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锁定老帖子 主题:iBATIS 2.2 发布
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(August 16, 2006) This is probably the most significant iBATIS 2.x release in at least a year. If you haven't upgraded in a while, this would be the one to go for. This update includes 25 new minor features 15 bug fixes and 3 new major features including support for Oracle cursors, multiple result sets and private bean properties. This is also the first release that requires JDK 1.4 (as voted nearly a year ago). ------------------------------ 2.2.0 - Aug 15, 2006 ------------------------------ o Removed iBATIS 1.x compatibility libraries, they are no longer supported. o Removed deprectated JtaDaoTemplate o Removed custom nested transactions (JDBC 1.4 now required) o Added support for ResultSet OUT params from stored procs (e.g. Oracle Ref Cursor) o Added support for Multiple ResultSets mapped to corresponding ResultMaps or ResultClasses. o Added support for private properties. o Fixed IBATIS-320 - openSession() returns same object o Fixed IBATIS-325 - DateTypeHandler uses static SimpleDateFormat instance. Not thread-safe. o Fixed IBATIS-224 - isNotNull node causes typehandler mappings in statement to fail o Fixed IBATIS-249 - Race conditions in Throttle lead to thread blockage popping items from ThrottledPools under stress o Fixed IBATIS-250 - CLONE -SELECT statement returns unexpected result when 'groupBy' and 'nullValue' are specified in resultMaps. o Fixed IBATIS-258 - Invalid DOCTYPE instruction in example SQL Map file in documentation bundle. o Fixed IBATIS-260 - Hash conflict with groupBy resultMaps o Fixed IBATIS-261 - CLONE -The method executor.executeBatch() always returns 0. o Fixed IBATIS-269 - SqlExecutor calls getMoreResults without checking supportsMultipleResultSets o Fixed IBATIS-281 - Nested iterate tags does not work o Fixed IBATIS-286 - close session upon null user connection o Fixed IBATIS-293 - Fix use of list[]-notation in propertyattributes of dynamic tags o Fixed IBATIS-322 - consistently use the Resources class methods rather than Class.forName() o Fixed IBATIS-323 - JDBC driver properties not added to driver/connection when using DBCP o Fixed IBATIS-331 - nested result mappings not propagated to extended result maps o Added IBATIS-22 - Specify Query Timeout o Added IBATIS-50 - Ability to override the default bean creation mechanism o Added IBATIS-109 - Make PaginatedList work with IBM's broken JDBC driver o Added IBATIS-127 - PropertyAccessPlan should put more context information when throwing an exception o Added IBATIS-128 - Detect illegal overloaded JavaBeans properties methods (e.g. setters) o Added IBATIS-150 - Requirement and benefit of groupBy attribute is not clear in SQL Maps Dev Guide o Added IBATIS-159 - A new executeBatchDetailed() method that returns all driver information from batch execution o Added IBATIS-166 - Add overloads for common SqlMapClient methods without parameterObject parameter o Added IBATIS-167 - Improvements in SimpleDataSource o Added IBATIS-176 - Add support for DECIMAL/NUMERIC scale on Stored Procedure Output Parameters o Added IBATIS-204 - Cache layer does no logging of puts, gets, flushes, or removals. o Added IBATIS-205 - Change access modifiers from private to protected in many classes to allow developers to create extensions and subclasses to the iBatis classes o Added IBATIS-209 - Inline TypeHandler Support o Added IBATIS-225 - Reuse resultmap for single bean property o Added IBATIS-230 - Warn when two ids of a <sql> tag are identical o Added IBATIS-242 - Add property getters for ParameterSetter index and ResultGetter name and index o Added IBATIS-263 - Ignore case on type aliases o Added IBATIS-271 - Create no arg methods in the SqlMapDaoTemplate o Added IBATIS-277 - selectKey execution order attribute o Added IBATIS-210 - Enum within Collection is not mapped to custom TypeHandler o Added IBATIS-217 - I would like to see korean document on iBATIS website's document page o Fixed IBATIS-275 - Add comments only to indicate flushDataCache(string) always uses namespace. o Added IBATIS-308 - fetchSize for procedures o Added IBATIS-305 - corrected the documentation about logging, and added some methods to select specific log implementations o Added IBATIS-311 - Allow removeFirstPrepend to fire repeatedly in an <iterate> tag o Added IBATIS-321 - Add logging of prepare operations 看样子不错,研究一下。 下载地址: http://cvs.apache.org/dist/ibatis/ibatis.java/builds/iBATIS_DBL- 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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vaja 写道 iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 Released [Status: Beta - Voting for GA]
(August 16, 2006) This is probably the most significant iBATIS 2.x release in at least a year. If you haven't upgraded in a while, this would be the one to go for. This update includes 25 new minor features 15 bug fixes and 3 new major features including support for Oracle cursors, multiple result sets and private bean properties. This is also the first release that requires JDK 1.4 (as voted nearly a year ago). 这个改动其实很不错! |
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