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2、JavaScript 权威指南第四版(JavaScript: The Definitive Guide)
这本书前一阶段china-pub上有打折的,搞了一本,内容感觉不错,不过只能做为参考书放在工作台上,太厚了。 ![]() |
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《软件创新之路》我也看了一半儿,往返于沈阳和大连的火车上看的,挺不错的,一直写代码,很多东西都忽略了。那本《about face 2.0》还没看呢,最近一个月项目太忙了 看过你的另一个帖子,关于《面向使用的软件设计》的,准备也买本来看看。 |
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dlee 写道 4、网站重构(Designing with Web Standards) 作者:Jeffrey Zeldman New Riders 原版,电子工业出版社中文版 这本书详细地介绍了如何摒弃远古时代(按照我的理解,3 年以前吧)不符合标准,专门针对某种浏览器(90%以上的情况下是 IE)做开发的恶习,真正采用符合标准的方式来做开发,最终走上向后兼容(注意:不是与浏览器以前不能完整支持 Web 标准的版本相兼容,而是与浏览器以后的版本相兼容)的平坦大路上来。这本书虽然不是 CSS 的专著,但是其中充分展示了使用 CSS 的一些高级技巧。尤其是最后一章展示了完全基于 CSS 做布局,摒弃使用 table 做布局的老方法的具体做法。 非常遗憾的是这本书的中文版翻译的非常烂,如果不对照原文,很容易误入歧途。读这本书有任何疑问的朋友都可以直接和我联系。 这本书废话太多,翻译又不好,而且出版于May 14, 2003有些显老了。 关于css,还是选择在amazon上搜css的前两名的书 The Zen of CSS Design : Visual Enlightenment for the Web (Voices That Matter) 4星 Stylin' with CSS : A Designer's Guide (Paperback) 5星级哦 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321305256/qid=1135040536/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/103-3357368-2979868?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321303474/qid=1135040536/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-3357368-2979868?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 非常出色 摘抄一段评价: 32 of 32 people found the following review helpful: Cheesy Title, but an Awesome CSS Book!, September 12, 2005 Reviewer: Spencer Hall (Baltimore, MD) - See all my reviews When I started browsing Amazon for a CSS book appropriate for a beginner, I was overwhelmed by just how many there are out there! I read all the reviews and such, but could not really determine any major difference between the books or figure out which ones were `better than the others. I decided that in order to make my decision I was going to have to flip through the books a little myself before purchasing. I took my little list to the local bookstore, gathered all of them up, and plopped down on a couch. I flipped through about 6 different books including Designing with Web Standards, CSS Core, CSS Cookbook, Beginning CSS, both Eric Meyer books, and of course, Stylin' with CSS. I really didn't expect much from this book, I kind of grabbed it as an afterthought, or "might as well..." I spent a good hour or so browsing the table of contents, reading bits and pieces of each book to get a feel for the author's style. I have to say I was not impressed with most of these, particularly the Eric Meyer books that so many people seem to swear by. My decision came down to Stylin' With CSS or Designing with Web Standards by Dan Cedarholm. I chose Stylin' with CSS for several reasons. For one, Charles Wyke-Smith has a great, easy style of writing and explaining the concepts behind the rules of CSS. CSS is not overly difficult, but there is a learning curve and Wyke-Smith breaks it down into plain English. Secondly, the organization of the book is probably the most logical among the CSS books. It is not a reference book, as there are thorough explanations, but it is organized like a reference- by topic, in a sensible order. This makes it not only easy to follow the first time around, but makes it much easier to jump back to as a reference when needed. The quick reference chart in the back also comes in handy, and this book stays next to my computer at all times. Lastly, the page layout of the book is also visually appealing. It's not a picture book, but it doesn't look like a dictionary either. There's just the right amount of helpful images and screenshots, as well as colored text to differentiate code from explanations. This book is the best that I can recommend for getting started in CSS. I can honestly say that my purchase was the best $20 I've ever spent on web design. |
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The Zen of CSS Design,确实是经典的好书,如果推荐 CSS 的专著我一定会首先推荐它。目前这本书已经出了台湾版,我已经向多家出版社推荐了这本书,相信在明年上半年,应该就会出大陆版。
不过 Designing with Web Standards 仍然是经典的好书。这两本书的定位是不同的,可能很多读者正是读了这本书才深刻认识到了 Web 标准的价值,产生了深入学习的兴趣,然后才去学习上面一本书的。至于这本书翻译的问题,我也向出版社的同志指出过,他们已经认识到了,就不要穷追猛打了。 |
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AJAX Is A Browser Technology
AJAX is a technology that runs in your browser. It uses asynchronous data transfer between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages. The technology makes Internet applications smaller, faster and more user friendly. lamp AJAX is a web browser technology independent of web server software. |
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dlee 写道 scud 写道 开发的时候也根本就不考虑这些,因为时间根本不容许.
错,支持大多数主流的浏览器根本就不要花费多少额外的时间,只要知道该如何做就可以了。 如果这是理由的话,那么只为 IE6.0 做开发,完全忽略 IE5.0 也是一样的理由。只为 IE6.0 做开发,用了很多并不符合真正 Web 标准的方法。如果 IE7.0 出来并且又与 IE6.0 存在着一些不兼容,是不是又要只为 IE7.0 做开发?那么 IE8.0、IE9.0 出来了呢?什么叫做向后兼容,思考过吗?从长远看,走哪条路的成本更低? "向后兼容?",不敢苟同。你现在设计的东西怎么兼容IE10?用什么方式来兼容?怎么样兼容?JDK1.1兼容JDK1.5吗?? |
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