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可以参考最新的文档:如何在eclipse jee中检出项目并转 ...
eclipse 配置maven web项目 -
huzhenyu 写道楼主很用心,讲得十分清楚,非常实用!呵呵 ...
eclipse 配置maven web项目 -
eclipse 配置maven web项目 -
java 多线程 CountDownLatch用法 -
Perl语言编程,作为一门强大的文本处理和脚本编程语言,由Larry Wall、Tom Christiansen和Jon Orwant共同创作,并在第三版中得到了进一步完善。这本书是Perl学习者的宝贵资源,无论你是初学者还是有一定编程经验的...
Perl Best Practices author Damian Conway explains that rules, conventions, standards, and practices not only help programmers communicate and coordinate with one another, they also provide a reliable...
Whether you are into CGI scripting or full-fledged Perl projects with hundreds of modules, EPIC is the most feature-rich and extensible free Perl IDE available today, thanks to a seamless integration...
Perl 5.16 or newer (Perl 5.20 or 5.22 preferred). Installation/upgrade instructions included. Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Perl Philosophy Chapter 2. Perl and Its Community Chapter 3. The Perl ...
Perl is a high-level programming language with roots in C, sed, awk and shell scripting....Install this package if you want to program in Perl or enable your system to handle Perl scripts.
And because it has its own simple templating language, templates can be written and edited by people who don't know Perl. In short, the Template Toolkit combines the best features of its competitors,...
In this preface, I’ll tell you about the history of Minimal Perl and the origins of this book. THE HISTORY OF MINIMAL PERL The seeds of this book were sown many years ago, when I was building up my ...
Regular expressions and finding motifs in data, Arrays, hashes, and relational databases, Regular expressions and restriction maps, Using Perl to parse PDB records, annotations in GenBank, and BLAST ...
**Expect.pm** 是Perl的一个模块,它可以让你在Perl程序中使用Expect的功能。通过这个模块,可以在Perl脚本中轻松实现Expect的各种功能,比如创建进程、等待响应、发送数据等。 #### 五、具体应用场景实例 **1. ...
ActivePerl from ActiveState and all other modern implementations of Perl. To use this book, you just need to be familiar with the material in Learning Perl and have the ambition to go further. ...
《Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture》一书由《The Perl Journal》的原编辑和出版人Jon Orwant编纂,这是三个精选系列中的第三部。 这本书中包含的47篇文章是关于游戏、消遣以及Perl独特文化的一些最棒的Perl...
If you’re just getting started with Perl, this is the book you want—whether you’re a programmer, system administrator, or web hacker. Nicknamed "the Llama" by two generations of users, this ...
printf "The value is %d and the string is %s\n", 42, "Perl"; ``` 在这个例子中,`%d` 表示整数占位符,`%s` 表示字符串占位符。`printf` 函数支持多种格式化选项,如 `%c` (字符)、`%d` (十进制整数)、`%f` ...
* 逻辑操作符:and、or、not 等 * 上下文强制符:scalar、list、hash 等 结构控制 结构控制语句是 Perl 中控制程序流程的语句。下面是 Perl 中常用的结构控制语句: * 选择语句:IF、unless、switch 等 * 循环...
This section introduces fundamental concepts related to Perl/Tk, including the relationship between Perl and Tk, and how they work together to create GUI applications. It covers the basic architecture...
This book uses different typefaces to help you differentiate between Perl code and regular English, and also to help you identify important concepts. l Actual Perl code is typeset in a special ...
Perl(Practical Extraction and Report Language,实用提取与报告语言)是由 Larry Wall 在上世纪80年代开发的一种脚本语言。起初,Perl 被设计用于生成从多种数据源提取的报告,它比当时的 awk 更加强大,能够处理...
Regular expressions and finding motifs in data, Arrays, hashes, and relational databases, Regular expressions and restriction maps, Using Perl to parse PDB records, annotations in GenBank, and BLAST ...
- **逻辑运算符**:`and`、`or`、`not`。 - **位操作符**:`&`、`|`、`^`、`~`、`、`>>`。 - **赋值操作符**:`=、+=、-=、*=、/=、%=、.=`等。 #### 控制结构 - **选择控制** - `if`语句:根据条件执行代码块。 ...