
daily english

1、ignore   vt. 1.不顾,不理,忽视 2.对...不予理会 3.【法律】驳回     2、variable   adj. 1.变化的,可变的   The variable weather is a great trial to me. 这种多变的天气真是让我受不了。   Our team's performance this year has been ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1315人浏览 2012-02-02 21:12

daily english

1、arbitrary   adj.   1.任意的,武断的   You can make an arbitrary choice.   你可以随便做选择。   2.专横的,专制的   A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.   一个优秀的法官不会做武断的判决。     2、syntax   n. 1.句 ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1204人浏览 2012-02-02 11:16

english learning

1、opportunity   1.Catch at every opportunity.   抓住一切机会   2.Opportunity knocks but once.   良机难再   3.Opportunity makes the thief.   盗贼总有可乘之机     2、demonstrate   vi. 1.示范,展示   vt. 1.说 ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1085人浏览 2012-02-01 13:03

daily english

1、I really feel in the pink after a long holiday.       长假以后,我的确感到身体舒适。   2、Although he is 80,he is still in the pink.       虽然他已经80岁了,但身体依然健康   3、Cinderella did not google prince charming.   ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1245人浏览 2012-02-01 13:03

english learning

1.Be careful of what you fish for.   对你调查的东西要小心。   2.My bank account is in the red.   我的银行存款已出现赤字   3.At first I trusted him,but soon I found he's a bad egg.   起初我信任他,但不久就发现他是个道德败坏的人。
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1119人浏览 2012-01-31 16:06

english learning

mess   vt. 1.弄脏,弄乱   Stop messing about and listen to me. 别再胡闹了,听我说。   She messed up her new dress with blue ink. 蓝墨水弄脏了她的新衣服。   n. 1.杂乱,脏乱   There's a lot of mess to clear up. 有很多脏东西要清理 ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有958人浏览 2012-01-31 15:20

english learning

1.environment   n. 1.环境,周围状况。   A bad home environment can affect a child's healthy growth.   不良的家庭环境能影响儿童的健康成长。   2.(运行)环境,软件包,工作平台。     2.tailgate   n. 1.(卡车等的)后挡板   Why is he tailga ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1205人浏览 2012-01-18 11:38

english learning

I see red whenever I hear that man's name.   我一听到那个人的名字心里便火冒三丈。     The great end of life is not knowledge but action.   人生的伟大目标不在于知而在于行。
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1086人浏览 2012-01-16 21:11


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