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how to install oracle 10g on fedora (转载)


Written by Werner Puschitz.

Installing Oracle Database 10g on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux AS 4, 3, 2.1, Red Hat Fedora Core 3 , 1 and on RH 9


* I felt I had to copy Mr. Werner Puschitz Oracle 10g install guide since I think its one of the best and more concise guides on the internet. Beleive me, ive followed several install guides for Linux and also for MacOsX and this guide is world class. Thanks a lot Werner, in case you see this. (Felipe Cruz) *

The following procedure is a step-by-step guide (Cookbook) with tips and information for installing Oracle Database 10g on Red Hat Linux. Oracle10g is the easiest Oracle on Linux installation so far.

This guide shows how I installed:
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 (RHELAS4)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3 (RHELAS3)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 2.1 (RHELAS2.1)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Fedora Core 3 (FC3)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Fedora Core 3 (FC3)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Fedora Core 1 (FC1)
- Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat 9 (RH9)

These instructions will also work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1 and 3.

Oracle Database 10g on other Linux Distributions

People recommended this installation guide also for:

WhiteBox Linux 3

Works exactly like on RHELAS3.


For Validations/Certifications, go to Oracle's Certification Matrices.

This article covers the following subjects and steps:

* Downloading Oracle10g Software and Burning Oracle10g CDs
* Checking Memory and Swap Space
* Checking /tmp Space
* Checking Software Packages (RPMs)
Checking the kernel RPM
Checking glibc RPMs
Checking gcc, make, and binutils RPMs
Checking the openmotif RPM
Checking the setarch RPM
Checking the redhat-release RPM
* Checking Kernel Parameters
* Sizing Disk Space for Oracle10g
* Creating Oracle User Accounts
* Setting Shell Limits for the Oracle User
* Creating Oracle Directories
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) for 10g (
* Setting Oracle Environments
* Installing Oracle10g
Installing Oracle10g on a Remote Linux Server
Starting Oracle Universal Installer
Using Oracle Universal Installer
Updates after Running Oracle Universal Installer
* Oracle Post-installation Tasks
Startup and Shutdown of the Oracle10g Database
Shutdown of other Oracle 10g Background Processes
* Tips and Hints for Oracle10g on Linux
* Oracle10g/Linux Errors and Problems
* References

Downloading Oracle10g Software and Burning Oracle10g CDs

Download Oracle10g for Linux from OTN:

NOTE: To install a Oracle Database 10g (without RAC) you only need to download the file ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz.

Compute a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum for the downloaded files and compare the checksum numbers against the numbers posted on OTN's website. For example:

cksum ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz

Uncompress the downloaded file(s):

gunzip ship.db.lnx32.cpio.gz

Unpack ship.db.lnx32.cpio:

$ cpio -idmv < ship.db.lnx32.cpio

I executed the following command to burn the Disk1 directory on a CD:

# mkisofs -r Disk1 | cdrecord -v dev=0,0,0 speed=20 -

(Drives' speed varies; you can get the dev numbers when you execute cdrecord -scanbus).

Checking Memory and Swap Space

Oracle says that the system must have at least 512MB of RAM and 1GB of swap space or twice the size of RAM. And for systems with more than 2 GB of RAM, the swap space can be between one and two times the size of RAM. You might also want to check out Sizing Swap Space.
For test sake I tried to install an Oracle Database 10g (Type: General Purpose Database) on a little PC with 256MB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. I was able to get a 10g database up and running on this little PC without a problem.

To check the size of physical memory, execute:

grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

To check the size of swap space, execute:

grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

You also can add temporary swap space to your system by creating a temporary swap file instead of using a raw device. Here is the procedure:

su - root
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmpswap bs=1k count=900000
chmod 600 tmpswap
mkswap tmpswap
swapon tmpswap

To disable the temporary swap space execute the following commands:

su - root
swapoff tmpswap
rm tmpswap

Checking /tmp Space

According to Oracle's documentation, the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) requires up to 400 MB of free space in the /tmp directory. But OUI checks if /tmp is only greater than 80 MB.

To check the space in /tmp, run:

$ df /tmp

If you do not have enough space in the /tmp filesystem, you can temporarily create a tmp directory in another filesystem. Here is how you can do this:

su - root
mkdir /<anotherfilesystem>/tmp</anotherfilesystem>
chown root.root /<anotherfilesystem>/tmp</anotherfilesystem>
chmod 1777 /<anotherfilesystem>/tmp</anotherfilesystem>
export TEMP=/<anotherfilesystem> # used by Oracle</anotherfilesystem>
export TMPDIR=/<anotherfilesystem> # used by Linux programs like the linker "ld"</anotherfilesystem>

When you are done with the Oracle installation, shutdown Oracle and remove the temporary /tmp directory:

su - root
rmdir /<anotherfilesystem>/tmp</anotherfilesystem>
unset TEMP
unset TMPDIR

Checking Software Packages (RPMs)

Before you install a Oracle Database 10g, you need to check the system for required RPMs. For example, when I installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 I selected the default installation environment with the default package list. Because of that some required RPMs like gcc, redhat-release, and others were missing.

The installation of Oracle10g on my RHELAS3 and RHELAS4 systems worked fine without installing any compatibility RPMs like compat-gcc, compat-libstdc++, etc.

Checking the kernel RPM

It is important that the kernel version for RHELAS2.1 is 2.4.9-e.25 or higher. To check the kernel version run:

uname -r

For more information on upgrading the kernel, see Upgrading the Linux Kernel.

Checking glibc RPMs

The glibc version that comes with RHELAS4, RHELAS3, RH9, FC1, and FC3 CDs passed Oracle's "Product-specific Prerequisite" checks.

For RHELAS2.1 I had to upgrade glibc in order to pass Oracle's "Product-specific Prerequisite" checks. Oracle's recommended glibc version is or higher. For RHELAS2.1 I downloaded the latest glibc RPMs and I executed the following command:

su - root
rpm -Uvh glibc-2.2.4-32.11.i686.rpm glibc-common-2.2.4-32.11.i386.rpm

Checking gcc, make, and binutils RPMs

Verify that the following RPMs are installed:
- For RHELAS4 the 10g check will fail for gcc and binutils. Ignore this failed check and proceed.
- For RHELAS3 and RHELAS2.1: make-3.79 or newer
- For RHELAS3 and RHELAS2.1: binutils- or newer
- For RHELAS3: gcc-3.2.3-2 or newer
- For RHELAS2.1: gcc-2.96-108.1 or newer

rpm -q gcc make binutils

On my RHELAS4 system, the make and binutils RPMs were already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system. You can find these RPMs on RHELAS4 disk 3 (you can also use newer package versions).
Note that the 10g OUI Product-specific Prerequisite check will fail for the gcc and binutils versions on RHELAS4. You can ignore this failed check and proceed.

su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.4.3-9.EL4.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.3.4-2.i386.rpm \
glibc-headers-2.3.4-2.i386.rpm \

On my RHELAS3 system, the make and binutils RPMs were already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system. You can find these RPMs on RHELAS3 disk 3 (you can also use newer package versions).

su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.2.3-20.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.3.i386.rpm \
glibc-headers-2.3.2-95.3.i386.rpm \

On RHELAS2.1 system, the binutils and gcc RPMs will be missing if you did not select the "Software Development" package group during the "RedHat 2.1 Advanced Server" installation. To satisfy dependencies, execute the following command:

su - root
rpm -ivh gcc-2.96-108.1.i386.rpm \
binutils- \
cpp-2.96-108.1.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.2.4-32.11.i386.rpm \

On my RH9 system, the make RPM was already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system (you can also a use newer gcc version). Note that RH9 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM versions for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPMs that came with the RH9 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on RH9 with these RPMs:

su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.3.2-5.i386.rpm \
cpp-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm \
glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.10.i386.rpm \

On my FC1 system, the make RPM was already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system (you can also a use newer gcc version). Note that FC1 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM versions for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPMs that came with the FC1 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on FC1 with these RPMs:

su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.3.2-1.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.3.2-101.i386.rpm \
cpp-3.3.2-1.i386.rpm \
glibc-headers-2.3.2-101.i386.rpm \
glibc-kernheaders-2.4-8.36.i386.rpm \

On my FC3 system, the make RPM was already installed. However, I had to install a few other RPMs to satisfy dependencies of gcc which was not installed on my system (you can also a use newer gcc version). Note that FC3 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM versions for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPMs that came with the FC3 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on FC3 with these RPMs:

su - root
rpm -Uvh gcc-3.4.2-6.fc3.i386.rpm \
cpp-3.4.2-6.fc3.i386.rpm \
glibc-devel-2.3.3-74.i386.rpm \
glibc-headers-2.3.3-74.i386.rpm \

NOTE: The gcc version that comes with FC3 will not pass Oracle's "Product-specific Prerequisite" checks. I ignored this warning on FC3.

Checking the openmotif RPM

For RHELAS4 the 10g check will fail for openmotif. Ignore this failed check and proceed.
For RHELAS3 verify that openmotif-2.2.2-16 or a newer RPM version is installed.
For RHELAS2.1 verify that openmotif-2.1.30-11 or a newer RPM version is installed.

rpm -q openmotif

For RHELAS4, execute the following command if openmotif is not installed (you can also use a newer package version).
Note that the 10g OUI Product-specific Prerequisite check will fail for the openmotif version on RHELAS4. You can ignore this failed check and proceed.

su - root
rpm -ivh openmotif-2.2.3-6.RHEL4.2.i386.rpm xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL.i386.rpm

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if openmotif is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):

su - root
rpm -ivh openmotif-2.2.2-16.i386.rpm

For RHELAS2.1, execute the following command if openmotif is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):

su - root
rpm -ivh openmotif-2.1.30-11.i386.rpm

On RH9, I executed the following command to install openmotif (you can also use a newer package version). Note that RH9 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM version for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPM that came with the RH9 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on RH9 with this RPM.

su - root
rpm -Uvh openmotif-2.2.2-14.i386.rpm

On FC1, I executed the following command to install openmotif (you can also use a newer package version). Note that FC1 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM version for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPM that came with the FC1 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on FC1 with this RPM.

su - root
rpm -Uvh openmotif-2.2.2-16.1.i386.rpm

On FC3, I executed the following command to install openmotif (you can also use a newer package version). Note that FC3 is not supported by Oracle, and you will have a hard time to find the right RPM version for Oracle10g. I tried to use the RPM that came with the FC3 CDs which are easily available to everyone. I did not had any problems installing an Oracle Database 10g (General Purpose Database) on FC3 with this RPM.

su - root
rpm -Uvh openmotif-2.2.3-6.i386.rpm xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-12.i386.rpm

Checking the setarch RPM

For RHELAS3, verify that the setarch-1.3-1 RPM or a newer RPM version is installed on your system:

rpm -q setarch

The setarch utility is new in RHEL4, RHEL3 and Fedora Core. It is used to tell the kernel to report a different architecture than the current one. It is also used to emulate a 3GB virtual address space for applications that don't run properly with a larger virtual address space.

On RHELAS4, the setarch RPM should already be installed by default.

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if setarch is not installed (you can also use a newer package version):

su - root
rpm -Uvh setarch-1.3-1.i386.rpm

For RHELAS2.1 and RH9 there is no setarch RPM.

For FC1, you can execute the following command if setarch is not installed (you can also use a newer package version). But you won't really need it.

su - root
rpm -Uvh setarch-1.0-1.i386.rpm

For FC3, you can execute the following command if setarch is not installed (you can also use a newer package version). But you won't really need it.

su - root
rpm -Uvh setarch-1.6-1.i386.rpm

Checking the redhat-release RPM

Verify that the redhat-release RPM is installed on your Red Hat system:

rpm -q redhat-release

This RPM is important for RHEL since RHELAS4, RHELAS3, and RHELAS2.1 are Linux releases supported by Oracle. Without this RPM, Oracle 10g OUI won't be able to recognize it as a supported OS. However, the 10g installer does not recognize RHELAS4 as a supported release yet. This means that you will have to edit the /etc/redhat-release file, see below.

On RHELAS4, the redhat-release RPM should already be installed by default. But note that the 10g installer does not recognize RHELAS4 as a supported release yet. This means you will have to edit the /etc/redhat-release file, see below.

For RHELAS3, execute the following command if redhat-release was not installed on your system (redhat-release can be found on RHELAS3 disk 1):

su - root
rpm -ivh redhat-release-3AS-1.i386.rpm

For RHELAS2.1, execute the following command if redhat-release is not installed on your system (redhat-release can be found on RHELAS3 disk 1):

su - root
rpm -ivh redhat-release-as-2.1AS-4.noarch.rpm

NOTE: On RHELAS4, RH9, and FC you have to change the /etc/redhat-release file to make Oracle 10g believe it's running on a supported release.
Regarding RHELAS4, the 10g installer does not recognize RHELAS4 as a supported release yet.

To change the /etc/redhat-release file, you can simply copy/paste the following commands:

su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release /etc/redhat-release.orig
cat > /etc/redhat-release << EOF
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)

After you are done with the Oracle10g installation, undo the changes you made to /etc/redhat-release:

su - root
cp /etc/redhat-release.orig /etc/redhat-release

NOTE: On FC3 you don't have to edit /etc/redhat-release since the OUI is not very clever. If OUI finds e.g. digit number "3" in the /etc/redhat-release file, you pass the "operating system version" check.

I do not recommend to execute "runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs" since this will disable other checks you probably don't want to.

Checking Kernel Parameters

To see all kernel parameters, execute:

su - root
sysctl -a

For Oracle10g, the following kernel parameters have to be set to values greater than or equal to the recommended values which can be changed in the proc filesystem:

shmmax = 2147483648 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax)
shmmni = 4096 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni)
shmall = 2097152 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall)
shmmin = 1 (To verify, execute: ipcs -lm |grep "min seg size")
shmseg = 10 (It's hardcoded in the kernel - the default is much higher)

semmsl = 250 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $1}')
semmns = 32000 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $2}')
semopm = 100 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $3}')
semmni = 128 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem | awk '{print $4}')

file-max = 65536 (To verify, execute: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max)


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