


原创新闻 VirtualBox 3.0.0 正式版发布

2009-07-01 09:31 by 见习记者 iix 评论(21) 有11390人浏览

VirtualBox最早是德国一家软件公司InnoTek所开发的虚拟系统软件,后来被Sun收购,改名为Sun VirtualBox,性能有很大的提高.因为他是开源的,不同于VM,而且功能强大,可以在 Linux/Mac 和 Windows 主机中运行, 并 支持在其中安装 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客户操作系统.假如你曾经有用过虚拟机软件的经历的话,相信使用 VirtualBox 不在话下。即便你是一个新手,也没有关系。VirtualBox 提供了详细的文档,可以助你在短期内入门。



VirtualBox 3.0.0 (released 2009-06-30)

This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:

  • Guest SMP with up to 32 virtual CPUs (VT-x and AMD-V only; see chapter of the user manual)
  • Windows guests: ability to use Direct3D 8/9 applications / games (experimental; see chapter 4.8 of the user manual)
  • Support for OpenGL 2.0 for Windows, Linux and Solaris guests

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Solaris hosts: allow suspend/resume on the host when a VM is running (bug #3826)
  • Solaris hosts: loosen the restriction for contiguous physical memory under certain conditions
  • Mac OS X hosts: fixed guest PAE
  • Linux hosts: kernel module compile fixes for 2.6.31 (bug #4264)
  • VMM: fixed occasional guru meditation when loading a saved state (VT-x only)
  • VMM: eliminated IO-APIC overhead with 32 bits guests (VT-x only, some Intel CPUs don’t support this feature (most do); bug #638)
  • VMM: fixed 64 bits CentOS guest hangs during early boot (AMD-V only; bug #3927)
  • VMM: performance improvements for certain PAE guests (e.g. Linux 2.6.29+ kernels)
  • VMM: some Windows guests detected a completely wrong CPU frequency (bug #2227)
  • VMM: fixed hanging and unkillable VM processes (bug #4040)
  • VMM: fixed random infrequent guest crashes due to XMM state corruption (Win64 hosts only)
  • VMM: performance improvements for network I/O (VT-x/AMD-V only)
  • GUI: added mini toolbar for fullscreen and seamless mode (Thanks to Huihong Luo)
  • GUI: redesigned settings dialogs
  • GUI: allow to create/remove more than one host-only network adapters (non Windows hosts)
  • GUI: display estimated time for long running operations (e.g. OVF import/export)
  • GUI: fixed rare hangs when open the OVF import/export wizards (bug #4157)
  • 3D support: fixed VM crashes for client applications using incorrect OpenGL states
  • 3D support: fixed memory corruption when querying for supported texture compression formats
  • 3D support: fixed incorrect rendering of glDrawRangeElements
  • 3D support: fixed memory leak when using VBOs
  • 3D support: fixed glew library detection
  • 3D support: fixed random textures corruption
  • VRDP: support Windows 7 RDP client
  • Networking: fixed another problem with TX checksum offloading with Linux kernels up to version 2.6.18
  • NAT: fixed “open ports on virtual router - 513, 514” (forum)
  • NAT: allow to configure socket and internal parameters
  • NAT: allow to bind sockets to specific interface
  • PXE boot: significant performance increase (VT-x/AMD-V only)
  • VHD: properly write empty sectors when cloning of VHD images (bug #4080)
  • VHD: fixed crash when discarding snapshots of a VHD image
  • VHD: fixed access beyond the block bitmap which could lead to arbitrary crashes
  • VBoxManage: fixed incorrect partition table processing when creating VMDK files giving raw partition access (bug #3510)
  • VBoxManage: support cloning to existing image file
  • OVF: several OVF 1.0 compatibility fixes
  • OVF: fixed exporting of disk images when multiple virtual machines are exported at once
  • Virtual mouse device: eliminated micro-movements of the virtual mouse which were confusing some applications (bug #3782)
  • Shared Folders: sometimes a file was created using the wrong permissions (2.2.0 regression; bug #3785)
  • Shared Folders: allow to change file attributes from Linux guests and use the correct file mode when creating files
  • Shared Folders: some content was incorrectly written under certain conditions (bug #1187)
  • Shared Folders: fixed incorrect file timestamps, when using Windows guest on a Linux host (bug #3404)
  • X11 clipboard: fix duplicate end of lines (bug #4270)
  • X11 guests: a number of shared clipboard fixes
  • Linux guests: Guest Additions support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
  • Linux guests: new daemon vboxadd-service to handle time synchronization and guest property lookup
  • Linux guests: implemented guest properties (OS info, logged in users, basic network information)
  • Windows host installer: VirtualBox Python API can now be installed automatically (requires Python and Win32 Extensions installed)
  • USB: Support for high-speed isochronous endpoints has been added. In addition, read-ahead buffering is performed for input endpoints (currently Linux hosts only). This should allow additional devices to work, notably webcams (bug #242).
  • USB: fixed error handling for some USB dongles
  • Web service: fixed inability to handle NULL pointers for object arguments, which are valid values for a lot of APIs, in both the raw and the object-oriented web service.
  • Web service: object-oriented bindings for JAX-WS did not exhibit interface inheritance correctly, fixed
  • Web service: added support for IDisplay and IGuest interfaces, which were previously unavailable
  • Registration dialog uses Sun Online accounts now
评论 共 21 条 请登录后发表评论
21 楼 liyz 2009-07-07 09:55
20 楼 yangdong 2009-07-05 08:00
不支持硬件 VT-X/AMD-V 的小心啊,我现在根本启动不了虚拟机。貌似有 bug 啊。
19 楼 zelsa 2009-07-03 16:51
Ctrl + L 很好用~~
18 楼 vdgame 2009-07-03 14:29
fight_bird 写道

17 楼 fight_bird 2009-07-03 12:58
16 楼 steeven 2009-07-03 12:29
香克斯 写道

15 楼 bingyuan 2009-07-02 22:28
14 楼 ray_linn 2009-07-02 14:36
升级到3.0之后,vbox的client无法连接主机的ftp server! roll back到2.4之后,就正常了。
13 楼 smalljeff 2009-07-02 12:04
12 楼 xpf7622 2009-07-02 10:39
11 楼 xieye 2009-07-02 09:45
10 楼 spiritfrog 2009-07-02 09:31
linux下一直用vbox的, 挺好的
9 楼 jessdy 2009-07-02 09:13
8 楼 whaosoft 2009-07-02 09:10
7 楼 Clayz 2009-07-02 08:24
6 楼 天一 2009-07-01 20:34
5 楼 rubynroll 2009-07-01 19:32
一直在linux host上用VirtualBox,性能非常好,稳定,极力推荐。
4 楼 nything 2009-07-01 12:46
3 楼 bohemia 2009-07-01 11:53
不错.支持VirtualBox.. 越来越强大了.
2 楼 gakaki 2009-07-01 11:51
用Virtual Box 虚拟MAC 安装最新ITKOS V7




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