

create or replace procedure table_procedure AS i_count integer; begin   select count(*) into i_count from user_objects t where t.OBJECT_TYPE ='TABLE' and t.OBJECT_NAME = upper('tableName');     if i_c ...
wangchangtao 评论(0) 有754人浏览 2011-11-01 14:07


create or replace procedure type_procedure AS i_count integer; begin   select count(*) into i_count from user_objects t where t.OBJECT_TYPE ='TYPE' and t.OBJECT_NAME = upper('type_name');     if i_cou ...
wangchangtao 评论(0) 有718人浏览 2011-10-31 19:38


--1)Primary table create table T_FRANK ( T_NO NUMBER not null, T_NAME NUMBER ) tablespace STAGING_TEST2_DATA pctfree 10 pctused 40 init ...
hayesfrank 评论(0) 有1332人浏览 2011-10-27 19:09

ORA-01536: 超出表空间 'USERS' 的空间限额

SQL> conn hr/*** SQL> create table s_employee_test as select * from employees; create table s_employee_test as select * from employees ORA-01536: 超出表空间 'USERS' 的空间限额 解决: sqlplus "sys/* ...
dbcore 评论(0) 有2923人浏览 2011-10-26 09:41


--删除表 drop table STATUSR.testTable; --创建表 create table STATUSR.testTable ( tableid varchar(10) not null, productName varchar(20) not null, canShui varchar(20) not null, xingHa varchar(20) not null, pri ...
yin281449811 评论(0) 有708人浏览 2011-10-08 17:29


数据库创建: CREATE DATABASE student ON PRIMARY( NAME='student', FILENAME='E:\student.mdf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=30MB, FILEGROWTH=1MB) LOG ON (NAME='student_log', FILENAME='E:\student_log.ldf', SIZE= ...
milk_nenu 评论(0) 有726人浏览 2011-09-09 11:26


1、创建存储过程 1、创建存储过程 create or replace procedure test(var_name_1 in type,var_name_2 out type) as --声明变量(变量名 变量类型) begin --存储过程的执行体 end test; 打印出输入的时间信息 E.g: create or replace proced ...
mxm910821 评论(0) 有931人浏览 2011-09-06 18:00


群:127881306 1 创建表A create table a( a int ); 2 创建表B create table b( b int ); --select * into b from a ; insert into b(b) select  a from a where a.a = 2; 3 插入数据 ,多插入几条重复的数据 insert into a values(1); inser ...
my_ora 评论(0) 有780人浏览 2011-07-28 19:52


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