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(1)GCC——GNU Compiler Collection

    Nginx is a program written in C, so you will first need to install a compiler tool such as the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)on your system.

    First, make sure it isn't already installed on your system:

[alex@example.com ~]$ gcc

    GCC can be installed using the default repository of your package manager.

# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"


# apt-get install build-essentials


(2)The PCRE library

The Perl Compatible Regular Expression(PCRE)library is required for compiling Nginx. The Rewrite and HTTP Core modules of Nginx use PCRE for the syntax of their regular expressions.

# yum install pcre pcre-devel


# yum install pcre*


# apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev

【pcre——provides the compiled version of the library

pcre-devel——provides development headers and source for compiling projects】


(3)The zlib library

The zlib library provides developers with compression algrithms, It is required for the use of gzip compression in various modules of Nginx。

Using yum:

# yum install zlib zlib-devel

Using apt-get

# apt-get install zlib1g zlib1g-dev



 The Open SSL library will be used by Nginx to serve secure web pages.

Using Yum: # yum install openssl openssl-devel

Using apt-get: # apt-get install openssl openssl-dev


Nginx is compatible with many computer architectures and operating systems such 

as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD, and Solaris. The application runs fine on 32- 

and 64-bit architectures.



(1)Downloading and extracting

# mkdir src && cd src

# wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.2.9.tar.gz

# tar zxf nginx-1.2.9.tar.gz 


(2)Configure options

The configuration step allows you to select a number of options that will not be editable after the program is built, as it has a direct impact on the project binaries. Consequently, it is a very important stage that you need to fllow carefully if you want to avoid surprises later, such as the lack of a specific module or files being located in a random folder.



# ./configure

# make

# make install

最终,默认会被安装到 /usr/local/nginx. 需要以root身份执行 make install,这要根据 /usr/local目录上授予的权限的情况。


(2.2)Path options

# ./configure --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf



(2.3)Prerequisites options

Prerequisites come in the form of libraries and binaries. You should by now have 

them all installed on your system. Yet, even though they are present on your 

system, there may be occasions where the configuration script cannot locate them.

The reasons might be diverse, for example, if they were installed in non-standard 

directories. In order to solve such problems, you are given the option to specify 

the path of prerequisites 


(2.4)Module options

Modules need to be selected before compiling the application. Some are enabled by default and  some

need to be enabled manually.


(2.5)Miscellaneous options

Other options are available in the configuration script, for example, regarding the mail server proxy feature or event management.




./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx-1.2.9

(3.2)Regular HTTP and HTTPs servers

./configure --user=www-data --group=www-data --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_realip_module

(3.3)All modules enabled


./configure --user=www-data --group=www-data --with-http_ssl_module 

--with-http_realip_module --with-http_addition_module --with-http_xslt_

module --with-http_image_filter_module --with-http_geoip_module --with-

http_sub_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_flv_module --with-

http_mp4_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_random_index_

module --with-http_secure_link_module --with-http_stub_status_module 

--with-http_perl_module --with-http_degradation_module


With this setup, all optional modules are enabled, thus requiring additional libraries 

to be installed.



(1)Daemons and services

When started from the command line, a daemon immediately returns the prompt, and in most cases, does not even bother outputting data to the terminal.


Consequently, when starting Nginx you will not see any text appear on the screen 

and the prompt will return immediately.


(2)User and group

A very common source of troubles when setting up Nginx is invalid file access permissions——due to

a user or group misconfiguration, you often end up getting 403 forbidden HTTP errors because Nginx

cannot access the requested files.


There are two levels of processes with possibly different permission sets:

•  The Nginx master process, which should be started as root. In most Unix-like 

systems, processes started with the root account are allowed to open TCP 

sockets on any port, whereas other users can only open listening sockets on 

a port above 1024. If you do not start Nginx as root, standard ports such as 

80 or 443 will not be accessible. Additionally, the user directive that allows 

you to specify a different user and group for the worker processes will not be 

taken into consideration.

•  The Nginx worker processes, which are automatically spawned by the 

master process under the account you specified in the configuration file 

with the user directive (detailed in Chapter 2, Basic Nginx Configuration ). The 

configuration setting takes precedence over the configure switch you may 

have entered at compile time. If you did not specify any of those, the worker 

processes will be started as user nobody, and group nobody (or nogroup 

depending on your OS).


(3)Nginx command-line switches

# cd /usr/local/nginx/sbin

# ./nginx -h


(4)Starting and stopping the daemon

You can start Nginx by running the Nginx binary without any switches.


nginx –s stop Stops the daemon immediately (using the TERM signal)

nginx –s quit Stops the daemon gracefully (using the QUIT signal)

nginx –s reopen Reopens the log files

nginx –s reload Reloads the configuration



[root@example.com ~]# killall nginx



/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx –t

A valid configuration file does not necessarily mean Nginx will start though as there might be additional

problems such as socket issues, invalid paths, or incorrect access permissions.



./nginx –t –c /home/alex/test.conf


$ cp -i /home/alex/test.conf /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf ./nginx –t –c /home/alex/test.conf

cp: erase 'nginx.conf' ? yes

$ ./nginx –s reload


下面的命令不仅仅可以告诉你当前的 Nginx build version,还能得知构建时传的参数

$ ./nginx -V


是不是语法错啦?第2反应有没有包含该模块啊?运行nginx -V就能回答你的问题了。


另外,-g 选项可以指定额外的配置指令(假如在配置文件中没有包含)

$ ./nginx –g "timer_resolution 200ms";




    - **新手起步**:适合Nginx初学者的基础指南。 - **URI匹配策略**:讲解Nginx如何高效地匹配URL路径。 - **日志服务详解**:介绍Nginx的日志记录功能,包括定制化日志格式和高级日志分析。 - **安全与访问控制**:...

    agentzh 的 Nginx 教程(版本 2016.07.21)整理成pdf 添加书签

    - **Nginx新手起步**:入门级教程,适合初学者。 - **Nginx是如何匹配URI的**:讲解Nginx的URI匹配机制。 - **Nginx变量漫谈**:如上所述。 - **Nginx配置指令的执行顺序**:如上所述。 - **Nginx的if是邪恶的*...

    nginx 的一些配置



    1. **新手起步**:介绍了Nginx的基础概念和安装配置过程,适合初学者快速入门。 2. **Nginx是如何匹配URI的**:详细解释了Nginx如何解析和匹配URL,以及location块的工作原理。 3. **Nginx变量漫谈**:如上所述,...


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    - **新手起步**:介绍了Nginx的基本概念和配置方式,例如location匹配规则、静态文件服务、日志记录等。 - **反向代理和负载均衡**:Nginx的一大优势在于其反向代理功能和负载均衡能力,本书详细讲解了这些知识,并...


    (三)Gitlab Runner搭建起步 (四)使用maven镜像自动化构建Spring Boot项目 (五)使用ssh命令自动化部署 (六)使用Apifox进行自动化测试 (七)使用Jmeter进行自动化压测 (八)用nginx收集测试报告 (九...

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