
《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 8 -- 8.5 Lead and Lag

Lead and Lag         (page 249)     Lag  and  lead  functions provide inter-row referencing ability. Lag  provides the ability to access prior row in the result set. The  lead function allows acces ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1034人浏览 2012-02-19 16:07

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 8 -- 8.4Aggregation Functions

Aggregation Functions  聚合函数      (page 246)      Aggregation functions can operate in analytic mode or conventional non-analytic mode. Aggregation functions in non-analytic mo ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1006人浏览 2012-02-17 01:47

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 8 -- 8.1-8.2 Anatomy of Analytic Functions -8.3

Riyaj Shamsudeen  (page 243)     Online Analytic Processing (OLAP) queries perform multi-dimensional aggregation and are useful in business decision-making processes in areas such as sales, market ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1143人浏览 2012-02-11 11:16

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter2--2.13 SQL Execution – Putting It All Together

SQL Execution – Putting It All Together   SQL执行--把所有放在一起 (page 81)     Now that I’ve covered the details, I’m ready to put the whole picture of how a SQL statement executes together.  Fi ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1149人浏览 2012-02-10 05:26

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.12Executing the Plan and Fetching Rows

Executing the Plan and Fetching Rows   执行计划和取出行   (page 78)     After the optimizer determines the plan and stores it in the library cache for later reuse, the next step i ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1174人浏览 2012-02-09 09:41

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.11 Determining the Execution Plan

Determining the Execution Plan    确定执行计划  (page 74)     When a hard parse occurs, Oracle will determine which execution plan is best for the query.  An execution plan is simply the set of steps ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1052人浏览 2012-02-04 20:09

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.10 Query Rewrite with Materialized Views

Query Rewrite with Materialized Views  用物化视图重写查询 (page 72)     Query rewrite is a transformation that occurs when a query, or a portion of a query , has been saved as a materialized vi ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有999人浏览 2012-01-27 13:27

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.9 Predicate Pushing

Predicate Pushing   谓词推进       (page 69)     Predicate pushing is used to apply the predicates from a containing query block into a non-mergeable query block.  The goal is to allow an ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1327人浏览 2012-01-25 20:51

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.8 Subquery Unnesting

Subquery Unnesting  子查询反嵌套         (page 66)     Subquery unnesting is similar to view merging in that just like a view a subquery is represented by a separate que ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1454人浏览 2012-01-23 20:51

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.7 View Merging

View Merging  视图合并  (Page 62)     As the name implies, view merging is a transformation that expands views, either in-line views or stored views, into separate query blocks that can either ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1240人浏览 2012-01-22 06:36

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.6Query Transformation

Query Transformation    查询变换   (Page 61)     Prior to the development of the execution plan, a step called query transformation occurs. This step happens just after a query is checked for synt ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有751人浏览 2012-01-18 15:17

《Pro Oracle SQL》Charpter2 --2.5 SGA – The Buffer Cache

SGA – The Buffer Cache    SGA-缓冲区缓存   (page59)     The buffer cache is one of the largest components of the SGA. It stores database blocks after they have been read from disk or before t ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1059人浏览 2012-01-15 16:10

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter 2--2.4 Identical Statements

2.4 Identical Statements  同样的语句   (page56)     In order for Oracle to determine if a statement has been previously executed, it will check the library cache for the ident ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有957人浏览 2012-01-14 14:42

《Pro Oracle SQL》CHAPTER2--2.3 The Library Cache

The Library Cache  库缓存     (page 54)     The first thing that must happen to every SQL statement you execute is that it must be parsed and loaded into the library cache.  T ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有795人浏览 2012-01-10 22:00

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter2-2.2 SGA – The Shared Pool

2.2 SGA – The Shared Pool  共享池 (page 53)     The shared pool is one of the most critical memory components particularly when it comes to how SQL executes. The way you write SQL doesn’t ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有921人浏览 2012-01-08 16:16

《Pro Oracle SQL》 Chapter2--2.1 Oracle Architecture Basics

Chapter 2 SQL Execution     SQL的执行 Karen Morton   (page51)     You likely learned the mechanics of writing basic SQL in a relatively short period of time. Over the course of a fe ...
caohong286 评论(1) 有1284人浏览 2012-01-03 11:13

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter7--7.10GROUP BY Restrictions

     7.10 GROUP BY的限制   (page 217)     Your study of GROUP BY would be incomplete without considering what it cannot do.  The list of restrictions placed on GROUP BY is not very long.  The restri ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有1781人浏览 2012-01-01 17:01


1 数据库模式 数据库是长期存储在计算机内的、有组织的、可共享的数据集合。 数据库系统一般由数据库、数据库管理系统(Database Management System,DBMS)、应用系统、数据库管理员(Database Administrator,DBA)和用户构成。 数据库系统结构:三级模式和两级映射 (1)三级模式 数据库系统由外模式、概念模式和内模式。   外模式也叫子模 ...
housen1987 评论(0) 有921人浏览 2011-12-29 21:33

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter7--7.9GROUPING SETS and ROLLUP()

 7.9 GROUPING SETS and ROLLUP()       (page 214)     There is yet another method that may be used to obtain the results seen in the previous two examples.  The GROUPING SETS() extension to GROUP BY ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有971人浏览 2011-12-18 14:08

《Pro Oracle SQL》Chapter7 -- 7.8Extending Reports With GROUPING_ID()

    7.8 Extending Reports With GROUPING_ID() 使用GROUPING_ID()扩展报告   (page210)     The GROUPING_ID()function is relatively new compared to the GROUPING() function, having been introduced in Oracle 9 ...
caohong286 评论(0) 有956人浏览 2011-12-10 22:20


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