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转载:关于 lucene2.0 的创建、检索和删除功能的完整实现
最近要做一个站内的全文检索功能,主要是针对 clob 字段的,于是去网上找了点 lucene 的资料,现在新版本的是 2.0.0 ,网上的例子多是 1.4.3 的,有些方法已经废弃了,搞了 n 久终于把 2.0.0 的功能实现了,呵呵,下面把实现的代码贴出来,实现了索引的创建、检索和删除功能,并可以从检索结果去查询数据库 ~
links for 2007-05-12
Lucene Hack之通过缩小搜索结果集来提升性能 (1)
(tags: lucene 性能 搜索)
作者: 解惑/Cherami
原载: links for 2007-05-12
分类: Java
Hibernate Lucene 的集成
Hibernate Lucene Integration
Hibernate Lucene 的集成
Lucene is a high-performance Java search engine library available from
the Apache Software Foundation. Hibernate Annotations includes a package of
anno ...
Lucene 基础指南
Lucene 基础指南
作者:lighter, 江南白衣
1. 建立索引时最重要的几个术语
ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion
As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now.
ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion
As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now.
ErlyBird Screenshot: Including Args in Completion Suggestion
As a newbie to Erlang, I'm not familiar with those OTP module/functions, I have to go back to see the docs again and again. At least, now ErlyBird will suggest me the arguments of each function now.
lucene建索引时的一个"Can't rename segments.new to segments"异常的原因
这两天在用lucene对一批数据建立索引,但是当索引建立到一定数量之后,总是会出现一个IO异常:Cannot rename segments.new to segments。于是跟猴哥在不同的机器上去试着跑这个程序。今天重新改写了程序,用了更为稳妥的方式,但是这个异常依然出现。
lucene 多关键字中文搜索的问题
package ch11;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWrit ...
Write an IDE in One Month - ErlyBird 0.11.0 Released
Updated Apr 24: The indexing feature is based on Lucene indexing from Common Scripting Framework now. But there won't be new release soon, since Generic Language Framework changes rapidly.
Updated Ap ...
Write an IDE in One Month - ErlyBird 0.11.0 Released
Updated Apr 24: The indexing feature is based on Lucene indexing from Common Scripting Framework now. But there won't be new release soon, since Generic Language Framework changes rapidly.
Updated Ap ...