Ninth season sixteenth episode,Monica is gonna do a boob job???bigger?????
Scene: Chandler and Monica's apartment. Chandler and Monica are looking through some papers. Chandler: Did you see our bank statement? Could this be right? Monica: I know…God. I haven't seen my savings take a hit like this since I was a kid and they came u
first season twenty-second episode,the color(yellow) dream???
(Scene: Central Perk. Everyone is there.) Monica: Tell him. Rachel: No. Phoebe: Tell him, tell him. Monica: Just…please tell him. Rachel: Shut up! Chandler: Tell me what? Monica: Look at you, you won't even look at him. Chandler: (sarcastically) Oh, come o
20 Ways To Train Your Brain For Peak Performance
In order to stay sharp, it is important that you exercise your brain. The less we use our minds, the duller they become. There is a lot of emphasis these days on staying physically healthy, but we
重磅消息!!!微软为在Linux程序代码留下“Big Boobs”字句致歉
他在由微软提供的一段二万行的程序代码中,发现了一般文字列“0xB16B00B5”。如果将“i”置换成1“1”、“o”置换成“0”、并以16进位文字表现的Hexspeak写出,“0xB16B00B5”便会变成“big boobs”。“0xB16B00B5”是Linux在Hyper-V的Guest OS状态下,证明其身份的签名档的值,此值原本是“0x0B00B135”。事件流传后NetworkWorld的记者耳中,记者就此向微软查证,45分钟后微软致歉,并表示会尽快提供修正档,至今并未发表任何评论。
<br />AS bitmapdata最大支持2880像素。<br />http://www.bit-101.com/blog/?p=1199<br /> <br />I heard through the grapevine that there are some improvements to the BitmapData class coming up in future versions of Flash, that will allow for larger sized bitmaps t
--- The error occurred in ibatis/base.xml. --- The error occurred while applying a parameter map. --- Check the addGroupChannelCompanyType-InlineParameterMap. --- Check the statement (update failed)....
关于ibatis报错there is no sql AQMB02.query
1、检查xml中sqlMap的namespace的命名是否正确; 2、检查xml中sql是否书写正确,是否带有多余空格; 3、检查xml sql入参类型...我这里就是因为sql里面定义的是list类型,但是传入的是普通字符串类型导致的报错; ...
ibatis报错:There is no READABLE property named
报错: Caused by: com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException: There is no READABLE property named 'appId' in class 'java.lang.Integer' 本文转自 tianya23 51CTO博客,原文链接:...
ibatis 报错:There is already a statement named uhr.rcmt.updateResumeScore in this SqlMap.
tomcat启动的时候 ibatis 报错: Caused by: com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapException: There is already a statement named uhr.rcmt.resume.domain.ResumeCopy.updateResumeScore in this SqlMap. at ...
1、源文件后缀名 Java:.java Kotlin:.kt 2、继承 Java: 父类:class Base{} 子类:class SubClass extends Base Kotlin: 父类:open class Base(b:Int) 子类:class SubClass(b:Int) : Base(b) 3、变量 var <propertyName>[: <Proper...
《个人笔记》.net ibatis 报错 找不到sql语句 statement
可能性: 1.sql语句id错误 2.sql语句里有语法不正确,单词拼写错误 3.sql语句标签没有对上,少标签或者语句没有在statement标签内
--- The error occurred in ibatis/oracle/resource-category.xml. --- The error occurred while preparing the mapped statement for execution. --- Check the Category.findReadyUpShelf. --- Check ...
iBatis.Net异步多线程 操作Ibatis报错
最近用到了 Ibatis 的异步读写。在测试环境没有问题,可是上线后就出现问题。报错。 private static ISqlMapper _pR; private static ISqlMapper _pW; public BaseDao() { DomSqlMapBuild.....
报错:Invalid byte 3 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence原因:xml中有汉字输入法时的输入字符。。这其中最让人难发现的是,和,的差别,,,, ,,, 中文和英文状态下是不一样的,,上午花了好久来找这个低级问题。在此记录...
会导致报错的写法: 红色写法会报错,要修改为蓝色的,另外<!---->这种格式仿佛也有问题。 <!-- 同步cnaps数据,不存在则新增,每次处理i条 --> <update id="syncNapsToAssisiatebank" ...
- The error occurred in ${root}HCollectionLab.xml,${assymbly}" xmlns="http://ibatis.apache.org/dataMapper" />. - Check the Iwom.Haier.Model.BaseTag. 解析: 别名:alias=...
ibatis 报错mysql中的主键没有默认值
IDEA报错org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found)
问题:其实问题很简单,就是没有找到匹配的函数。 原因:有可能函数名写错导致到不到,但是自以为聪明的我选择搜索,但是如果你搜索的内容有存在大小写的差距,那么在搜索的时候依旧会全部显示,这也就是为什么我...
ibatis报错 There is no statement named userList in this SqlMap.
queryForList(“userList”) 参数中没有加namespace名 改为 queryForList(“user.userList”)
26 楼 index.love 2010-03-08 20:41
25 楼 elmar 2010-03-08 18:10
24 楼 xiaojing3517 2010-03-08 17:40
23 楼 maatlawson 2010-03-08 17:25
22 楼 llfzy 2010-03-08 17:07
21 楼 night_stalker 2010-03-08 16:48
20 楼 iaimstar 2010-03-08 16:36
19 楼 oldyoungj 2010-03-08 15:42
18 楼 faylai 2010-03-08 13:37
17 楼 cqllang 2010-03-08 13:33
16 楼 sysuxk 2010-03-08 13:16
15 楼 JavaFans 2010-03-08 12:46
14 楼 lasombra 2010-03-08 12:31
13 楼 yidao620c 2010-03-08 12:26
12 楼 wanday 2010-03-08 12:24
11 楼 yuriyan 2010-03-08 11:49
10 楼 dieslrae 2010-03-08 11:42
9 楼 ruvuoai 2010-03-08 11:25
8 楼 a_nuo 2010-03-08 11:18
7 楼 maomiandyou 2010-03-08 11:10