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/*******************************************************************************  * Copyright 2005-2009, CHISEL Group, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC,  * Canada. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are  * made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which  * accompanies this distribution, and is available at  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html  *   * Contributors: The Chisel Group, University of Victoria   *               Mateusz Matela  ******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets;  import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List;  import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Animation; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Clickable; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FreeformLayout; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FreeformViewport; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.LayoutAnimator; import org.eclipse.draw2d.LineBorder; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ScrollPane; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ToolbarLayout; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Triangle; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Viewport; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.internal.AspectRatioFreeformLayer; import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.internal.ContainerFigure; import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.internal.ZestRootLayer; import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.LayoutAlgorithm; import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.algorithms.TreeLayoutAlgorithm; import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.dataStructures.DisplayIndependentRectangle;  /**  * A Container that can be added to a Graph. Nodes can be added to this  * container. The container supports collapsing and expanding and has the same  * properties as the nodes. Containers cannot have custom figures.  *   * @author Ian Bull  */ public class GraphContainer extends GraphNode implements IContainer {          static class ExpandGraphLabel extends Figure implements ActionListener {                  private boolean isExpanded;                 private Expander expander = new Expander();                 private Color darkerBackground;                  class Expander extends Clickable {                         private Triangle triangle;                          public Expander() {                                 setStyle(Clickable.STYLE_TOGGLE);                                 triangle = new Triangle();                                 triangle.setSize(10, 10);                                 triangle.setBackgroundColor(ColorConstants.black);                                 triangle.setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.black);                                 triangle.setFill(true);                                 triangle.setDirection(Triangle.EAST);                                 triangle.setLocation(new Point(5, 3));                                 this.setLayoutManager(new FreeformLayout());                                 this.add(triangle);                                 this.setPreferredSize(15, 15);                                 this.addActionListener(ExpandGraphLabel.this);                         }                          public void open() {                                 triangle.setDirection(Triangle.SOUTH);                         }                          public void close() {                                 triangle.setDirection(Triangle.EAST);                         }                  }                  /**                  * Sets the expander state (the little triangle) to                  * ExpanderGraphLabel.OPEN or ExpanderGraphLabel.CLOSED                  *                   * @param state                  */                 public void setExpandedState(boolean expanded) {                         if (expanded) {                                 expander.open();                         } else {                                 expander.close();                         }                         this.isExpanded = expanded;                 }                  /*                  * (non-Javadoc)                  *                   * @see                  * org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionListener#actionPerformed(org.eclipse.draw2d                  * .ActionEvent)                  */                 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {                         if (isExpanded) {                                 container.close(true);                         } else {                                 container.open(true);                         }                 }                  private final int arcWidth = 8;                 private final Label label;                 private final GraphContainer container;                 private final ToolbarLayout layout;                  public ExpandGraphLabel(GraphContainer container, String text,                                 Image image, boolean cacheLabel) {                         this.label = new Label(text) {                                  /**                                  * <b>This method is overwritten so that the text is not                                  * truncated.</b><br>                                  *                                   * {@inheritDoc}                                  *                                   */                                 protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) {                                         if (isOpaque()) {                                                 super.paintFigure(graphics);                                         }                                         Rectangle bounds = getBounds();                                         graphics.translate(bounds.x, bounds.y);                                         if (getIcon() != null) {                                                 graphics.drawImage(getIcon(), getIconLocation());                                         }                                         if (!isEnabled()) {                                                 graphics.translate(1, 1);                                                 graphics                                                                 .setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.buttonLightest);                                                 graphics                                                                 .drawText(getSubStringText(), getTextLocation());                                                 graphics.translate(-1, -1);                                                 graphics                                                                 .setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.buttonDarker);                                         }                                         graphics.drawText(getText(), getTextLocation());                                         graphics.translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y);                                 }                         };                         this.setText(text);                         this.setImage(image);                         this.container = container;                         this.setFont(Display.getDefault().getSystemFont());                         layout = new ToolbarLayout(true);                         layout.setSpacing(5);                         layout.setMinorAlignment(ToolbarLayout.ALIGN_CENTER);                         this.setLayoutManager(layout);                         this.add(this.expander);                         this.add(this.label);                 }                  private Color getDarkerBackgroundColor() {                         if (darkerBackground == null) {                                 Color baseColor = getBackgroundColor();                                 int blue = (int) (baseColor.getBlue() * 0.8 + 0.5);                                 int red = (int) (baseColor.getRed() * 0.8 + 0.5);                                 int green = (int) (baseColor.getGreen() * 0.8 + 0.5);                                 darkerBackground = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), new RGB(red,                                                 green, blue));                         }                         return darkerBackground;                 }                  /*                  * (non-Javadoc)                  *                   * @see                  * org.eclipse.draw2d.Label#paintFigure(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics)                  */                 public void paint(Graphics graphics) {                          graphics.setForegroundColor(getDarkerBackgroundColor());                         graphics.setBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                          graphics.pushState();                          // fill in the background                         Rectangle bounds = getBounds().getCopy();                         Rectangle r = bounds.getCopy();                         r.y += arcWidth / 2;                         r.height -= arcWidth;                          Rectangle top = bounds.getCopy();                         top.height /= 2;                         graphics.setForegroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                         graphics.setBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                         graphics.fillRoundRectangle(top, arcWidth, arcWidth);                          top.y = top.y + top.height;                         graphics.setForegroundColor(darkerBackground);                         graphics.setBackgroundColor(darkerBackground);                         graphics.fillRoundRectangle(top, arcWidth, arcWidth);                          graphics.setBackgroundColor(darkerBackground);                         graphics.setForegroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                         graphics.fillGradient(r, true);                          super.paint(graphics);                         graphics.popState();                         graphics.setForegroundColor(darkerBackground);                         graphics.setBackgroundColor(darkerBackground);                         // paint the border                         bounds.setSize(bounds.width - 1, bounds.height - 1);                         graphics.drawRoundRectangle(bounds, arcWidth, arcWidth);                 }                  public void setBackgroundColor(Color bg) {                         super.setBackgroundColor(bg);                         if (darkerBackground != null) {                                 darkerBackground.dispose();                         }                         darkerBackground = null;                 }                  public void setTextT(String string) {                         this.setPreferredSize(null);                         this.label.setText(string);                         this.add(label);                         this.layout.layout(this);                         this.invalidate();                         this.revalidate();                         this.validate();                 }                  public void setText(String string) {                         this.label.setText(string);                 }                  public void setImage(Image image) {                         this.label.setIcon(image);                 }                  public void setFocus() {                         expander.requestFocus();                 }          }          static final double SCALED_WIDTH = 250;         static final double SCALED_HEIGHT = 200;         private static final int CONTAINER_HEIGHT = 200;         private static final int MIN_WIDTH = 250;         private static final int MIN_HEIGHT = 30;         private static final int ANIMATION_TIME = 100;         private static final int SUBLAYER_OFFSET = 2;          private static SelectionListener selectionListener;          private ExpandGraphLabel expandGraphLabel;          private List childNodes = null;         private int childAreaHeight = CONTAINER_HEIGHT;          private ZestRootLayer zestLayer;         private ScrollPane scrollPane;         private LayoutAlgorithm layoutAlgorithm;         private boolean isExpanded = false;         private boolean isLayoutScheduled = false;         private AspectRatioFreeformLayer scalledLayer;         private InternalLayoutContext layoutContext;          /**          * Creates a new GraphContainer. A GraphContainer may contain nodes, and has          * many of the same properties as a graph node.          *           * @param graph          *            The graph that the container is being added to          * @param style          *           * @since 2.0          */         public GraphContainer(Graph graph, int style) {                 super(graph, style, "");                 initModel(graph, "", null);                 close(false);                 childNodes = new ArrayList();                 registerToParent(graph);         }          /**          * Custom figures cannot be set on a GraphContainer.          */         public void setCustomFigure(IFigure nodeFigure) {                 throw new RuntimeException(                                 "Operation not supported:  Containers cannot have custom figures");         }          /**          * Close this node.          *           * @param animate          */         public void close(boolean animate) {                 if (animate) {                         Animation.markBegin();                 }                 isExpanded = false;                  expandGraphLabel.setExpandedState(false);                 Rectangle newBounds = scrollPane.getBounds().getCopy();                 newBounds.height = 0;                  scrollPane.setSize(scrollPane.getSize().width, 0);                 updateFigureForModel(this.zestLayer);                 scrollPane.setVisible(false);                 List children = this.zestLayer.getChildren();                 for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {                         IFigure child = (IFigure) iterator.next();                         GraphItem item = getGraph().getGraphItem(child);                         item.setVisible(false);                 }                 Rectangle containerBounds = new Rectangle(this.getLocation(),                                 new Dimension(this.getSize().width, CONTAINER_HEIGHT                                                 + this.expandGraphLabel.getSize().height));                 moveNodesUp(containerBounds, this);                 if (animate) {                         Animation.run(ANIMATION_TIME);                 }                 updateFigureForModel(nodeFigure);         }          private static void addNodeToOrderedList(List orderedNodeList,                         GraphNode node) {                 Iterator orderedNodeIterator = orderedNodeList.iterator();                 int counter = 0;                 while (orderedNodeIterator.hasNext()) {                         // Look through the list of nodes below and find the right spot for                         // this                         GraphNode nextOrderedNode = (GraphNode) orderedNodeIterator.next();                         if (nextOrderedNode.getLocation().y                                         + nextOrderedNode.getBounds().height > node.getLocation().y                                         + node.getBounds().height) {                                 break;                         }                         counter++;                 }                 // Place this in the right location                 orderedNodeList.add(counter, node);         }          /**          * Gets all the nodes below the yValue. The nodes are returned in order.          *           * @param nodes          * @param yValue          * @return          */         private static List getOrderedNodesBelowY(List nodes, int yValue,                         GraphNode yValueNode) {                 Iterator iterator = nodes.iterator();                 LinkedList orderedNode = new LinkedList();                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) iterator.next();                         if (node == yValueNode) {                                 continue;                         }                         if (node.getLocation().y + node.getBounds().height > yValue) {                                 // This node is below the container                                 addNodeToOrderedList(orderedNode, node);                         }                 }                 // Convert this to an arrayList for faster access                 List arrayList = new ArrayList();                 iterator = orderedNode.iterator();                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {                         arrayList.add(iterator.next());                 }                 return arrayList;         }          /**          * Checks if the node intersects the stripe between left and right          *           * @param left          * @param right          * @param node          * @return          */         private static boolean nodeInStripe(int left, int right, GraphNode node) {                 return (node.getBounds().x < right && node.getBounds().x                                 + node.getBounds().width > left);         }          void pack(Graph g) {                 GraphNode highestNode = getHighestNode(g);                 moveNodesUp(highestNode.getBounds(), highestNode);         }          /**          *           * @param g          * @return          */         static GraphNode getHighestNode(Graph g) {                 Iterator iterator = g.getNodes().iterator();                 GraphNode lowest /* highest on the screen */= null;                  while (iterator.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) iterator.next();                         if (lowest == null || lowest.getBounds().y > node.getBounds().y) {                                 lowest = node;                         }                 }                 return lowest;          }          /**          * Move the nodes below this node up          *           * @param containerBounds          * @param graphContainer          */         private void moveNodesUp(Rectangle containerBounds, GraphNode graphContainer) {                  // Get all nodes below this container, in order                 List orderedNodesBelowY = getOrderedNodesBelowY(parent.getGraph()                                 .getNodes(), containerBounds.y, graphContainer);                 int leftSide = containerBounds.x;                 int rightSide = containerBounds.x + containerBounds.width;                 List nodesToConsider = new LinkedList();                 for (int i = 0; i < orderedNodesBelowY.size(); i++) {                         nodesToConsider.add(orderedNodesBelowY.get(i));                 }                 addNodeToOrderedList(orderedNodesBelowY, graphContainer);                  while (nodesToConsider.size() > 0) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) nodesToConsider.get(0);                         if (nodeInStripe(leftSide, rightSide, node)) {                                 leftSide = Math.min(leftSide, node.getBounds().x);                                 rightSide = Math.max(rightSide, node.getBounds().x                                                 + node.getBounds().width);                                 // If this node is in the stripe, move it up                                 // the previous node                                 GraphNode previousNode = null;                                 int i = 0;                                 for (; i < orderedNodesBelowY.size(); i++) {                                         if (orderedNodesBelowY.get(i) == node) {                                                 break;                                         }                                 }                                 int j = i - 1;                                 while (j >= 0) {                                         GraphNode pastNode = (GraphNode) orderedNodesBelowY.get(j);                                         // if (nodeInStripe(leftSide, rightSide, pastNode)) {                                         if (nodeInStripe(node.getBounds().x, node.getBounds().x                                                         + node.getBounds().width, pastNode)) {                                                 previousNode = pastNode;                                                 break;                                         }                                         j--;                                 }                                 if (previousNode == null) {                                         previousNode = graphContainer;                                 }                                 int previousLocation = previousNode.getBounds().y                                                 + previousNode.getBounds().height + 2;                                  orderedNodesBelowY.remove(i);                                 node.setLocation(node.getLocation().x, previousLocation);                                 addNodeToOrderedList(orderedNodesBelowY, node);                          }                         nodesToConsider.remove(node);                 }         }          /**          * Open the container. This opens the graph container to show the nodes          * within and update the twistie          */         public void open(boolean animate) {                 if (isLayoutScheduled) {                         internalApplyLayout();                 }                  if (animate) {                         Animation.markBegin();                 }                 isExpanded = true;                  expandGraphLabel.setExpandedState(true);                  scrollPane.setSize(computeChildArea());                 scrollPane.setVisible(true);                  List children = this.zestLayer.getChildren();                 for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {                         IFigure child = (IFigure) iterator.next();                         GraphItem item = getGraph().getGraphItem(child);                         item.setVisible(true);                 }                  updateFigureForModel(nodeFigure);                  Rectangle containerBounds = new Rectangle(this.getLocation(),                                 new Dimension(this.getSize().width, CONTAINER_HEIGHT                                                 + this.expandGraphLabel.getSize().height));                 moveNodesDown(containerBounds, this);                 moveNodesUp(containerBounds, this);                 if (animate) {                         Animation.run(ANIMATION_TIME);                 }                 this.getFigure().getUpdateManager().performValidation();         }          /**          *           * @param containerBounds          * @param graphContainer          */         private void moveNodesDown(Rectangle containerBounds,                         GraphContainer graphContainer) {                  // Find all nodes below here                 List nodesBelowHere = getOrderedNodesBelowY(parent.getGraph()                                 .getNodes(), containerBounds.y, graphContainer);                 Iterator nodesBelowHereIterator = nodesBelowHere.iterator();                 List nodesToMove = new LinkedList();                 int left = containerBounds.x;                 int right = containerBounds.x + containerBounds.width;                 while (nodesBelowHereIterator.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) nodesBelowHereIterator.next();                         if (nodeInStripe(left, right, node)) {                                 nodesToMove.add(node);                                 left = Math.min(left, node.getBounds().x);                                 right = Math.max(right, node.getBounds().x                                                 + node.getBounds().width);                         }                 }                 List intersectingNodes = intersectingNodes(containerBounds,                                 nodesToMove, graphContainer);                 int delta = getMaxMovement(containerBounds, intersectingNodes);                 if (delta > 0) {                         shiftNodesDown(nodesToMove, delta);                 }          }          /**          * Checks all the nodes in the list of nodesToCheck to see if they intersect          * with the bounds set          *           * @param node          * @param nodesToCheck          * @return          */         private List intersectingNodes(Rectangle bounds, List nodesToCheck,                         GraphNode node) {                 List result = new LinkedList();                 Iterator nodes = nodesToCheck.iterator();                 while (nodes.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode nodeToCheck = (GraphNode) nodes.next();                         if (node == nodeToCheck) {                                 continue;                         }                         if (bounds.intersects(nodeToCheck.getBounds())) {                                 result.add(nodeToCheck);                         }                 }                 return result;         }          /**          * Gets the max distance the intersecting nodes need to be shifted to make          * room for the expanding node          *           * @param bounds          * @param nodesToMove          * @return          */         private int getMaxMovement(Rectangle bounds, List nodesToMove) {                 Iterator iterator = nodesToMove.iterator();                 int maxMovement = 0;                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) iterator.next();                         int yValue = node.getLocation().y;                         int distanceFromBottom = (bounds.y + bounds.height) - yValue;                         maxMovement = Math.max(maxMovement, distanceFromBottom);                 }                 return maxMovement + 3;         }          /**          * Shifts a collection of nodes down.          *           * @param nodesToShift          * @param amount          */         private void shiftNodesDown(List nodesToShift, int amount) {                 Iterator iterator = nodesToShift.iterator();                 while (iterator.hasNext()) {                         GraphNode node = (GraphNode) iterator.next();                          node.setLocation(node.getLocation().x, node.getLocation().y                                         + amount);                 }         }          /**          * Gets the graph that this container has been added to.          */         public Graph getGraph() {                 return this.graph;         }          /**          * @since 2.0          */         public Widget getItem() {                 return this;         }          public int getItemType() {                 return CONTAINER;         }          /**          * @since 2.0          */         public void setLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutAlgorithm algorithm,                         boolean applyLayout) {                 if (this.layoutAlgorithm != null) {                         this.layoutAlgorithm.setLayoutContext(null);                 }                  this.layoutAlgorithm = algorithm;                 this.layoutAlgorithm.setLayoutContext(getLayoutContext());                 if (applyLayout) {                         applyLayout();                 }         }          /**          * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.          */         public InternalLayoutContext getLayoutContext() {                 if (layoutContext == null) {                         layoutContext = new InternalLayoutContext(this);                 }                 return layoutContext;         }          /**          * @since 2.0          */         public DisplayIndependentRectangle getLayoutBounds() {                 double width = GraphContainer.SCALED_WIDTH;                 double height = GraphContainer.SCALED_HEIGHT;                 return new DisplayIndependentRectangle(0, 0, width, height);         }          public void applyLayout() {                 if (isExpanded) {                         internalApplyLayout();                 } else {                         isLayoutScheduled = true;                 }         }          private void internalApplyLayout() {                 isLayoutScheduled = false;                 if (layoutAlgorithm == null) {                         setLayoutAlgorithm(new TreeLayoutAlgorithm(), false);                 }                 Animation.markBegin();                 layoutAlgorithm.applyLayout(true);                 layoutContext.flushChanges(false);                 Animation.run(ANIMATION_TIME);                 getFigure().getUpdateManager().performUpdate();         }          /**          * Get the scale for this container. This is the scale applied to the          * children contained within          *           * @return          */         public double getScale() {                 return this.scalledLayer.getScale();         }          /**          * Set the scale for this container. This is the scale applied to the          * children contained within.          *           * @param scale          */         public void setScale(double scale) {                 this.scalledLayer.setScale(scale);         }          /***************************************************************************          * NON API MEMBERS          **************************************************************************/         protected void initFigure() {                 nodeFigure = createContainerFigure();         }          /**          * This is a small class to help represent the size of the container. It          * should only be used in the computeContainerSize method.          */         class ContainerDimension {                 int width;                 int labelHeight;                 int expandedHeight;         }          /**          * Computes size of the scroll pane that the child nodes will be placed in.          *           * @return          */         private Dimension computeChildArea() {                 ContainerDimension containerDimension = computeContainerSize();                 Dimension dimension = new Dimension();                 dimension.width = containerDimension.width;                 dimension.height = containerDimension.expandedHeight                                 - containerDimension.labelHeight + SUBLAYER_OFFSET;                 return dimension;         }          /**          * Computes the desired size of the container. This method uses the minimum          * size, label size and setSize to compute the size.          *           * @return          */         private ContainerDimension computeContainerSize() {                 ContainerDimension dimension = new ContainerDimension();                 int labelHeight = expandGraphLabel.getPreferredSize().height;                 int labelWidth = expandGraphLabel.getPreferredSize().width;                 if (labelWidth < MIN_WIDTH) {                         labelWidth = MIN_WIDTH;                         expandGraphLabel.setPreferredSize(labelWidth, labelHeight);                 }                  dimension.labelHeight = Math.max(labelHeight, MIN_HEIGHT);                 dimension.width = Math.max(labelWidth, this.size.width);                 dimension.expandedHeight = Math.max(dimension.labelHeight                                 + childAreaHeight - SUBLAYER_OFFSET, this.size.height);                  return dimension;         }          private double computeHeightScale() {                 Dimension childArea = computeChildArea();                 double heightScale = childArea.height / SCALED_HEIGHT;                 return heightScale;         }          private double computeWidthScale() {                 Dimension childArea = computeChildArea();                 double widthScale = childArea.width / SCALED_WIDTH;                 return widthScale;         }          private IFigure createContainerFigure() {                 GraphContainer node = this;                 IFigure containerFigure = new ContainerFigure();                 containerFigure.setOpaque(true);                  containerFigure.addLayoutListener(LayoutAnimator.getDefault());                  containerFigure.setLayoutManager(new FreeformLayout());                 expandGraphLabel = new ExpandGraphLabel(this, node.getText(), node                                 .getImage(), false);                 expandGraphLabel.setText(getText());                 expandGraphLabel.setImage(getImage());                 ContainerDimension containerDimension = computeContainerSize();                  scrollPane = new ScrollPane();                 scrollPane.addLayoutListener(LayoutAnimator.getDefault());                  Viewport viewport = new FreeformViewport();                  scrollPane.setViewport(viewport);                 viewport.addLayoutListener(LayoutAnimator.getDefault());                 scrollPane.setScrollBarVisibility(ScrollPane.AUTOMATIC);                  scalledLayer = new AspectRatioFreeformLayer("debug label");                 scalledLayer.addLayoutListener(LayoutAnimator.getDefault());                 scalledLayer.setScale(computeWidthScale(), computeHeightScale());                 zestLayer = new ZestRootLayer();                 zestLayer.addLayoutListener(LayoutAnimator.getDefault());                 scalledLayer.add(zestLayer);                  zestLayer.setLayoutManager(new FreeformLayout());                 scrollPane.setSize(computeChildArea());                 scrollPane.setLocation(new Point(0, containerDimension.labelHeight                                 - SUBLAYER_OFFSET));                 scrollPane.setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.gray);                  expandGraphLabel.setBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                 expandGraphLabel.setForegroundColor(getForegroundColor());                 expandGraphLabel.setLocation(new Point(0, 0));                  containerFigure.add(scrollPane);                 containerFigure.add(expandGraphLabel);                  scrollPane.getViewport().setContents(scalledLayer);                 scrollPane.setBorder(new LineBorder());                  return containerFigure;         }          private void registerToParent(IContainer parent) {                 if (parent.getItemType() == GRAPH) {                         createSelectionListener();                         parent.getGraph().addSelectionListener(selectionListener);                 }         }          private void createSelectionListener() {                 if (selectionListener == null) {                         selectionListener = new SelectionListener() {                                 public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {                                         if (e.item instanceof GraphContainer) {                                                 // set focus to expand label so that pressing space                                                 // opens/closes the last selected container                                                 ((GraphContainer) e.item).expandGraphLabel.setFocus();                                         }                                 }                                  public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {                                         // ignore                                 }                         };                  }         }          protected void updateFigureForModel(IFigure currentFigure) {                  if (expandGraphLabel == null) {                         initFigure();                 }                 expandGraphLabel.setTextT(getText());                 expandGraphLabel.setImage(getImage());                 expandGraphLabel.setFont(getFont());                  if (highlighted == HIGHLIGHT_ON) {                         expandGraphLabel.setForegroundColor(getForegroundColor());                         expandGraphLabel.setBackgroundColor(getHighlightColor());                 } else {                         expandGraphLabel.setForegroundColor(getForegroundColor());                         expandGraphLabel.setBackgroundColor(getBackgroundColor());                 }                  ContainerDimension containerDimension = computeContainerSize();                  expandGraphLabel.setSize(containerDimension.width,                                 containerDimension.labelHeight);                 if (isExpanded) {                         setSize(containerDimension.width, containerDimension.expandedHeight);                 } else {                         setSize(containerDimension.width, containerDimension.labelHeight);                 }                 scrollPane.setLocation(new Point(expandGraphLabel.getLocation().x,                                 expandGraphLabel.getLocation().y                                                 + containerDimension.labelHeight - SUBLAYER_OFFSET));          }          void refreshBounds() {                 if (nodeFigure == null || nodeFigure.getParent() == null) {                         return; // node figure has not been created yet                 }                 GraphNode node = this;                 Point loc = node.getLocation();                  ContainerDimension containerDimension = computeContainerSize();                 Dimension size = new Dimension();                  expandGraphLabel.setSize(containerDimension.width,                                 containerDimension.labelHeight);                 this.childAreaHeight = computeChildArea().height;                 if (isExpanded) {                         size.width = containerDimension.width;                         size.height = containerDimension.expandedHeight;                 } else {                         size.width = containerDimension.width;                         size.height = containerDimension.labelHeight;                 }                 Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(loc, size);                 nodeFigure.getParent().setConstraint(nodeFigure, bounds);                 scrollPane.setLocation(new Point(expandGraphLabel.getLocation().x,                                 expandGraphLabel.getLocation().y                                                 + containerDimension.labelHeight - SUBLAYER_OFFSET));                 scrollPane.setSize(computeChildArea());                 scalledLayer.setScale(computeWidthScale(), computeHeightScale());         }          /**          * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.          */         public void addSubgraphFigure(IFigure figure) {                 zestLayer.addSubgraph(figure);                 graph.subgraphFigures.add(figure);         }          void addConnectionFigure(IFigure figure) {                 nodeFigure.add(figure);         }          /**          * @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.          */         public void addNode(GraphNode node) {                 zestLayer.addNode(node.getNodeFigure());                 this.childNodes.add(node);                 node.setVisible(isExpanded);         }          public List getNodes() {                 return this.childNodes;         }          /**          * @since 2.0          */         public List getConnections() {                 return filterConnections(getGraph().getConnections());          }          private List filterConnections(List connections) {                 List result = new ArrayList();                 for (Iterator iterator = connections.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {                         GraphConnection connection = (GraphConnection) iterator.next();                         if (connection.getSource().getParent() == this                                         && connection.getDestination().getParent() == this) {                                 result.add(connection);                         }                 }                 return result;         } }



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    标题中的“西数WDC WD3200BPVT固件-80ZEST0-板号1672-WD-WXB1AC064983-01.01A01-0015002M-256-1091-KL”涉及到的是西部数据(Western Digital,简称WD)的一款硬盘,具体型号为WD3200BPVT。固件是硬盘的重要组成部分...

    JQF Zest coverage引导的Java语义模糊测试.zip

    在Java世界中,JQF(Java QuantiFiable Fuzzing)是一个开源框架,它提供了高级的模糊测试工具,尤其是Zest Coverage Guided Fuzzer。这个框架结合了模糊测试和代码覆盖率分析,从而能够更有效地探索代码路径,发现...

    Python库 | zbs.zest-1.1.24.tar.gz




    zest-creator:用于创建有效的 zest 脚本并与脚本交互的节点包

    Zest Creator 工具,用于创建有效的 zest 脚本并通过辅助方法与脚本交互。 使用 安装它: ```bash $ npm i zest-creator ``` 需要它并使用: ```js var ZestCreator = require('zest-creator'); var opts = { ...


    【标题】"Zest"可能是指一个以热情命名的项目,该项目由APIPHP Laravel和Web应用程序的VueJS与TypeScript技术构建。从标签"Python"我们可以推断,这个项目可能也涉及到了Python语言的使用。 在IT行业中,"APIPHP ...

    Zest - New Tab for Marketing Content-crx插件

    Zest New Tab可帮助营销人员发现新鲜的营销内容以支持其工作,这些内容均由营销人员社区贡献。 Zest New Tab可帮助发现由长期的营销专家社区策划的新鲜和高质量的营销内容。 Zest New Tab允许其用户为文章添加书签,...

    Zest - Distilled Marketing Content-crx插件


    Zest - The Zendesk Colour Coder-crx插件

    通过Zest,您可以通过个性化为票证添加颜色来自定义票证视图。 不仅按标准优先级(从低到高),而且还按组织特定的任何字段/类别。 您如何使用Zest? 只需单击chrome浏览器右上角的图标,输入要上色的类别,选择一种...

    Zest_Framework:Zest Framework的核心文件

    如果要使用Zest构建应用程序,请访问主。 热情的人是谁? Zest适用于希望开发应用程序而不是从头开始编写通用代码(例如,验证,路由,数据库操作等)PHP开发人员。 Zest提供了一组定义明确的工具包,可以处理这些...

    zest-runner:Zest runner 的 JavaScript 实现

    Zest 脚本的运行时。 使用 安装它: ```bash $ npm i zest-runner ``` 需要它并使用: ```js var ZestRunner = require('zest-runner'); var opts = { sourceType: 'file', file: 'abc.zst' }; var zr = new ...

    Zest Assistant-crx插件

    Zest使可通过任何浏览器选项卡访问的通用云服务上存储的任何文档,文件或记录 您手上的所有文件。 通过在已经使用的工具中交付所需的文件,使Zest Assistant更加高效。 一个虚拟屋顶下的所有文件只需连接您的信息源...


    ZeST是用于强调文件系统/磁盘的TUI程序。 仅对curses起作用,它可在任何POSIX系统上使用。 它为IPC使用fork()和一个命名的fifo。 如果一个进程启动太多,则可以终止单个进程,这不会中断测试。

    zest:Weller等人,EMNLP 2020,“从任务描述中学习”中的代码和数据集“ ZEST”

    :获取数据集:ZEST。 :在ZEST上评估模型的预测。 :运行ZEST的众包模板。 :在ZEST上使用模型进行训练和预测。 :运行存储库的测试和其他检查。 :引用这项工作。 :联系我们。 数据 您可以从下载数据。 该...


    《ZEST时尚类网页UI模板设计PSD解析与应用》 网页UI设计是现代互联网行业中不可或缺的一环,它直接影响到用户的使用体验和对网站的第一印象。"ZEST时尚类网页UI模板设计psd"是一个专为追求潮流和设计感的网站开发者...

    zest.releaser:Python 软件发布变得简单且可重复

    包发布变得容易:zest.releaser 概述和安装zest.releaser 是命令行程序的集合,可帮助您自动化发布 Python 项目的任务。 它消除了所有无聊的部分。 这是zest.releaser为您自动执行的操作: 它更新版本号。 版本号...


    【标题】"t4sg-zest.ai-skel" 指的可能是一个开源项目或库的骨架文件,其中“t4sg”可能是项目或团队的缩写,“zest.ai”可能是一个专注于人工智能(AI)的模块或框架,而“skel”通常代表“骨架”,在编程领域中,...

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