要让 HostB 允许HostA 上的用户User1 进行操作,需要:
1. HostA 上以 User1 登陆,或 su - User1
2. 用ssh-keygen 命令,来生成HostA 的密钥对文件
ssh-keygen -t rsa
id_rsa 是私钥文件
id_rsa.pub 是公钥文件
3. 修改公钥文件属性
chmod 755 /home/User1/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
4. 将 HostA 上的公钥内容 id_rsa.pub 添加到 HostB 上
如果HostB上没有 /home/User1/.ssh 目录或authorized_keys 则需要新建
将HostA 的 id_rsa.pub 文件内容,添加到 /home/User1/.ssh/authorized_keys 文件中
5. 测试:(注意需要以 User1 登陆)
scp 1.txt UserB@HostB:/****/xxxx/
在不需要密码的情况下能把1.txt文件从HostA copy 至HostB,那么,该配置设置ok。
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 ./ssh/authorized_keys
1. Runtime.getRuntime().exec()
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("scp -r /###/dir user@HostB:/dir") ;这样就可以把你的服务器上的文件copy至HostB上。强大吧,当然该功能需要借助于上述说的公钥文件的配置。至于采用scp来copy file和directory的具体参数就不多说了。
(1) 用Runtime.getRuntime().exec 打开文件(windows) Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c start E://1.xlsx") ;
(2) Runtime.getRuntime().exec执行结果:
Process prs = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c start E://test//1.xlsx") ;
prs.waitFor() ;
int i = prs.exitValue() ;// i 即为执行结果
prs.destroy() ;
当然,在用完该方法后,最好Process prs = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("") ; ...... prs.destroy() ;
2. ganymed-ssh2-build210.jar包提供了很多从方法
(API:http://www.ganymed.ethz.ch/ssh2/javadoc/index-all.html#_R_)它的sess.execCommand(command) ;方法依旧能完成上述scp的功能。
这两者的共同之处在于它们都是在执行操作系统底层的东西,简洁、高效、非常强大。不仅仅是我在上面介绍的scp的功能,比如删除目录以及该目录下所有的目录&文件呢?rm -rf /###/drectory ......
Five different types of pages represent the system’s working set: system cache; paged pool; pageable code and data in the kernel; page-able code and data in device drivers; and system mapped views. ...
You can use these functions to insert a file into the current file, delete the active file, send the file through email, or insert a string into the file at every specified increment HTML preview ...
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these ...
package is designed to operate with. 2. One of the following operating systems must be fully installed and running on the system before installing this software: Microsoft Windows* Server 2003 ...
Instructions for determining if a workbook exists in Excel 2003, which might involve checking the file system or using specific VBA techniques. **Determine if Workbook Exists – Excel 2007 (Page 23)*...
percent or two of free space left available or a file in millions of fragments, Diskeeper can restore lost performance and save the applications reliant on those files from major reliability ...
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is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. When a program is linked ...
On the other hand, you must include the header file for Foo if your class subclasses Foo or has a data member of type Foo. Sometimes it makes sense to have pointer (or better, scoped_ptr) members ...
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