websocket需要服务器和浏览器支持,浏览器不支持,也 就无法使用这个技术。服务器可以自己实现协议连接,但是我们不准备自己实现(其实看需求,至少对我来说不需要),当然目前javaEE官方不支持这个实 现,没有规范(据说jsr356准备支持,期待来年【2013】javaEE7吧)
所有的入口都在protected StreamInbound createWebSocketInbound(String subProtocol) {}这个方法。 也就是说,我们实现这个方法,就可以实现握手协议了。
注意看这个方法。 要求返回StreamInbound类型。这个类型我们需要继承自己实现。打开源码观看这个类
- /**
- * Intended to be overridden by sub-classes that wish to be notified
- * when the outbound connection is established. The default implementation
- * is a NO-OP.
- *
- * @param outbound The outbound WebSocket connection.
- */
- protected void onOpen(WsOutbound outbound) {
- // NO-OP
- }
- /**
- * Intended to be overridden by sub-classes that wish to be notified
- * when the outbound connection is closed. The default implementation
- * is a NO-OP.
- *
- * @param status The status code of the close reason.
- */
- protected void onClose(int status) {
- // NO-OP
- }
- /**
- * This method is called when there is a binary WebSocket message available
- * to process. The message is presented via a stream and may be formed from
- * one or more frames. The number of frames used to transmit the message is
- * not made visible to the application.
- *
- * @param is The WebSocket message
- *
- * @throws IOException If a problem occurs processing the message. Any
- * exception will trigger the closing of the WebSocket
- * connection.
- */
- protected abstract void onBinaryData(InputStream is) throws IOException;
- /**
- * This method is called when there is a textual WebSocket message available
- * to process. The message is presented via a reader and may be formed from
- * one or more frames. The number of frames used to transmit the message is
- * not made visible to the application.
- *
- * @param r The WebSocket message
- *
- * @throws IOException If a problem occurs processing the message. Any
- * exception will trigger the closing of the WebSocket
- * connection.
- */
- protected abstract void onTextData(Reader r) throws IOException;
- @WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/chatWebSocket" })
- public class ChatWebSocketServlet extends WebSocketServlet {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
- OnLineUser theUser;
- @Override
- protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- theUser = (OnLineUser) req.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser");
- super.doGet(req, resp);
- }
- @Override
- protected StreamInbound createWebSocketInbound(String subProtocol) {
- return new ChatMessageInbound(theUser);
- }
- }
doget不用说,是连接的开始,然后取出登录的用户,这个是为了管理连接使用的,你在看这个例子的时候不需要doget方法和theUser声 明,只要有createWebSocketInbound方法就行。上面说了。这个方法是webSocket的入口。其实也是 WebSocketServlet这个类写好的doget,我们看WebSocketServlet的doget是如何写的
- @Override
- protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
- throws ServletException, IOException {
- // Information required to send the server handshake message
- String key;
- String subProtocol = null;
- List<String> extensions = Collections.emptyList();
- if (!headerContainsToken(req, "upgrade", "websocket")) {
- resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
- return;
- }
- if (!headerContainsToken(req, "connection", "upgrade")) {
- resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
- return;
- }
- if (!headerContainsToken(req, "sec-websocket-version", "13")) {
- resp.setStatus(426);
- resp.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");
- return;
- }
- key = req.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key");
- if (key == null) {
- resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
- return;
- }
- String origin = req.getHeader("Origin");
- if (!verifyOrigin(origin)) {
- resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
- return;
- }
- List<String> subProtocols = getTokensFromHeader(req,
- "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol-Client");
- if (!subProtocols.isEmpty()) {
- subProtocol = selectSubProtocol(subProtocols);
- }
- // TODO Read client handshake - Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
- // TODO Extensions require the ability to specify something (API TBD)
- // that can be passed to the Tomcat internals and process extension
- // data present when the frame is fragmented.
- // If we got this far, all is good. Accept the connection.
- resp.setHeader("upgrade", "websocket");
- resp.setHeader("connection", "upgrade");
- resp.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", getWebSocketAccept(key));
- if (subProtocol != null) {
- resp.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", subProtocol);
- }
- if (!extensions.isEmpty()) {
- // TODO
- }
- // Small hack until the Servlet API provides a way to do this.
- StreamInbound inbound = createWebSocketInbound(subProtocol);
- ((RequestFacade) req).doUpgrade(inbound);
- }
- @Override
- protected StreamInbound createWebSocketInbound(String subProtocol) {
- return new ChatMessageInbound(theUser);
- }
- public final class ChatMessageInbound extends MessageInbound {
- public ChatMessageInbound(OnLineUser theUser) {
- this.theUser = theUser;
- }
- @Override
- protected void onOpen(WsOutbound outbound) {
- // 添加链接到容器
- ChatMessageInbound theBound = this;
- ChatContainer.addInbound(theBound.theUser, theBound);
- // 向每个在线用户发送消息
- ChatContainer.eachAllBound(new ContainerCallBack() {
- @Override
- public void eachCallBack(ChatMessageInbound theBound, OnLineUser theUser) {
- ListUserMsg listUserMsg = new ListUserMsg(ChatContainer.getUserList());
- WriteTookit.writeToBound(theBound, listUserMsg.toMsg());
- }
- });
- }
- @Override
- protected void onClose(int status) {
- ChatContainer.removeInbound(theUser);
- }
- @Override
- protected void onBinaryMessage(ByteBuffer message) throws IOException {
- }
- @Override
- protected void onTextMessage(CharBuffer message) throws IOException {
- // CHAT_MODEL.setMessage(message.toString());
- // ChatContainer.eachAllBound(new ContainerCallBack() {
- // @Override
- // public void eachCallBack(ChatMessageInbound theBound, OnLineUser theUser) {
- // WriteTookit.writeToBound(theBound, CHAT_MODEL.getSayMsg());
- // }
- // });
- }
- // 变量区域
- private OnLineUser theUser;
- }
- public final class ChatContainer {
- /**
- * 保存服务器连接的用户的容器
- */
- private static final Map<OnLineUser, ChatMessageInbound> CHAT_MAP = new HashMap<OnLineUser, ChatMessageInbound>();
- /**
- * 取出用户的连接
- */
- public static ChatMessageInbound getInbound(OnLineUser theUser) {
- return CHAT_MAP.get(theUser);
- }
- /**
- * 放入一个连接
- */
- public static void addInbound(OnLineUser theUser,
- ChatMessageInbound outbound) {
- CHAT_MAP.put(theUser, outbound);
- System.out.println(CHAT_MAP.size());
- }
- /**
- * 移除一个连接
- *
- * @param theUser
- * @return
- */
- public static ChatMessageInbound removeInbound(OnLineUser theUser) {
- return CHAT_MAP.remove(theUser);
- }
- /**
- * 遍历所有连接
- */
- public static void eachAllBound(ContainerCallBack callBackInter) {
- Iterator<OnLineUser> keyIter = CHAT_MAP.keySet().iterator();
- while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
- OnLineUser theUser = keyIter.next();
- callBackInter.eachCallBack(CHAT_MAP.get(theUser), theUser);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 回调函数的接口
- *
- * @author WangZhenChong
- */
- public interface ContainerCallBack {
- void eachCallBack(ChatMessageInbound theBound, OnLineUser theUser);
- }
- }
我定义了一种数据交约定,使用json 字符串,MsgType表示消息类型,类似windows的消息机制
- /**
- * 前台和后台交互的信息类型常量
- *
- * @author WangZhenChong
- *
- */
- public final class MsgTypeConstants {
- public static short GET_USER_LIST = 1;// 在线所有用户信息交互
- public static short SEND_ONE_TO_ONE = 2;// 对一个用户发送消息
- public static short SEND_ONE_TO_ALL = 3;// 对所有用户发送消息
- public static short SEND_SERVER_MSG = 4;// 发送系统消息
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $("#connBtn").bind('click', function() {
- $.ajax({
- url : "/tomcatWebSocket/Login#?asdasdasd",
- type : "POST",
- processData : false,
- data : $.param({
- username : document.getElementById("usernameField").value
- }),
- success : function(msg, status) {
- initChat();
- initUserList();
- $("#sendBtn").removeAttr("disabled");
- $("#connBtn").attr("disabled", "disabled");
- $("#usernameField").attr("disabled", "disabled");
- },
- error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- alert("服务器内部错误");
- }
- });
- });
- var Chat = {};
- Chat.socket = null;
- function initChat() {
- var wsURL = 'ws://' + window.location.host
- + '/tomcatWebSocket/chatWebSocket';
- if ('WebSocket' in window) {
- Chat.socket = new WebSocket(wsURL);
- } else if ('MozWebSocket' in window) {
- Chat.socket = new MozWebSocket(wsURL);
- } else {
- alert("浏览器不支持");
- return false;
- }
- Chat.socket.onopen = function() {
- };
- Chat.socket.onclose = function() {
- Chat.writeToConsole("断开连接了 ");
- initChat();
- };
- Chat.socket.onmessage = function(message) {
- if (typeof message.data == "string") {// 如果发送的是字符串信息.
- var msgObj = eval("(" + message.data + ")");
- switch (msgObj.MsgType) {
- case MsgTypeConstants.GET_USER_LIST :// 所有用户信息
- Chat.preUserList(msgObj.userList);
- break;
- case MsgTypeConstants.SEND_ONE_TO_ALL :
- Chat.writeToConsole(msgObj.msgContext);
- break;
- default :
- alert("未知错误,请刷新页面");
- }
- }
- };
- Chat.sendMessage = function() {
- Chat.socket.send(ueditor.getContentTxt());
- };
- }
- Chat.writeToConsole = function(message) {
- <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>//往控制台打印得到的聊天消息
- };
- /**
- * 处理刷新用户信息的方法。
- */
- Chat.preUserList = function(userList) {
- //用户信息列表
- };
赠送jar包:javax.websocket-api-1.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:javax.websocket-api-1.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:javax.websocket-api-1.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:javax.websocket-api-1.1.pom; ...
Tomcat是Apache软件基金会下的一个开源项目,是一款广泛使用的Java Servlet容器,它实现了Java EE的Web应用程序规范。在本文中,我们将详细探讨Tomcat 8.5.59版本,这是Tomcat 8.x系列的一个稳定版本,具有诸多改进...
赠送jar包:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jakarta.websocket-api...
1. **版本特性**:Tomcat 8.5.x系列是基于Java EE 7标准的,相比于之前的版本,它增加了对WebSocket、JSON-P、JAX-RS 2.0等新特性的支持。 2. **配置**:在Windows环境下,可以通过修改“conf/server.xml”文件来...
赠送jar包:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jakarta.websocket-api-1.1.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jakarta.websocket-api...
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 }); wss.on('connection', (ws) => { console.log('Client connected'); ws.on('message', (message) => { console.log(`Received message => ${message}`); ...
node.js websocket socket.io unity 同步 使用Node.js+socket.io制作服务端,unity+socket.io for unity 制作客户端 ,验证位置同步Demo (Javascript代码可使用Webstorm等IDE进行编写)
sockjs.js websocket api 亲测可用 if(this.websocket==null) { // 首先判断是否 支持 WebSocket if ('WebSocket' in window) { this.websocket = new WebSocket( "ws://"+this.vbshopURL+"/layim/server?id="+...
在使用`javax.websocket-api-1.1`时,开发人员还需要一个支持WebSocket的服务器环境,如Tomcat、Jetty等,因为WebSocket API本身并不包含服务器实现。同时,为了在生产环境中部署,可能还需要考虑安全性、负载均衡、...
民聊基于tomcat 7. 0.56 websocket的在线客服系统## WebSocket介绍WebSocket协议是一种双向通信协议,它建立在TCP之上,同http一样通过TCP来传输数据,但是它和http最大的不同有两点:1.WebSocket是一种双向通信协议...
"javax.websocket-api-1.0.jar"是Java WebSocket API的一个实现,它是Java EE 7规范的一部分,允许开发者在服务器端和客户端之间建立WebSocket连接。 WebSocket API的核心接口包括`ServerEndpoint`、`...
javaee7 标准websocket api
2. **创建WebSocket服务端点**:创建一个继承自`javax.websocket.OnMessage`, `javax.websocket.OnOpen`, `javax.websocket.OnClose`, `javax.websocket.Session`等接口的类,这些接口定义了WebSocket连接的生命周期...
Apache Tomcat 软件是Jakarta Servlet、 Jakarta Server Pages、 Jakarta Expression Language、 Jakarta WebSocket、 Jakarta Annotations和 Jakarta Authentication 规范的开源实现 。 压缩包内容: apache-...
3. **Java WebSocket支持**:自Tomcat 7开始,它支持WebSocket协议,允许双向通信,提供实时应用功能。 4. **连接器技术**:Tomcat使用Coyote连接器处理网络通信,优化了I/O性能。 5. **部署管理**:可以通过管理...
操作websocket时用到的javax.websocket包,可以引用import javax.websocket.OnClose; import javax.websocket.OnMessage; import javax.websocket.OnOpen; import javax.websocket.Session; import javax....
12. **WebSocket支持**:Tomcat 7开始支持WebSocket协议,允许双向通信,为实时Web应用提供了基础。 以上就是关于Apache Tomcat 7.0.108的一些核心知识点。理解并掌握这些内容,有助于在实际开发和运维过程中更好地...
tomcat9.0.39压包.zip 内附压缩版zip和直装版exe The Apache Tomcat® software is an open source implementation of the ...Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.