Android ships with SQLite, a fully transactional database engine based on the SQL-92 standard.
First, SQLite doesn't require a client-server architecture. SQLite can be embedded directly with the application that uses it, communicating with it via simple function calls instead of complex IPC mechanisms.
(IPC——typically via sockets)
SQLite doesn't require configuration files or installation procedures.
supports ACID compliant transactions, and supports B-tree indexing for fast data access.
It also has its limitations though, Writing to a database table will lock the entire database, resulting in reduced throughput where high concurrency is desired. That's typically not the case in a mobile application.
Much worse is SQLite's limited support for ALTER TABLE statements, making schema migrations painful
to handle. This can be a serious problem when deploying updates to your application.
MySQL 5.6 InnoDB Storage Engine Architecture
innodb storage engine architecture innodb存储引擎架构
《Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005 The Storage Engine》是一本深入探讨Microsoft SQL Server 2005存储引擎的专业书籍。这本书主要针对SQL Server数据库管理、开发和优化的专业人士,旨在帮助读者理解数据库内部的...
NULL 博文链接:
藏经阁-X-Engine_ An Optimized Storage Engine for Large-scale E-commerce Transaction Processing X-Engine 是阿里巴巴集团开发的一款优化的存储引擎,旨在处理大规模电子商务交易处理。该引擎基于 POLARDB 构建...
SequoiaSQL - MySQL Storage Engine is a distributed MySQL storage engine. It currently supports SequoiaDB 3.x as the backend database, and it will be extended to multiple databases such like MongoDB/...
《深入Microsoft SQL Server 2005之存储引擎》 英文chm
然而,当你尝试执行一个依赖于InnoDB存储引擎的SQL文件时,如果系统报出“Error: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB'”的错误,这意味着MySQL服务器无法识别或不支持InnoDB引擎。这通常是由于MySQL配置不当或InnoDB...
标题与描述均提到了“MariaDB与Cassandra的互操作性”,这主要指的是MariaDB中的Cassandra存储引擎(Cassandra Storage Engine)。这是一个重要的知识点,它实现了MariaDB与Cassandra数据库之间的桥梁,允许用户在...
This practical, hands-on book offers deep, thorough coverage of the internals of architecture and resource management in SQL Server 2005, focusing on the Storage Engine. The book features extensive ...
在my.ini(linux下/etc/my.cnf)加上skip-...看下mysql目录的错误日志: 引用 090613 10:15:27 [ERROR] Default storage engine (InnoDB) is not available 090613 10:15:27 [ERROR] Aborting 090613 10:15:27 [Note] C:\...
标题中的“Unknown system variable 'storage_engine'”是一个MySQL数据库错误信息,表示系统未找到名为'storage_engine'的变量。这个变量在MySQL 5.7版本中被弃用,替换为'innodb_storage_engine'。这通常是由于旧...
### 关于PBXT存储引擎的实用指南 #### 引言 在MySQL的众多存储引擎中,PBXT(PrimeBase eXtreme Transaction)是一个相对较新的事务型存储引擎,以其高性能和稳定性著称。本文旨在详细介绍PBXT存储引擎的核心功能...
在进行MySQL数据库操作时,可能会遇到“Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine”这样的错误提示。此错误通常发生在尝试向设置了自动增长(AUTO_INCREMENT)属性的字段插入数据时。 #### 二、...
《Microsoft SQl Server 2005技术内幕:存储引擎》是Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000的作者Kalen Delaney的又一经典著作,是Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005系列四本著作中的一本。《Microsoft SQl Server 2005...