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To know how to deal with it, we need to discuss the basics first. The filesystem type is recorded at least in two separate places
Three significantly different combinations are thus possible.
If the volume filesystem type information is unavailable, attempting CHKDSK against the volume will result in the following message: The type of the filesystem is RAW. Sometimes, the volume fails in such a way that it becomes RAW. In most cases the failure will be associated with a sudden reboot (per power failure or the STOP error). Several causes are possible: partition table, LDM database, or the volume boot sector corruption, or (on the NTFS volume) when certain records in both MFT and MFT mirror are damaged beyond easy recognition. |
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"RAW filesystem" recovery expectations |
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The data recovery should not be complicated because the volume location info is still available. Be advised that some arbitrary filesystem type may be associated with the volume when you attempt to identify it amongst the list of the available volumes.
Notice the highlighted volume - it is the same H: volume featured in the earlier screenshot. It has the correct size (128MB) and the correct on-disk location (starting at 200+40+40 = 280MB from the start of disk), but the filesystem type of "Large FAT16" is not a good bet because the volume is in fact NTFS - the filesystem type information in the LDM database got corrupt (yeah, I know because I did it in purpose). This fact will be later discovered by ZAR and the appropriate decision will be made to treat the volume as NTFS, and in this test case an exact recovery is ultimately achieved. In a real world case, the recovery expectations vary depending on the damage profile and locality. Overall, I'd expect a good yield. Exact recovery is possible if the damage is confined to the boot sector(s) and/or partition table (however there is no easy way to tell if it is). Suggested course of action is thus as usual: to download our data recovery tool (click here for a download page) and try it. Be sure to check this page as well. |
注:今天本来想查点RAW FileSystem的资料,无意中找到这篇关于RAW FileSystem恢复的,还算得上是一篇资料文章哦,所以就转贴过来了!~
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