
ABAP Webdynpro和WebClient UI不同的会话管理机制

in the sample ABAP webdynpro component ZPOST, the content of search result table is bound to context node POSTRESULT of component controller:     The runtime instance of component controller will ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有256人浏览 2020-11-20 10:20

四种ABAP单元测试隔离(test isolation)技术

Hi friends, As far as I know test isolation is widely used in SAP internal to build unit test code, at least in my team. Test isolation in unit test means that in your production code you make use of ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有270人浏览 2020-11-12 10:41


There are several posts in SCN talking about workflow debugging. Most of them are manually generating an endless loop and then can launch debugger in SM50. However, if you try to debug standard workfl ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有314人浏览 2020-11-08 09:32

SAP Analytics Cloud和Cloud for Customer之间的Single Sign on配置

详细方法在这篇SAP博客上能够找到: https://blogs.sap.com/2019/01/17/setup-sso-between-cloud-for-customer-and-sap-analytic-cloud/ (1) 准备好custom SAML IDP (2) Enable your Custom SAML IdP for your SAP Analytics Cloud ( ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有356人浏览 2020-11-05 09:02

SAP CRM 产品主数据搜索alternative ID type下拉菜单的渲染逻辑

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 03, 2016 When you choose "Alternative ID Type" in search Criteria view, the corresponding ID type will be displayed as drop down list automatical ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有574人浏览 2020-11-01 09:23

如何创建自己的SAP CRM产品主数据search scenario

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 03, 2016 Technically it is possible to create your own search scenario, filter class and search tool, and put your custom search logic there. Then write an ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有338人浏览 2020-11-01 09:23


终于等到了这一天,要和我脑子里的恶魔一刀两断了。 今日手术。经鼻蝶,开颅手术,由华西医院神经外科的男神们,用手术刀切割位于我大脑深处的肿瘤。     今天一大清早6点起床,我就换上了这身病号服。     抓住这最后的机会,我又下床在本层楼转了一圈,认识了这个来自拉萨的小朋友,他是另一种形式的开颅手术,即用机械从头部正上方打开头盖骨,将脑组织暴露在神经外科主刀医生面前。我住的病 ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有312人浏览 2020-10-28 09:03


以前看《异形III》, 当女主角挣扎着把自己的身躯放进飞船的生物扫描舱,从显示器上清晰地看到自己胸腔里寄居着一只异形皇后的幼体时,她的脸上写满了震惊,恐惧和绝望。     当我拿到自己头部增强核磁扫描结果时,我一下子明白了雷普利当时在想些什么。 雷普莉应对的计划是,通过当时人类已经高度发达的外科手术技术,将异形皇后从自己体内分离,只可惜最后功亏一篑。影片结尾,雷普莉一把抓住从她体内破体 ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有300人浏览 2020-10-28 09:00

Windows环境下,如何在Docker里运行SAP UI5应用

本文面向的读者是对Docker技术有一些基本概念,但因为没有测试环境,所以没有动手操作过的朋友们。 最近Jerry因为要做一个新的SAP云产品开发,得搭各种开发环境,其中之一就是Docker. Jerry之前的文章曾经简单介绍过Docker: 站在巨人肩膀上的牛顿:Kubernetes和SAP Kyma 在Kubernetes上运行SAP UI5应用(上) 在Kubernetes上运行 ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有442人浏览 2020-10-26 09:29

SAP Cloud for Customer里一个Promise的实际应用场合

There are lots of tutorials about promise in the internet. Recently I am studying the frontend code of SAP Cloud for Customer and I come across a real example of how promise is used there. Below is t ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有341人浏览 2020-10-24 13:26


I use the following simple JavaScript code to illustrate: var JerryTestArray = []; (function(){ for( var i = 0; i < 100; i++){ JerryTestArray[i] = document.createElement("d ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有261人浏览 2020-10-21 10:28

Java JDK目录下的jmap和jhat工具的使用方式

Suppose you have a running Java process and you would like to inspect its running status, for example how many object instance are created or memory consumption status, you can use some standard tool ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有424人浏览 2020-10-20 12:45


In order to avoid unnecessary query on database it is a common pattern to define a cache in application layer to cache the query result from database. See one example below. Here the application cache ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有1050人浏览 2020-10-20 12:45

使用Java JUnit框架里的@Rule注解的用法举例

Suppose you need to repeatedly execute some test method in your unit test case, for example, you would like to test getPrice based on the first set of test data 5 times in test method test1() while fo ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有536人浏览 2020-10-19 10:32

使用Java JUnit框架里的@SuiteClasses注解管理测试用例

Suppose I have four test cases in my project, the total methods to be tested: 7     Based on the blog Run only given sets of your unit test via @Category, it is possible to organize test methods ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有353人浏览 2020-10-19 10:31

Java JUnit框架里@Category注解的工作原理

Suppose you have a large number of unit test cases and you don’t want them to be executed all at the same time during Maven build. You can simply achieve it via annotation @Category. (1) Create empty ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有398人浏览 2020-10-18 10:02


Recently I am planning an internal training regarding Software engineering concept to my colleagues and one topic is “Interface Segregation”. The following guideline is quoted from OODesign: “When w ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有327人浏览 2020-10-17 08:59

SAP ABAP Netweaver里的胖接口(fat interface)

Recently I am planning an internal training regarding Software engineering concept to my colleagues and one topic is “Interface Segregation”. The following guideline is quoted from OODesign: “When w ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有286人浏览 2020-10-17 08:59

ABAP模拟Java Spring依赖注入(Dependency injection)的一个尝试

Recently I will deliver a session regarding dependency inversion principle to my team. As Java Spring is already widely used in all other Java development teams in my site, some ABAPers are not well ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有301人浏览 2020-10-16 10:15


Suppose I have a bean named HelloWorld which has a member attribute points to another bean User.     With annotation @Autowired, as long as getBean is called in the runtime, the returned HelloWor ...
JerryWang_SAP 评论(0) 有637人浏览 2020-10-16 10:14


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