
hive JoinOperator

(1)startGroup:清空各个表的RowContainer (2)processOp:根据tag,把row add到表对应的RowContainer中。 (3)endGroup:RowContainer中的数据进行join并输出。 RowContainer添加数据时:内存中的数据条数是否达到了blockSize(默认是25000)个,如果有,则写入一个临时文件,如果没有放入内存的数组(cur ...
bupt04406 评论(0) 有2455人浏览 2011-09-13 21:36

Hive alter table

接http://bupt04406.iteye.com/blog/1151545 create table tablePartition(s string) partitioned by(pt string); alter table tablePartition add if not exists partition(pt='1'); alter table tablePartition s ...
bupt04406 评论(0) 有10993人浏览 2011-08-28 22:17

hive Context

Driver:   public int compile(String command) {         ctx = new Context(conf); //          }   public Context(Configuration conf) throws IOException {     this(conf, generateExecutionId());   } ...
bupt04406 评论(0) 有1276人浏览 2011-08-26 11:26

hive insert overwrite into

CREATE TABLE records (year STRING, temperature INT, quality INT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED   FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t'; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/tianzhao/book/hadoop-book/input/ncdc/micro-tab/sample.t ...
bupt04406 评论(1) 有12337人浏览 2011-08-26 11:19

hive create table的过程。

https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-Create%2FDropTable CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name   [(col_name data_type [COMMENT co ...
bupt04406 评论(3) 有24323人浏览 2011-08-18 03:26

Hive metastore mysql

还原建表语句见:http://www.tbdata.org/archives/939 tianzhao@ubuntu:~$ mysql -uhive -p123456 mysql> use hive mysql> show tables; +--------------------+ | Tables_in_hive     | +--------------------+ | BUC ...
bupt04406 评论(0) 有3244人浏览 2011-08-17 16:01

hive 表的一些默认值

见 Hadoop.The.Definitive.Guide.2nd.Edition  P388 Thus, the statement:     CREATE TABLE ...; is identical to the more explicit:     CREATE TABLE ...     ROW FORMAT DELIMITED          FIELDS TERMINATED B ...
bupt04406 评论(1) 有11159人浏览 2011-08-17 15:45


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