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Item 5: Avoid creating unnecessary objects
1. An object can always be reused if it is immutable
2. The statement:
String s = new String("stringette");
creates a new String instance each time it is executed, and none of ...
Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor
1. Classes that are just a grouping of static methods and static fields can be used to group related methods on primitive values or arrays, in the manner of java.lang.Math or java.util.Arrays. The ...
Item 3: Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum
1. Making a class a singleton can make it difficult to test its clients, as it’s impossible to substitute a mock implementation for a singleton unless it implements an interface that serves as its ...
Item 2: Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters
1. Static factories and constructors share a limitation: they do not scale well to large numbers of optional parameters.
2. Telescoping constructor pattern provides a constructor with only ...
Effective Java General Programming
Chapt8 General Programming
>例外情况 ...
Effective Java 这本书的价值有多高想必搞Java的人都应该了解。我把它当做一本工具书,在工作之余拿出来读,收获很大。你会发现这本书几乎涵盖了 Java 语言规范的所有知识点,很多语言相关的问题你都可以在这里找到一段解释。印象最深的是,上周末在读某源码时被它里面到处使用的 static member class 吸引住了,然后纠结为什么要用 static,在网上各种搜罗资料,最后在 St ...