


原创新闻 开源框架eweb4j发布1.b.7新版本

2011-10-02 19:18 by 见习记者 laiweiweihi 评论(43) 有18846人浏览




  • DWZ组件
  • 分页组件
  • ……

  • 约定由于配置,可零配置。
  • 两种配置方式(xml,注解)供您选择
  • 更加灵活方便的url mapping
  • 两种参数绑定方式(类属性、方法参数)供您选择
  • RESTful
  • Json渲染
  • URL拦截器
  • action验证器
  • ……

  • 基本数据类型注入
  • 无限制嵌套Pojo注入
  • setter方法注入和构造方法注入

  • 约定由于配置,可零配置。
  • 两种配置方式(xml、注解),供您选择
  • 简单的DAOFactory,提供InsertDAO、DeleteDAO、UpdateDAO、SelectDAO、DivPageDAO、SearchDAO、CascadeDAO接口。
  • 支持表关系、级联操作
  • 事务模板
  • JdbcTemplate
  • 支持多个数据源
  • 无缓存,无懒加载,主动级联操作,纯粹的ORM
  • ……

  • BeanXMLUtil,一个pojo序列化和反序列化到xml的工具类,基于注解
  • FileUtil,一个文件操作工具类
  • JsonConverter,JSON转换工具类
  • ReflectUtil,一个反射工具类,能获取setter、getter,使反射获取方法,属性更简易,支持父类的反射
  • ……




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <bean xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ConfigBean">
    <ioc xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ConfigIOC">
      <iocXmlFiles xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.IOCXmlFiles">
    <orm xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ConfigORM">
      <scanPojoPackage xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ScanPojoPackage">
      <ormXmlFiles xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ORMXmlFiles">
      <dbInfoXmlFiles xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.DBInfoXmlFiles">
    <mvc xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ConfigMVC">
      <scanActionPackage xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ScanActionPackage">
      <actionXmlFiles xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.ActionXmlFile">
      <interXmlFiles xmlBean="com.cfuture08.eweb4j.config.bean.InterXmlFile">


(1) Controller支持以下约定:
action 方法返回类型为void的时候框架不做任何跳转处理。
(5)将ORM的BaseDAO.getOne(Integer id)之类的Integer改为Number
(6)让MVC Controller 的属性的 setter 方法 和 getter 方法 无法映射到url。前提是这些方法没有使用@RequestMapping注解
(7)修复 MVC Controller 实例属性与action方法@RequestMapping("xxx/{id}")中的“{}”变量的绑定。
(8)当MVC Controller 实例属性绑定的UrlParam的值为null时,不将参数值注入到该属性。
(14)ORM的CascadeDAO @One 关系中的级联更新操作,对新更新的关联对象如果在数据库中找不到记录就不被更新的规则修改为当关联对象为null或者其主键值为null的时候不级联更新。例如

public void doActoin(){}

public void doActoin(){}



class TestAction{
private TestService testService;
public void setTestService(TestService testService){
this.testService = testService;

(18)添加 DAOFactory.getSelectDAO().selectCount(Class<?> clazz,String condition,Object... args);用来查询表的记录数。给定where条件,允许有?占位符。
private Pet pet;
那么绑定参数的时候,优先找到 pet.name绑定到pet里面的name属性。
如果找不到pet.name 参数,则找name参数绑定。如果还找不到,就不进行任何绑定。

(21)MVC Action URL变量支持多个。例如:
public void testParamArg(){

(22)ORM 持久化类属性 添加了@Ignore 注解,表示该属性不映射到表字段中。

package com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.model;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.config.annotation.Column;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.config.annotation.Id;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.config.annotation.Many;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.config.annotation.One;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.config.annotation.Table;

 * DWZ中左边树形结构菜单模型
 * @author weiwei
public class TreeMenu implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 5264149396283615258L;
	private Long treeMenuId = 0L;
	private String name;// 菜单名
	private String target = "navTab";// navTab或dialog
	private String rel;// navTabId
	private String reloadFlag = "1";// 是否自动刷新
	private String href;// 跳转路径
	private int rank;// 排序
	@One(column = "pid")
	private TreeMenu parent;// 父亲菜单
	@One(column = "navMenuId")
	private NavMenu navMenu = new NavMenu();// 所在的导航菜单
	@Many(target = TreeMenu.class, column = "pid")
	private List<TreeMenu> children = new ArrayList<TreeMenu>();// 孩子菜单们

	public Long getTreeMenuId() {
		return treeMenuId;

	public void setTreeMenuId(Long treeMenuId) {
		this.treeMenuId = treeMenuId;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public TreeMenu getParent() {
		return parent;

	public void setParent(TreeMenu parent) {
		this.parent = parent;

	public int getRank() {
		return rank;

	public void setRank(int rank) {
		this.rank = rank;

	public String getTarget() {
		return target;

	public void setTarget(String target) {
		this.target = target;

	public String getRel() {
		return rel;

	public void setRel(String rel) {
		this.rel = rel;

	public String getReloadFlag() {
		return this.reloadFlag;

	public void setReloadFlag(String reloadFlag) {
		this.reloadFlag = reloadFlag;

	public String getHref() {
		return href;

	public void setHref(String href) {
		this.href = href;

	public NavMenu getNavMenu() {
		return navMenu;

	public void setNavMenu(NavMenu navMenu) {
		this.navMenu = navMenu;

	public List<TreeMenu> getChildren() {
		return children;

	public void setChildren(List<TreeMenu> children) {
		this.children = children;

	public String toString() {
		Long pid = parent == null ? 0L : parent.treeMenuId;
		return "{\"treeMenuId\":\"" + treeMenuId + "\",\"navMenuId\":\""
				+ navMenu.getNavMenuId() + "\",\"pid\":\"" + pid
				+ "\",\"name\":\"" + name + "\",\"href\":\"" + href + "\"}";

package com.lurencun.ewebdemo;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.Param;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.RequestMapping;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.dao.factory.DAOFactory;
public class HelloAction {
	public void helloWorld(PrintWriter out) {
		out.print("Hello World !");
	public void doHello(PrintWriter out){
	public void restful(PrintWriter out,@Param("id")int id){
	public String defaultForward(){
		return "test.jsp";
	public String forward(){
		return "forward:test.jsp";
	public String redirect(){
		return "redirect:test.jsp";
	 * url: "/test?name=ooo&pojo.name=xxx&pojo.age=2"
	public void bindParam(String name,@Param("pojo") Pojo pojo){
		Long id = (Long) DAOFactory.getInsertDAO().insert(pojo);
		DAOFactory.getCascadeDAO().update(pojo, "xxx","ooo");
	public void testDAO(){

package com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.action.treeMenu;

import java.io.PrintWriter;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.DWZ;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.constant.CommonCons;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.constant.TreeMenuCons;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.model.TreeMenu;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.service.TreeMenuService;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.ioc.annotation.Ioc;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.Controller;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.RequestMapping;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.Singleton;

 * 抽象类BaseAction
 * @author weiwei
public abstract class BaseAction {
	protected TreeMenuService service = null;
	protected DWZ dwz = null;

	protected HttpServletRequest request;
	protected PrintWriter out;

	protected TreeMenu treeMenu;

	protected Long[] ids;
	protected Long id = 0L;
	protected String keyword = "";
	protected Long treeMenuId = 0L;
	protected Long navMenuId = 0L;
	protected int pageNum = 1;
	protected int numPerPage = 20;

        //setter and getter 

package com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.action.treeMenu;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.constant.TreeMenuCons;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.Param;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.RequestMapping;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.ValField;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.ValMess;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.mvc.annotation.Validator;

public class AddAction extends BaseAction {
	@RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = "GET|POST")
	public String doNew() {
		request.setAttribute("model", TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME);
		return "add.jsp";

	@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = "POST", showValErr = "dwzJson")
	@Validator({ "int", "required" })
	@ValField({ "rank", "navMenus.dwz_navMenu2.navMenuId" })
	@ValMess(validator = { 0, 1 }, field = { 0, 1 }, value = { "排序项只能输入数字",
			"导航菜单不能为空" })
	public void doAdd(@Param("navMenus.dwz_navMenu2.navMenuId") Long navMenuId,
			@Param(value = TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME
					+ ".dwz_treeMenu2.treeMenuId", init = "0") Long pid) {
		try {
			service.addWithCascade(treeMenu, navMenuId, pid);
		} catch (Exception e) {

package com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.service;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.DivPageComp;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.constant.CommonCons;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.constant.TreeMenuCons;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.dao.NavMenuDAO;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.dao.TreeMenuDAO;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.model.NavMenu;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.model.TreeMenu;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.CannotBeParentMenuException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.CannotFindNavMenuException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.CannotFindParentMenuException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.DuplicateMenuNameException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.MenuDataAccessException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.MenuNotFoundException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.view.EditPage;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.view.ListPage;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.view.SearchForm;

public class TreeMenuServiceImpl implements TreeMenuService {

	private SearchForm searchForm = new SearchForm(TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME
			+ "/search", "");

	private NavMenuDAO navMenuDAO = null;
	private TreeMenuDAO treeMenuDAO = null;

	// IOC注入
	public void setNavMenuDAO(NavMenuDAO navMenuDAO) {
		if (this.navMenuDAO == null)
			this.navMenuDAO = navMenuDAO;

	// IOC注入
	public void setTreeMenuDAO(TreeMenuDAO treeMenuDAO) {
		if (this.treeMenuDAO == null)
			this.treeMenuDAO = treeMenuDAO;

	public ListPage getPageWithCascade(int pageNum, int numPerPage)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> list = treeMenuDAO.getPageWithCascade(pageNum,
		DivPageComp dpc = new DivPageComp(pageNum, numPerPage,
				this.treeMenuDAO.countAll(), CommonCons.DIV_PAGE_BTN_MAX_SHOW);

		return new ListPage(TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME, searchForm, list, dpc);

	public ListPage getSearchResult(String keyword, int pageNum, int numPerPage)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {

		if (keyword == null || keyword.length() == 0) {
			return getPageWithCascade(pageNum, numPerPage);

		List<TreeMenu> list = treeMenuDAO.getSearchResult(keyword, pageNum,

		DivPageComp dpc = new DivPageComp(pageNum, numPerPage,


		return new ListPage(TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME, searchForm, list, dpc);

	public ListPage getParentsPage(Long navMenuId, Long treeMenuId,
			int pageNum, int numPerPage) throws MenuDataAccessException,
			CannotFindNavMenuException {
		return getParentsSearchResult(navMenuId, treeMenuId, "", pageNum,

	public ListPage getParentsSearchResult(Long navMenuId, Long treeMenuId,
			String keyword, int pageNum, int numPerPage)
			throws MenuDataAccessException, CannotFindNavMenuException {
		if (navMenuId == null || navMenuId <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		NavMenu navMenu = this.navMenuDAO.getOne(navMenuId);
		if (navMenu == null)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		if (keyword == null)
			keyword = "";

		List<TreeMenu> pojos = this.treeMenuDAO.getParentSearchResult(pageNum,
				numPerPage, keyword, navMenuId, treeMenuId);

		if (pojos == null)
			pojos = new ArrayList<TreeMenu>();
		TreeMenu tm = new TreeMenu();

		long allCount = this.treeMenuDAO.countParentSearchResult(keyword,
				navMenuId, treeMenuId);
		DivPageComp dpc = new DivPageComp(pageNum, numPerPage, allCount,

		searchForm.setAction(TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME + "/" + navMenuId
				+ "/lookupSearch");

		return new ListPage(TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME, searchForm, pojos, dpc);

	public String getParentsFormatJson(Long navMenuId, Long treeMenuId)
			throws MenuDataAccessException, CannotFindNavMenuException {
		if (navMenuId == null || navMenuId <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		NavMenu navMenu = this.navMenuDAO.getOne(navMenuId);
		if (navMenu == null)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		List<TreeMenu> pojos = this.treeMenuDAO
				.getParent(navMenuId, treeMenuId);
		if (pojos == null)
			pojos = new ArrayList<TreeMenu>();

		TreeMenu tm = new TreeMenu();


		return pojos.toString();

	public void batchRemove(Long[] ids) throws MenuDataAccessException,
			MenuNotFoundException {
		TreeMenu treeMenu = null;
		for (Long id : ids) {
			treeMenu = treeMenuDAO.getOne(id);
			if (treeMenu == null)
				throw new MenuNotFoundException();


	public void removeOne(Long id) throws MenuDataAccessException,
			MenuNotFoundException {
		TreeMenu treeMenu = treeMenuDAO.getOne(id);
		if (treeMenu == null)
			throw new MenuNotFoundException();


	public void addWithCascade(TreeMenu treeMenu, Long navMenuId, Long pid)
			throws MenuDataAccessException, CannotFindNavMenuException,
			CannotFindParentMenuException, CannotBeParentMenuException,
			DuplicateMenuNameException {

		TreeMenu tmp_TreeMenu = this.treeMenuDAO.getOneByName(treeMenu
		if (tmp_TreeMenu != null)
			throw new DuplicateMenuNameException();

		if (navMenuId == null || navMenuId <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		NavMenu navMenu = this.navMenuDAO.getOne(navMenuId);
		if (navMenu == null)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		if (pid > 0) {
			TreeMenu parent = this.treeMenuDAO.getOne(pid);
			if (parent == null)
				throw new CannotFindParentMenuException();
			if (pid.equals(treeMenu.getTreeMenuId()))
				throw new CannotBeParentMenuException();
		} else {
			treeMenu.setParent(new TreeMenu());


		String reloadFlag = treeMenu.getReloadFlag();
		treeMenu.setReloadFlag("on".equals(reloadFlag) ? "1" : "0");


	public EditPage<TreeMenu> getEditPage(Long id)
			throws MenuDataAccessException, MenuNotFoundException {

		TreeMenu treeMenu = this.treeMenuDAO.getOne(id);
		if (treeMenu == null)
			throw new MenuNotFoundException();

		String reloadFlag = treeMenu.getReloadFlag();
		treeMenu.setReloadFlag("1".equals(reloadFlag) ? "checked" : "");

		EditPage<TreeMenu> editPage = new EditPage<TreeMenu>(
				TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME, TreeMenuCons.MODEL_NAME + "/" + id,

		return editPage;

	public void updateWithCascade(TreeMenu treeMenu, Long navMenuId, Long pid)
			throws MenuDataAccessException, MenuNotFoundException,
			CannotFindNavMenuException, CannotFindParentMenuException,
			CannotBeParentMenuException, DuplicateMenuNameException {
		Long id = treeMenu.getTreeMenuId();
		if (id == null || id <= 0)
			throw new MenuNotFoundException();

		TreeMenu tmp_TreeMenu = this.treeMenuDAO.getOne(treeMenu
		if (tmp_TreeMenu == null)
			throw new MenuNotFoundException();

		tmp_TreeMenu = this.treeMenuDAO.getOneByName(treeMenu.getName());
		if (tmp_TreeMenu != null
				&& !tmp_TreeMenu.getTreeMenuId().equals(
			throw new DuplicateMenuNameException();

		if (navMenuId == null || navMenuId <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();
		NavMenu navMenu = this.navMenuDAO.getOne(navMenuId);
		if (navMenu == null)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		if (pid > 0) {
			TreeMenu parent = this.treeMenuDAO.getOne(pid);
			if (parent == null)
				throw new CannotFindParentMenuException();
			if (pid.equals(treeMenu.getTreeMenuId()))
				throw new CannotBeParentMenuException();
		}else {
			treeMenu.setParent(new TreeMenu());


		String reloadFlag = treeMenu.getReloadFlag();
		treeMenu.setReloadFlag("on".equals(reloadFlag) ? "1" : "0");


	public List<TreeMenu> getTopParent(Long navMenuId)
			throws CannotFindNavMenuException, MenuDataAccessException {
		if (navMenuId == null || navMenuId <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		NavMenu navMenu = this.navMenuDAO.getOne(navMenuId);
		if (navMenu == null)
			throw new CannotFindNavMenuException();

		return this.treeMenuDAO.getTopParentOrderByRankASC(navMenuId);

	public List<TreeMenu> getChildren(Long pid)
			throws CannotFindParentMenuException, MenuDataAccessException {
		if (pid == null || pid <= 0)
			throw new CannotFindParentMenuException();

		TreeMenu parent = this.treeMenuDAO.getOne(pid);
		if (parent == null)
			throw new CannotFindParentMenuException();

		return this.treeMenuDAO.getChildrenOrderByRankASC(pid);

package com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.dao;

import java.util.List;

import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.domain.model.TreeMenu;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.component.dwz.menu.exception.MenuDataAccessException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.dao.DAOException;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.dao.base.BaseDAO;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.dao.base.BaseDAOImpl;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.dao.factory.DAOFactory;
import com.cfuture08.eweb4j.orm.sql.constant.OrderType;

public class TreeMenuDAOImpl implements TreeMenuDAO {
	private BaseDAO<TreeMenu> dao = new BaseDAOImpl<TreeMenu>(TreeMenu.class);

	public List<TreeMenu> getPageWithCascade(int pageNum, int numPerPage)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> list = null;
		try {
			list = dao.getPage(pageNum, numPerPage);
			if (list != null)
						list.toArray(new TreeMenu[] {}), "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return list;

	public long countAll() throws MenuDataAccessException {
		long count = 0;
		try {
			count = dao.countAll();
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return count;

	public long countSearch(String keyword) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		long count = 0;
		try {
			String condition = "name like '%" + keyword + "%'";
			count = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO().selectCount(TreeMenu.class,
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return count;

	public List<TreeMenu> getSearchResult(String keyword, int pageNum,
			int numPerPage) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> list = null;
		try {
			String[] fields = new String[] { "name" };
			list = dao.searchByKeywordAndPaging(fields, keyword, pageNum,
					numPerPage, 0);
			if (list != null)
						list.toArray(new TreeMenu[] {}), "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return list;

	public TreeMenu getOne(Long id) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		TreeMenu treeMenu = null;
		try {
			treeMenu = dao.getOne(id);
			if (treeMenu != null)
						.select(treeMenu, "navMenu", "parent");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return treeMenu;

	public void update(TreeMenu treeMenu) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		try {
			DAOFactory.getCascadeDAO().update(treeMenu, "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

	public void create(TreeMenu treeMenu) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		try {
			Long treeMenuId = Long.parseLong(""
					+ DAOFactory.getInsertDAO().insert(treeMenu));
			DAOFactory.getCascadeDAO().update(treeMenu, "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

	public List<TreeMenu> getParent(Long navMenuId, Long treeMenuId)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> pojos = null;
		try {
			String condition = "id <> ? and navMenuId = ? ";
			pojos = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO().selectWhere(TreeMenu.class,
					condition, treeMenuId, navMenuId);
			if (pojos != null) 
						pojos.toArray(new TreeMenu[] {}), "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return pojos;

	public List<TreeMenu> getParentSearchResult(int pageNum, int numPerPage,
			String keyword, Long navMenuId, Long treeMenuId)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> pojos = null;
		try {
			String condition = "id <> ? and navMenuId = ? and name like ? ";
			Object[] args = new Object[] { treeMenuId, navMenuId,
					"%" + keyword + "%" };
			pojos = DAOFactory.getDivPageDAO().divPageByWhere(TreeMenu.class,
					pageNum, numPerPage, condition, args);
			if (pojos != null) 
						pojos.toArray(new TreeMenu[] {}), "parent", "navMenu");
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return pojos;

	public long countParentSearchResult(String keyword, Long navMenuId,
			Long treeMenuId) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		long count = 0;
		try {
			String condition = "id <> '" + treeMenuId + "' and navMenuId = '"
					+ navMenuId + "' and name like '%" + keyword + "%'";
			count = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO().selectCount(TreeMenu.class,
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());
		return count;

	public void deleteOne(Long id) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		try {
			dao.delete(new Long[] { id });
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

	public TreeMenu getOneByName(String name) throws MenuDataAccessException {
		TreeMenu treeMenu = null;
		try {
			treeMenu = DAOFactory.getSelectDAO().selectOne(TreeMenu.class,
					new String[] { "name" }, new String[] { name });
		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return treeMenu;

	public List<TreeMenu> getTopParentOrderByRankASC(Long navMenuId)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> pojos = null;
		try {
			String[] fields = new String[] { "pid", "navMenuId" };
			String[] values = new String[] { "0", String.valueOf(navMenuId) };

			pojos = DAOFactory.getSearchDAO().searchByExact(TreeMenu.class,
					fields, values, "rank", OrderType.ASC_ORDER, false);

		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return pojos;

	public List<TreeMenu> getChildrenOrderByRankASC(Long pid)
			throws MenuDataAccessException {
		List<TreeMenu> pojos = null;
		try {
			String[] fields = new String[] { "pid" };
			String[] values = new String[] { String.valueOf(pid) };

			pojos = DAOFactory.getSearchDAO().searchByExact(TreeMenu.class,
					fields, values, "rank", OrderType.ASC_ORDER, false);

		} catch (DAOException e) {
			throw new MenuDataAccessException(e.getMessage());

		return pojos;

评论 共 43 条 请登录后发表评论
3 楼 明心Xin 2011-10-02 20:51
2 楼 laiweiweihi 2011-10-02 20:08
119568242 写道
我在想 我在这里回复 会不会又被扣分。。。

-。- 灌水贴就回被扣。
1 楼 119568242 2011-10-02 20:07
我在想 我在这里回复 会不会又被扣分。。。




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