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RPC简介,及与web service的对比
最近分析的这个系统,逻辑架构中有一层是RPC interface。之前对RPC不熟悉,就上网搜索了一下资料,在此总结一下
RPC是Remote Procedure Calling,远程过程调用 ...
ubuntu下eclipse配置android SDK
linux下eclipse配置android SDK
1、在官网下载android-sdk_r21.1-linux.tgz,由于该压缩包只有针对32位系统的,如果是64位系统的话,请先安装ia32-libs,运行32位程 ...
Android SDK Manager无法更新的解决
最近玩ubuntu系统,以前windows下下载的SDK文件不能用了,只能重新下载,安装完Eclipse和ADT插件,却发现无法更新SDK,显示为:Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-1.xmlFailed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/re ...
关于“ can not find ./obj/local/armeabi/libopencv_contrib.a: Permission denied ”问题
I am new to Android NDK and I have to use OpenCV in Android.
I tried to ran the NDK ahead , but these errors happened. Maybe I have no permission to use the f ...