
表示层模式:Transfer Object Assembler—传输对象组装器模式

ContextIn a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application, the server-side businesscomponents are implemented using session beans, entity beans, DAOs, and so forth.Application clients freque ...
abacus 评论(0) 有750人浏览 2014-04-10 22:48


以前,前后台全是utf-8格式所以乱码问题没有什么,到现在的新公司,遇到点问题,我们现在前后台全是gbk所以用ajax就会出问题,因为ajax的post方法编码是用utf-8格式。 解决方法:       在网上看了看必须用二次编码才行,就是在前台两次编码(encodeURI(encodeURI(data))) encodeURIComponent一样(说的只是针对这个问题的效果一样),这样就 ...
雷神F1 评论(0) 有2027人浏览 2014-04-10 14:17


      官方网站 http://www.keepalived.org/ 【简介】 keepalived是一个类似于layer3, 4 & 5交换机制的软件,也就是我们平时说的第3层、第4层和第5层交换。Keepalived的作用是检测web服务器的状态,如果有一台web服务器死机, 或工作出现故障,Keepalived将检测到,并将有故障的web服务器从系统中剔除,当web服务器 ...
AILIKES 评论(0) 有1185人浏览 2014-04-10 10:42


在技术方面无论我们怎么学习,总感觉需要提升自已不知道自己处于什么水平了。但如果有清晰的指示图供参考还是非常不错的,这样我们清楚的知道我们大概处于那个阶段和水平。 Java程序员 高级特性 反射、泛型、注释符、自动装箱和拆箱、枚举类、可变 参数、可变返回类型、增强循环、静态导入 核心编程 IO、多线程、实体类、 集合类、正则表达式、 XML和属性文件 图形编程 AWT(Java2D/JavaSoun ...
灵动的水 评论(0) 有653人浏览 2014-04-10 09:20

表示层模式:Value List Handler—值列表处理器模式

ContextThe client requires a list of items from the service for presentation. The number ofitems in the list is unknown and can be quite large in many instances.ProblemMost Java 2 Platform, Enterpris ...
abacus 评论(0) 有763人浏览 2014-04-09 20:32

业务层模式:Service Locator—服务定位器模式

ContextService lookup and creation involves complex interfaces and network operations.ProblemJ2EE clients interact with service components, such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)and Java Message Service ...
abacus 评论(0) 有1158人浏览 2014-04-09 20:31

集成层模式:Data Access Object—数据访问对象模式

ContextAccess to data varies depending on the source of the data. Access to persistent storage,such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage (relational databases,object-orie ...
abacus 评论(0) 有525人浏览 2014-04-09 20:31

集成层模式:Service Activator—服务激发器模式

ContextEnterprise beans and other business services need a way to be activatedasynchronously.ProblemWhen a client needs to access an enterprise bean, it first looks up the bean's homeobject. The clie ...
abacus 评论(0) 有1088人浏览 2014-04-09 20:31

业务层模式:Composite Entity—复合实体模式

ContextEntity beans are not intended to represent every persistent object in the object model.Entity beans are better suited for coarse-grained persistent business objects.ProblemIn a Java 2 Platform ...
abacus 评论(0) 有485人浏览 2014-04-08 21:38

业务层模式:Session Facade—会话门面模式

ContextEnterprise beans encapsulate business logic and business data and expose theirinterfaces, and thus the complexity of the distributed services, to the client tier.ProblemIn a multitiered Java 2 ...
abacus 评论(0) 有419人浏览 2014-04-08 21:38

业务层模式:Transfer Object—传输对象模式

ContextApplication clients need to exchange data with enterprise beans.ProblemJava 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications implement server-sidebusiness components as session beans and ent ...
abacus 评论(0) 有421人浏览 2014-04-08 21:37

业务层模式:Business Delegate—业务委托模式

ContextA multi-tiered, distributed system requires remote method invocations to send andreceive data across tiers. Clients are exposed to the complexity of dealing with distributedcomponents.ProblemP ...
abacus 评论(0) 有974人浏览 2014-04-08 21:37

表示层模式:Dispatcher View—分发者视图模式

ContextSystem controls flow of execution and access to presentation processing, which isresponsible for generating dynamic content.NoteThe Dispatcher View pattern, like the Service to Worker pattern, ...
abacus 评论(0) 有535人浏览 2014-04-08 21:37


这篇文章主要介绍在J2EE范例中使用的缩写词和概念。J2EE(Java 2 Platform, Entreprise Edition)代表Java企业版平台。它使得模块化的Java程序可以在服务器上部署。Java SE是一组Java核心库,Java应用程序在其上得以执行,而J2EE是基于Java SE的。  概念综述   在我们深入J2EE之前,先看一下综述: 多层式应用(Multitie ...
jacking124 评论(0) 有104人浏览 2014-04-08 12:21

表示层模式:Service to Worker—工作者服务模式

ContextThe system controls flow of execution and access to business data, from which itcreates presentation content.NoteThe Service to Worker pattern, like the Dispatcher View pattern, describes a comm ...
abacus 评论(0) 有982人浏览 2014-04-07 10:48

表示层模式:Composite View—复合视图模式

ContextSophisticated Web pages present content from numerous data sources, using multiplesubviews that comprise a single display page. Additionally, a variety of individuals withdifferent skill sets ...
abacus 评论(0) 有483人浏览 2014-04-07 10:41

表示层模式:View Helper—视图助手模式

ContextThe system creates presentation content, which requires processing of dynamicbusiness data.ProblemPresentation tier changes occur often and are difficult to develop and maintain whenbusiness d ...
abacus 评论(0) 有1021人浏览 2014-04-07 10:37

表示层模式:Intercepting Filter—拦截过滤器模式

Context        The presentation-tier request handling mechanism receives many different types ofrequests, which require varied types of processing. Some requests are simply forwarded tothe appropriat ...
abacus 评论(0) 有622人浏览 2014-04-07 10:29


代码下载地址:http://www.zuidaima.com/share/1724474768788480.htm 原创不易,转载请注明出处:EXTJS入门教程及其框架搭建   EXTJS是一个兼容AJAX的前台WEB UI的框架,在普通的HTML文件的 BODY 元素中无须写任何HTML代码,就能产生相应的表格等元素。   首先是为每一个页面定义一个类,再以EXTJS的规范格式增加所 ...
yaerfeng1989 评论(0) 有1402人浏览 2014-04-01 10:46

WebService(二) wsimport使用

上一节中讲到WebService的基本使用,但是我们可以发现我们创建的客户端是依赖应用程序的接口的如下: 很显然在项目开发过程中不可能烤着相应的接口来进行开发。下面介绍JDK提供的工具wsimport.exe,下图是他的使用介绍:  红色部分为常用参数,使用形式如下: wsimport -d D:/Download/test/ -keep(是否导出源文件) -p(指定生成的包名) -v ...
紫_色 评论(0) 有1947人浏览 2014-03-31 21:48


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