str_table_type; -- 赠送金额数组 money_table str_table_type; -- 账户ID数组 id_table id_table_type; begin for i in 1..5 loop select months_between(sysdate,btime) into v_monthbt from account where id=i; if v_monthbt between 6 and 12 then money_table(i) := 100; elsif v_monthbt between 12 and 24 then money_table(i) := 200; elsif v_monthbt >= 24 then money_table(i) := 500; else money_table(i) := 0; end if; id_table(i) := i; end loop; -- 使用ForAll批量更新数据 forall i in 1..money_table.count update account set balance = balance + money_table(i) where id = id_table(i) returning name bulk collect into name_table; for i in 1..name_table.count loop dbms_output.put_line(name_table(i)); end loop; commit; end; / 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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